Chapter: 45 {Prom} Part : 3

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John Blake

I sit on the park bench sadly, memories of Rowan replaying and replaying! It wasn't fair. It isn't fair. How I'm suppose to just be over her like she's over me so soon. How? I thought changing schools would help and in some ways it did but what didn't help is that I still lived across the street from her. Some nights I would sit on my bed and stare at her house, wondering what she could possibly be doing.

I turned on my phone and saw I had 3 messages from Kaiya but I didn't answer. At least not right now. I was all mad about Rowan and Lucas, kissing him in front of me like that, I know she saw me.


My dad drove off as I waved goodbye. I then looked around.

What's going on, John said he was here? That he's been here.

I pulled out my phone and texted him but he didn't respond.

Did he leave?

I then began to walk off searching around the park when I saw him.

"JOHN!" I called out.

He stood up and walked towards me.

"I texted you, not to mention called!" I say.

"I know, I'm sorry... I've been thinking ya know?" He says.

Of course when he's thinking it's about Rowan.

I grab his hand remembering we aren't an official couple yet, that he's my friend... That comes first. I lead him to the bench he was just sitting on and say "Spill it."

He looks at me confused, "I can't."

"You can." I go.

After a minute or two he begins...

"It's been hard, I really like Rowan... and I'm trying... I really am. But I just don't exactly wanna be over her Kaiya. I love her. I've never loved anyone before, I didn't wanna run away from her, change schools! She changed me for the better, what scares me is, what if she was the one? What if I never see anyone or meet anyone like her again!" His face then turns red in embarrassment.

I try my best to hide my sadness and smile as my eyes water up.

"It feels like that now, trust me." I start. I then place two hands on his face and say "but you'll find someone, someone who will make you happy, it's just a matter of time."

For a minute we just look at each other.

"Kaiya?" He asks.


"I love you, I really do."

I smile. "I'm flattered but a few minutes ago you said you loved Rowan." I say.

"Kaiya there's different kind of loves-"

"So you love me as a sister?" I ask.

"No because I find you attractive."

I laugh "incest."

He smiles "Can I just like you and we can keep going on dates, not be official or anything maybe just a thing?" He asks.

"Sure." I say.

"Well this will only be until I get my feelings figured out." He says.

"Okay." I say happily.

After that John and I get pretty deep walking around the park smiling and laughing.

"John... There's uh, Prom-"

"Oh yea." He says.

"Yea and uh, you don't have to go obviously. If it's hard for you but I would really like to go with you." I say.

I keep walking and he stops. Pretending I didn't notice he pulls my arm and I land inches from his face.

He smirks.

"Yes." He says as he then kisses me.


Ok guys only 1 more chapter and that will conclude the prom series!!! ARE YOU GUYS READY?

Comment below what you've thought so far because I do read each and every one!

Ughitsangel / AngelKay

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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