Chapter: 18 {Leave Me Alone}

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As the bell rang Rowan walked to her locker opening it.


"Hey Baby!" Said Chris.

"Chris you could've really hurt me!" Said Rowan angrily. "What if you hit my hand!?" Asked Rowan.

"You mean like this?" Said Chris as he raised his arm and five stared Rowan's hand.

"Ow!" Said Rowan as she took a step back.

"So, want to go eat lunch?" Asked Chris.

"What no! Leave me alone." Said Rowan as she turned around to walk away.

"Hey Rowan remember when Peyton said I was tricking you and saying that I don't care about you, and then remember when you were all like no your lying Peyton Chris does care about me!" Said Chris as he started to laugh.

"Hilarious!" Said Rowan sarcastically.

"Where's Peyton?" Asked Chris.

"He'll be here!" Said Rowan.

"No he won't!" Said Chris as he explained to Rowan the plan.

"Why do you like to mess with me!?" Said Rowan.

"Because it's funny." Said Chris as he held Rowan's hand.

"You want to see something else that's funny?" Said Rowan pulling away.

"Sure." Said Chris happily.

Rowan opened her locker and put the flower crown and Chris's head.

"My pretty Daisy." She said.

Rowan then leaned in and kissed Chris.

"Kiss me again!" He demanded.

"Okay!" Said Rowan happily.

She then lifted her arm up and punched Chris in the noose.

"Ow!" He said as he lay on the floor.

Rowan picked up her backpack and ran to Mr. Hale's classroom.

"Peyton!" She said as she wrapped her arm's around him.

"Rowan are you hurt?" He asked with a face full of concern.

"Hurt?" Asked the Principle.

Rowan turned around to realize that there was Mr.Hale and the Principal standing before her.

"No but Chris is." Said Rowan.

"Rowan please WHAT are you doing here?" Asked the teacher.

"John and Chris were planning to "mess" with me at lunch-"

"What do you mean by mess?" Asked the principle concerned.

"Well I'm not quite sure, he likes to remind me of regrets, we dated for like 2 days, and be tries to just basically get to me." Said Rowan. "And Peyton is usually my body guard." I continued.

"Wait so your saying both Chris is and John Blake tried to get Peyton in trouble so that they can mess with you without having Peyton be here to block you?" Asked the Principal.

"Yea pretty much." I respond.

"Mr. John!?" Asked the Principal.

"This was all Chris's idea, it wasn't my fault, I truthfully am like a bigger brother to Rowan." Said John.

"Oh no! It's fine I already have enough brothers." Smiled Rowan.

"But your the only child, you have a step brother but he's like 23!" Said John.

"How do you know so much about me?" I asked.

"OKAY! This is off track so everyone is dismissed and Rowan if Chris bothers you again tell me." Said the Principal.

"Okay." I said with a quick smile.

"LETS go!" Said Peyton wrapping his arm around me.

"Okay." I smiled.

(A/N: Short Chapter! I'm at a sleepover and we're heading off to the beach in like 1 hour, so I'm going to try to update I Think I'm In Love With You 2! Thanks for 1K! Wow! Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and read more! Bye!)

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