Chapter: 42 {Teacher...}

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  The days at school longed and longed without John. Rowan and Kaiya became closer and closer, Olivia left them alone and life was okay. School is ending in less then a month and John won't be here. The last dance of the year is this Friday, the one that Rowan had plans on going with John and other then that she just really missed him, he was always there for her.

"Crazy year." Said Kaiya as she walked up to  Rowan.

"I know right." Said Rowan.

"So are you going to the dance this Friday?" Asked Kaiya.

"Maybe, I don't know." Said Rowan sadly.

"Oh." Said Kaiya.

The whole day was exhausting and crazy, all Rowan had been thinking about for the past week was John, memories replying and replying, feelings and feelings replying. She couldn't focus. Finally the bell rang dismissing all students from they're classes.

"Miss. Blanchard!" Mr. Matthews called out.

"Oh yes?" Asked Rowan.

"I need to see you for a few minutes." He said.

"Okay." Said Rowan as she flung her backpack around her and walked to Mr. Matthews' desk.

"Now Miss. Rowan, it's been brought to my attention that you haven't been focusing very well in class, your grades have went from A- to B- within 1 week! How is that possible? I don't know... Leave it up to Rowan to do the impossible." Laughed Mr. Matthews. "Anyway, What's going on?" He continued.

Rowan looked around the room, stalling for time.

"Rowan???" He asked again.

"It's just, a friend of mine left and I miss him very much, so it's been hard to stay focused." She finally said.

"John Blake Mcallister?" Asked the teacher.

"Yes." Said Rowan sadly.

"Ah, I never thought he would leave, he was such a big hit on campus, everyone loved him, even teachers." Said Mr. Matthews.

"Did you?" Asked Rowan.

"Eh, in the begging I didn't, to much of a oh look at me guy but I'll admit, something happened to him this year, no doubt about that. He changed... In a good way, he became more considerate and caring I could tell." Said Mr. Matthews.

Then it happened.

All this pressure I sure can't tell my brother... Step brother or parents about cause they'll flip out! Mr. Matthews has always been a caring teacher, a kind of teacher who has been very reaching towards his students, I can tell him.

So Rowan did, she told Mr. Matthews about her journey from a nothing to a something! Once she was finished
Mr. Matthews just put his arms out wide and hugged her.

"Whoa." He finally said.

"Yep." Said Rowan causally.

After Mr. Matthews gave her some advice Rowan said thank you and walked home. She thought hard about what Mr. Matthews said and knew what was said was right.


• What advice did Mr. Matthews give Rowan?
• What will happen next?
• Had John and Kaiya gone on a date yet?
• Will you read the next chapter?

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