Chapter: 8 {The next day at school} Part: 1

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-At First Period-

"Hey." Said Peyton as Rowan walked into class.

"Hi." Said Rowan with a big smile on her face.

Rowan felt happy, lucky, and amazed that everything was happening so fast. Sure it was only the second day of school but here's the thing it doesn't matter about the day it matters that Rowan might actually have a friend again.

"So my place again tonight?" Asked Peyton.

"No my place we went to yours yesterday." Said Rowan as she sat down on her chair.

"Well only to work on our science project right?" Asked Peyton with a smirk on his face.

God he's so cute. Thought Rowan.

"No Peyton! Don't get any ideas! We are ONLY and ONLY working on our project." Smiled Rowan.

"Boo!" Laughed Peyton.

"Maybe you can stay for dinner." Smiled Rowan.

"Okay then I'm in! As long as there's free food!" Said Peyton.

"Free for you, but it costs money for my parents." Said Rowan.

"Well dua! I wasn't expecting your parents to get it for free." Laughed Peyton.

"Class! Class, if everyone could please-"

And I'll stop you there! I mean all that would happen is the teacher talking about lame stuff about his stupid history class! No offense to you historians reading, I just don't see the point of History.

-nutrition (First Break)-

"Hey, I have to go up to my sixth period class, guess what?! He said I'm receiving an award!" Said Peyton happily.

"For what? It's only the second day of school." Asked Rowan.

"I don't know Chris just told me to hurry!!!" Said Peyton running off.

But surly enough it was all a trick!

*Peyton trying to open the door*

"Chris?" Asked Peyton as let go of the door.

"Hey." Said Chris.

"Where's Mr. Land?" Asked Peyton. "It's not opening!" He continued.

"I know look-" said Chris.

"Dude we need to chat." Said John.

"Chat? Dude no guy says Chat." Laughed Peyton.

"Are you calling me a girl? Because that's really not your best option right now." Said John.

"Dude what's up?" Asked Peyton confused on why John was so mad.

"You, what's wrong with you man?! I don't care who she is! I don't even really understand it! But she isn't us!" Said John.

"Who's us?!" Asked Peyton.

"We are the school royalty! Dude if she starts to hangout with you then anyone is going to think they can hangout with you! Do us and you a favor leave her." Said John.

"John no! Look I'm leaving." Said Peyton.

"Yo." Said John.

"What?" Asked Peyton turning around.

From out of the stock room closet two boys from the high school football team came out and grabbed Peyton.

"Look I don't want to but I will." Said John.

"Oh what? Your going to beat me up?! I'd like to see you try." Said Peyton.

"Well I got two boys pinning you down right now so I'd say I'm winning." Said John.
"You want to screw up your last two years in school cause your hanging out with some dork then go ahead! But think of this! When high school is over do you see your future with Rowan? Do you still see you and Rowan talking after high school? Because trust me, if you spend 11th and 12th grade with her what happens next? She leaves you. Goes off to NYU. And what do you do? Your alone, I don't want that bro! Your my best friend, I'm doing this to help you, leave her." Continued John.

"Chris?" Asked Peyton.

"I agree with John. I left her, it's time you do to." Said Chris.

"Fine! Fine! You want me to stay with you guys! You want me to be miserable! You want me to tell a insecure girl that I don't like her and I don't want to be her friend? Okay I will! Whatever I don't care! I've known her for a day! So guess what I don't care! And I shouldn't!" Said Peyton.

"Let him go." Said John.

"But I swear to god John, if anything happens to her, I will come after you and trust me I will the one standing up and you'll be on the floor." Said Peyton.

"Okay, I spread that to Olivia." Said John.

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