Chapter: 20 {Evil Strikes Again}

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-Before School-

"Why hello Rowan!" Said Olivia with her stupid pack of cheerleaders.

"Hi Olivia shave your mustache today?" Asked Rowan.

"Sassy!" Said Kaiya as she chimed in.

"You feel all cool cause you got invited to John's party?" Asked Olivia.

"Well yea I mean he is the "hottest guy" at school." Said Rowan happily.

"Let me tell you this, his parties are where COOL people go, I don't know how you got invited and dare I say I don't even care how you got invited but watch this, TONIGHT Peyton will be in my arms and you will wish you never came!" Said Olivia laughing with her crew.

"Oh Olivia, when will you stop?" Rowan asked as she shut her locker.

"Hey Babe!" Said Peyton as she wrapped his arm around Rowan.

"Hi honey." Said Rowan kissing his lips.

"Ew! I'm out of here!" Said Olivia.

"Oh Olivia don't forget to tell him how you'll be in his arms tonight!" Said Rowan laughing.

"What?" Asked Peyton confused.

"Just Olivia being Olivia." Said Rowan once again meeting Peyton's lips.


Finally school was over it was around 6PM just 3 more hours until the party started. Rowan was In her room finding an outfit.

Knock... Knock...

"Hey." Said Peyton as he opened the door.

"Peyton I'm just in a bra!" She shot back at him.

"I like." He said with a smile.

"Ew you freak!" Said Rowan as she slid of her pants. "Which one?" She asked as she grabbed two dresses, one red and one pink.

"The pink!" Said Peyton sitting down on her bed.

"I love you." Said Rowan as she took a seat next to him.

"What if your brother comes in?!" Asked Peyton.

"Then I'll lock it!" Said Rowan as she ran to the bedroom door and locked it. She then made her way back to Peyton crawling on to him and giving him kisses all around his face.

"Rowan get dressed." He demanded.

Rowan went back to her closet and picked out her red dress and slid it on.

"I liked Pink!" Said Peyton.

"I like RED!" Rowan yelled back. Rowan then pulled her hair into a pony tail.

-At The Party-


"Hey GUYS!" Said John as he answered the door.

"Hi." Rowan said shyly.

"Rowan you look, amazing!" Said John as he reached out for Rowan's hand. Rowan grabbed it and he led her to the kitchen.

"Try this." He said as he pored a pink drink into a glass.

Rowan looked at the drink then took a sip.

"YUMMY!" She said taking another sip.

"Pink lemonade." He said smiling.

"That taste's like 4,000,000 times better!!" Said Rowan laughing.

"Yep. It's a secret recipe." Said John.

"Let's get this party started!" Said Rowan setting down her drink.

"Okay!" John yelled as they both ran into the backyard.

-1 Hour Later-

It got packed pretty fast, Rowan had lost Peyton but stayed with John.

"Ow!" Rowan moaned she grabbed a hold of John's arm and tugged him to the back of the backyard.

"What's wrong?" Asked John concerned.

"My head hurts! Ow!" Said Rowan leaning her head against the wall.

"Well I don't see Peyton here, why don't you come to my room then I'll get you some medicine." Said John guiding Rowan off to his room.

"Okay." She said as he walked her through the crowds of people in his house.

"Here you are." He said opening his door.

"My vision is all blurry, I can't see." Said Rowan.

"Whoa, you must get those suckers pretty bad." He said laying Rowan down on his bed.

"I do. That's why I need it to be quiet!" Said Rowan.

"It will be." He said... "I'll be right back." He contuied.

John shut his door and walked down the stairs.

"Hey bro!" Said Chris walking out of the restroom.

"Hey." Said John.

"Peyton and Rowan here?" Asked Chris.

"Peyton's some where but poor Rowan has a head ace." Said John sadly.

"Like a bad one?" Asked Chris concerned.

"Yea, she said her vision is blurry and her head is pounding! She's just laying in my bed." Said John entering the kitchen.

"Can I take advantage of this without you ratting me out?!" Asked Chris happily.

"Only if you promise not to tell on me." Said John.

"Okay thanks dude! I I'll pay you back!" Said Chris heading off with the glass of water and aspersions in his hand.

"Hey Rowan." He said with a smile.

"Hi John." Said Rowan tilting her head.

"Oh no babe it's Peyton." Said Chris as he sat next to Rowan on the bed.

"Oh Peyton?" Asked Rowan.

"Yea Robot!" Said Chris smiling.


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