Chapter: 7 {The Date}

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Rowan decided to not tell Peyton about her little text fight with Olivia.

"Are you sure?" Asked Peyton as he put his arm around Rowan.

"Double sure." Said Rowan.
"Peyton can I tell you something?" She continued.

"Of course!" Peyton said as he pulled into his house.

"At first I really didn't like you. And I mean... Peyton today has been amazing! The way you stood up for me in front of your friends... Peyton nobody has ever done that, I want to get to know you more! I want to be your girlfriend! Peyton I really like you!" Said Rowan.

"Rowan... I don't consider them my friends. Chris is the only cool one." Said Peyton.
"Rowan I want to be your boyfriend, I want to get to know you more! I want you to be at my basketball games and I want to hug you and kiss you after I've won a game! Rowan I really like you!" Continued Peyton.

"Oh Peyton." Said Rowan.

"Well, not to break this deep magical moment but I gotta piss." Said Peyton smiling.

"My romantic hero!" Laughed Rowan.

"You want to come in and put your stuff down?" Asked Peyton.

"Sure, let's roll." Said Rowan.

"Okay let's go." Said Peyton.

-9 Minutes later-

"Okay so we have two things we could do!" Said Peyton as he sat next to Rowan on the couch.

"What?" Said Rowan moving closer to him.

"We can stay here and do something that I've never done before but it's Romaric in the movies... Or... Go to a restaurant later tonight and hangout right now." Said Peyton.

"Ohhhh. My choice?" Asked Rowan.

"Yes of course." Said Peyton smiling.

"What do you want to do?" Asked Rowan.

"I honestly don't care as long as I'm with you." Said Peyton.

"I feel you want me to put my hand through your hair again." Laughed Rowan.

"That too cause it's relaxing." Said Peyton.

"Well let's be romantic and stay here." Said Rowan sliding her hand through Peyton's hair.

"Okay but I got to prepare the food!" Said Peyton.

"Okay, do you need help?" Asked Rowan.

"Hold on." Said Peyton. He looked around the room. "There it is." He smiled.

"What?" Asked Rowan.

"Here close your eyes." Said Peyton as he tied his bandana from last year during Halloween. He was a cowboy with Chris and John Blake.

"I can't see." Laughed

"Rowan that's the point. Okay hold on!" Laughed Peyton.

He ran to the kitchen and got out 2 turkey sandwiches and a bowl of strawberries with whoop cream. He placed the food and two water bottles into his moms basket that she uses for decorations. It seemed as if he could hear his mom saying "PEYTON NO. THATS strictly for decoration only!"

"In ready Robot." Said Peyton.

"Well I would come to you but I can't quite see you." Laughed Rowan.

"I got you." Said Peyton as he ran over to Rowan and held out his hand.

"Where are we going?" Asked Rowan as Peyton led her outside.

"You'll see." He said.

Peyton grabbed the blanket from the outside furniture on the porch and set it down on the green grass.

"One minute." Said Peyton.

"Okay here." Said Peyton as he went behind Rowan and took off the red bandana.

"Oh Peyton, you're so sweet!" Said Rowan.

"Only for the ones I care about." Said Peyton as he moved close to Rowan.

-10 Minutes Later-

"Okay so let's be honest, weve been going to the same school for like what since 8th grade, why didn't you ever talk to me? Why all the sudden I'm attractive?" Asked Rowan as she dipped her strawberry in whoop cream.

"I don't know, I was...." Said Peyton.

"Shy?" Asked Rowan.

"No." Replied Peyton.

"Embarrassed?" Rowan asked again.

"I don't know, I've always thought you were cute, but come on Rowan, I'm getting to know you more and I wish I would've came up to you sooner!" Said Peyton.

"Peyton I really like you." Said Rowan.

"The feeling is mutual." Said Peyton smiling.

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