Chapter: 36 {You'r House}

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- 2 Days Later -

"Okay John you ready?" Asked the nurse.

"Yea." Said John shyly.

"Okay I'll go get Rowan and Jonathan and tell them your ready to leave." Continued the nurse.

"Thanks." Said John.

A few minutes later Jonathan and Rowan walked into the small hospital room and helped John into the car.

"So what's the plan?" Asked John.

"Your going to be with us until your father comes." Said Jonathan.

"I can handle myself take me home." Said John looking out the window.

"Look John, I told your father we would take you home until he came." Said Rowan.

"Whatever okay?" Said John still looking out the window.

"Are you mad at me?" Asked Rowan.

"No." Said John.

"You are. Why?" Asked Rowan.

"Well maybe because I had my first ever surgery and I wanted you to be there! I wanted to know you were there!" Said John.

"John I was with Peyton! You hurt him!" Said Rowan.

"OH GOD! I hurt him! Oh Rowan that was not my intention! It's not like I meant to do that! I mean he's always been so kind and nice to me-"

"Okay guys, look ill drop you too off so you both can work this out. Okay?" Asked Jonathan.

"Okay." Said Rowan.

Finally they pulled into the front of the house.

"Be safe kiddos! Call me if anything!" Said Jonathan pulling back out.

"Look John I understand Peyton was being a douche but we all make mistakes! He's really sorry for what he did!" Said Rowan unlocking the front door.

"He's only sorry because he has you now! He's only sorry because your his Girlfriend!" Said John walking into the large house.

"John I can't be your friend if your just going to be jealous of Peyton and I the whole time!" Said Rowan shutting the door behind her.

"JEALOUS ISNT THE WORD BABY." Said John. "Where am I sleeping?" He continued.

"In my room on the floor." Said Rowan.

"Yippie!" Said John sarcastically.

"Don't be such an ass!" Said Rowan angrily.

"Oh yea I've been the ass! Face it Rowan your a spoiled brat who gets everything you want!" Said John.

"My father died! My life isn't perfect!" Yelled Rowan.


"Well your mothers-"

Don't! Thought Rowan.

"My mothers what?" Asked John.

"Nothing!" Said Rowan.

"Something! What were you going to say about my mom?" Asked John angrily.

"John I can't." Said Rowan truthfully.

"Yes you can! Rowan your scaring me!" Said John.

"John... I... It's not my job to tell you." Said Rowan.

"Rowan is she okay?" Asked John.

"Yes. Shes in the best place there is!" Said Rowan.

"She died didn't she?" Asked John fearfully.

"John how did you..." Asked Rowan.

"Because... I just..." Said John.

Rowan ran up to John and wrapped both her arms around him. He rested his head on her shoulder crying.

"Oh John... I'm so-"

"How... hOW.. lonG... DiD... YoU... Know?" Cried John.

"The day you where in the hospital." Said Rowan sadly.

"ROWAN!" Said John pulling off. "WHY THE HELL DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!" He asked.

"Because, it's you fathers job to tell you not mine!" Said Rowan.

"Rowan my dad isn't really going to come, he'll say he will and he won't!" Said John.

"John... I didn't..-"

"Rowan can I go to sleep?" Asked John crying.

"Sure." Said Rowan.

She reached out her hand and John grabbed it. She then led him to her bed where he covered up in the blankets.

Rowan sat at the stoop of the bed watching over John. The tears ran down his face and landed on her pillows.

"I'm sorry I wasn't their for your surgery." Said Rowan sadly.

"It's fine Robot." Said John sadly.

Rowan then scooted up and lay down on the bed as she covered the blankets over her.

"You have a boyfriend!" Said John.

"I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm with a friend." She said.

Just a friend. Thought John.


(A/N: Okay Guys so that chapter is finished. Whoa, poor John! Anyway I just wanted to say for all you Reyont/Rucas fans out there I am making another Girl Meets World book called Camp Camo which is short for camouflage... Anyway this book takes place in the summer it's really good so if you want to check it out then be my guest. BYE GUYS!)

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