Chapter: 16 {Okay Just Stop}

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-A Few Days Later-

"I thought we were going on a date tonight?" Asked Penny.

"I know, I know. But I have to visit my grandma." Lied Chris.

   Just as Chris had said that Peyton was making his way to his locker. As he approached his locker he saw Penny and Chris. Peyton ran to the nearest hiding spot which was behind a tree and hid as he listened closely to what they were saying.

"Chris are you cheating on me?"

  Cheating!? Thought Peyton.

"No! I'm not." Said Chris innocently.

"Yes he is!" I said jumping out of the tree.

"Peyton?" Said Penny in shock.

"He is!" Said Peyton happily. "You see I know your tricks! I knew you never cared about Rowan you little man whore!" Yelled Peyton.

"Whoa Peyton calm down." Said Chris. "You do realize that Rowan and I broke up three days ago, little cry baby been's absent since. Haha." Said Chris.

"What!?" Said Peyton in shock.

"Yea." Said Chris as he grabbed Penny's hand and walked off.

-Back At Rowan's-

"Rowan let's go!!" Said Jonathan as he opened her door.

"No! Please I don't want to go to school." Begged Rowan with the covers over her head.

  "Why?" Asked Jonathan.

"Because I dont! Everyone sucks!" Said Rowan as the tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"What about Peyton?" Asked Jonathan. 

"Peyton?" Asked Rowan as her head slowly started to rise up. "PEYTON!" She continued. She jumped out of bed ran to her bathroom; brushed her teeth, put her hair in a messy bun, then slipped on her Ugg's.

"We have to go!" She said as she grabbed Jonathan's arm. 

"Your backpack?" He asked.

  Rowan ran to the garage and slung her backpack over her shoulder.

-At School-

  Rowan went to school just as the bell rang. She opened the school gates and looked for Peyton. She hadn't gone to school for three days because of the break up.

"Rowan?" Asked Peyton.

  Rowan turned around and ran up to Peyton she then wrapped her arm's around Peyton and gave him the biggest hug. The tears started to stream down her face. Oh how Peyton missed this.

"Peyton. Peyton. I'm so sorry! You were right! He broke up with me, he just wanted to use me!" Said Rowan crying into Peyton's shirt. "I should've believed you!" Said Rowan continuing.

"Can I beat him up?" Asked Peyton.

"No because you'll get suspended and I need you." Said Rowan.

"Now you need me?" Asked Peyton.

"Peyton please don't." Said Rowan desperately.

"You see you treat me like crap for continued months, even though I never did anything, you call me a man whore and a fuck boy even though I'm not, you then go out with a fuck boy he breaks your heart and you break up with him and finally you want me back? Most guys would move on and say your an ass bye! But I'm not going to say that. Instead I'm going to say:  Rowan I warned you, I'm here to protect you even if your not five. Your pretty and amazing! I need you Rowan, I've learned that. With everything that has happened I need you, and I have a feeling you need me. Rowan school royalty means nothing anymore because school royalty can't define who I can love and can't love! School royalty if that's what I am is nothing! You Rowan, I love you, and I need you, please next time when I try to protect you
believe me!" Said Peyton.

"Oh Peyton, I'm such a jerk." Said Rowan pulling away from the hug.

  Peyton pulled her back in.

"You have been a jerk, but your a girl, and I'm a guy, your suppose to make the guys work for it to see if he really loves you, and I do." Said Peyton.

"I know you do." Said Rowan crying.

"Please don't cry." Said Peyton.

"I'll try not too." Said Rowan as she kissed Peyton.

(A/N: YAY!!!! Yay Reyton! Boo Rish! As one of my readers would say. Lol. Anyway what did you guys think? Did some of you secretly think Rish was cute? Or no. Please let me know in the comments, don't forget to vote and I will post another chapter today! Thanks for reading and sorry it's short.)

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