Chapter: 11 {My house}

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-15 Minutes Later-

Finally Rowan had gotten home.

"I'm home!" Said Rowan as she opened the front door.

"So am I!" Yelled Jonathan.

Rowan didn't say anything else she just want straight I her room. She didn't want to see anyone!

"Woah okay, leave me." Said Jonathan as he went after her.

"Just stop." Said Rowan as she slammed her bedroom door.

"Uhh hello? You have company! I'm babysitting for 3 days you can treat me better then this!" Said Jonathan. "Rowan?" Jonathan continued.

But it was too late Rowan had already locked her door and was sitting by her window looking outside.

"Rowan!!" Said Jonathan.

But she ignored him.

This is so stupid. Rowan thought. Why do I care? I don't know him at all, just a bit. Why would I spend my days, hours crying over some kid named Peyton! Ive known him for a 2 days and sure I'll admit it was fun having a almost boyfriend, but he never liked it.

"JUST CALM DOWN!!" Rowan yelled at herself as her tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Ugh!" She yelled louder.
She picked up her pink heart pillow that was placed on her bed and through it on her desk.


Rowan walked over at picked up her pillow and her diary which had fell when she threw her pillow. She then tossed the pillow on her bed and opened a blank page.

"Haven't wrote in this thing for a while." Said Rowan smiling. She then grabbed her blue pen and began to write:

(My Italics don't work, just letting you guys know.)

Dear, Diary

Hey It's Rowan. Wow, I'm amazed I haven't wrote in this for like 8 months! A lot has happened since then, like a boy named Peyton Meyer. I know I've mentioned him before but here's the thing... I actually thought he liked me, you see I thought that we had a thing but we don't! I guess...

I REGRET IT! I know I spent just a day or two with him but I just... Ugh this is pointless I'm 16 years old! I don't need to be writing in a stupid childish diary! Ugh! Whatever, I guess this is the end. Having a diary used to make me extremely happy because first of all I had a lot of problems and I still do, but recently a boy named Peyton has began talking to me, we got closer and closer and let's just say I started to fall in love with him, his smile, his face, his body, his perfectness, ANYWAY!!!! Stupid Olivia took it all away! Well technically she didn't take it away she just showed me a video of Peyton saying how he regrets me and blah blah blah! I'm 16 so I think this will be my last entry. Thanks for letting me cry when I needed to.

As always, Rowan Blanchard

-Back with Peyton-

"How could he! How could they." Said Peyton.

Okay... Okay... Maybe this is good, maybe I need to stop hanging out with Rowan, oh but how can I do that? Thought Peyton. Peyton drove over to Rowan's house remembering from when he drove her home a few days ago.

-Rowan's House-


"Coming!" Said Jonathan. "Hello there. Can I help you?" Jonathan continued asking.

"Yea does Rowan Blanchard live here?" Asked Peyton.

"Yes. Yes. She should be in her room, or you know what come on in, she went out back to take out the trash so just wait for her in her room." Said Jonathan. "First one to the left." He continued.

"Thank you." Said Peyton as he walked up the stairs

Peyton opened the door.

"Woah." He said under his breathe.

He walked over to her desk and picked up her diary which Rowan had left wide open.

"Cute. She still has a diary." Said Peyton as he began to read her last entry.
(The one she just wrote)

"Peyton!" Said Rowan as she ran over to grab her diary.

"Uhh Rowan look I need to tell you something." Peyton said sitting on her bed.

"Look, I don't want to hear it! Didn't we just talk about our friendship or whatever we have!?" Rowan asked angrily.

"Look is was a scam! They don't want me to be your friend." Said Peyton innocently.

"Who's they?" Asked Rowan.

"Jocks." Said Peyton.

"Your a JOCK!" Rowan said.

"Look Rowan I care about you! I really like you." Said Peyton.

"Yea, well I really like you, or at least I did." Said Rowan as she walked over to her beanbag.

"Rowan I would never want to hurt you." Said Peyton standing up.

"Really?" Asked Rowan.

"Really." Said Peyton as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.

"Please Peyton go." Said Rowan backing away.

"Rowan wait..." Said Peyton.

"Get out or else I'll have to call Jonathan to get you out." Said Rowan sadly.

"Rowan please no!" Said Peyton.


"FINE! DONT BELIEVE ME!" Said Peyton as he walked out of Rowan's room.

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