Chapter: 21 {I Love You Peyton... I mean Chris?}

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"My head hurts so bad!" Moaned Rowan as she lay her head on Chris' legs still thinking it was Peyton.

"Rowan I really like you." Said Chris.

"Oh Peyton I like you too!" Said Rowan.

"Your so pretty!" Said Chris.

"Thanks honey. I'm going to go sleep now." Said Rowan.

"Okay honey." Said Chris.

"Want to snuggle?" Asked Rowan sliding off Chris' shirt.

"Sure honey." Said Chris as he wrapped the blankets over him and Rowan.

"Hey! Hey!" Yelled Peyton.

"What's up Peyton?" Asked John.

"Where's Rowan?" He asked.

"Oh she-"

"Hey Peyton." Said Olivia as she slid her arm up his shirt.

"Whoa!?! Olivia! I-"

"I got you something." Smiled Olivia as she took out the beer from her purse.

"Red bull?" He asked as he turned it around.

"Yep." Smiled Olivia.

"What do I have to do for this?" Asked Peyton.

"Dance with me." Smiled Olivia.

"Dance?! Just dance with you!? This will be easy." Said Peyton as he grabbed Olivia's arm and led her outside.

"Peyton... Will you hold me?" Asked Rowan. "I'm cold." She continued.

"Anything for you love." Said Chris.

"Oh Peyton!" Said Olivia as she started to kiss him. Peyton kissed back sliding his hands up her shirt, just as he reached her bra he realized what was happening he pushed her away.

"You tried to get me drunk!" Shot Peyton.

"Only so you'd kiss me!" Laughed Olivia as she slid her arms around his neck.

"Olivia get off I have a girlfriend!" He demanded.

"Hahaha yea! She's in John's bedroom kissing Chris!" Laughed Olivia.

"What!?" Asked Peyton.

Peyton ran over to John and grabbed him by his collar.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" He asked.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hands off me!" Demanded John.

"Not until you tell me!?" Said Peyton.

"She had a headache I brought her to my room to rest and took care of her!" Said John.

"You little liar! Why would you do that! You hate her!" Said Peyton.

"Dude! You think I hate her?! I don't! Your the one over here dancing and making out with Olivia while your girlfriend has a bad headache!" Said John as he punched Peyton so he would let go.

"Is she in your room?!" Said Peyton.

"Yes! But we have a problem Chris is in their too." Said John.

"What the-"

Right away John Blake ran up to his room.

"Peyton's coming!" He yelled.

"Rowan!" Said Peyton as he ran into the John's room.

But Rowan was still fast asleep.

"Rowan?" He asked.

"Come on Chris it's over!" Shot John.

Chris slowly pulled the covers down and slid out of bed.

"Here!" He said to Peyton as he through a pink bra at him.

"What is?!" Said Peyton.

"Dude did you?" Asked John.

"No! Haha! I got you! That was Penny's, she left it in my car." Said Chris with a smirk on his face.

"Poor Rowan!" Said Peyton as he ran to her.

Chris then went back in the bed and lay next to Rowan.

"Peyton?" Asked Rowan with her eyes wide open.

"Honey!" Said Chris as he slid his arms around her waist pulling her closer.

"No! Rowan!" Said Peyton as he ripped of the blankets and carried her to the restroom locking the door behind him.

"Peyton?" Asked Rowan.

"Yea. Are you better? What's wrong? Are you hurt? What did CHRIS do to you?" Asked Peyton.

"Chris?" Asked Rowan confused.

"Yea he was with you. I guess he was pretending to be me." Said Peyton as he sat down.

"He did! I... I'm just so confused-"

"Oh Rowan! I'm so sorry." Said Peyton. "I should've never left your side!" He continued.

"Rowan please!" Said Chris as he banged on the door.

"Chris?" Asked Rowan unlocking it.

"Rowan why would you unlock it?!" Asked Peyton.


"You what?" Asked Rowan.

"Well I-"

"What's going on!?" Asked Rowan.

"Come on Rowan!" Said John as he grabbed her hand and walked her out.

"Why the hell is your shirt off?!" Asked Peyton shoving Chris.

"Because Rowan took it off!" Said Chris shoving Peyton back.

"You have 1 minute to explain what and why you-"

"Relax! I just came to have fun, the worst we did was kiss, she just told me she loved me and I played along, then she kissed me and yea." Said Chris.

"You didn't have-"

"No! I would never do something like that to Rowan, I'm not that sick." Said Chris.

"Then why? Why do you do this?!" Asked Chris.

"Because I can." Said Chris with a smirk on his face.

(A/N: Did you guys enjoy? I will be posting next chapter ASAP! Now tell me: Do you think Chris still has feelings for Rowan or is just doing this because he's a man whore? Also what's up with John? Does he not care anymore that Rowan isn't "School Royalty" or is Rowan "School Royalty"!? I mean with all the attention she's getting with John and Chris? She might be the first ever nerd to be "School Royalty" BYE GUYS!!!)

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