Chapter: 32 {The Drive Home} Part: 5

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After the dance Rowan kissed Peyton goodbye even though she felt like she could still taste a bit of Olivia's lipstick. Even though it bothered her that Peyton had went all crazy with her she tried not to think about it. Everyone was confused... it's fine.

"Bye honey" Said Peyton.

"Bye Peyton." She said as she walked over to John.

"Ready to go?" Asked John.

"Yes." Said Rowan.

-In The Car-

"Thanks." Said Rowan.

"Rowan you don't have to keep saying that okay?" Said John.

"But I do! John your the most-"

"Rowan please. I didn't do anything that big, I just-"

"No you did do something big! You gave me up! You let me chase after Peyton, you are the most-"

"Rowan I did that because I care about you!-"

"I know you do! John I'm going to miss you a lot." Said Rowan.

"Why? Why will you miss me? I'm not going anywhere." Said John.

"No... Your not, but John.." Said Rowan.

"Rowan look, I love you, a lot. But I want you to be happy. And Peyton and you belong together.-"

"And we don't?" Asked Rowan.

"Oh look we're home!" Said John pulling into his driveway.

"John!" Said Rowan.

"Do we not belong together?" She continued.

"No Rowan, we do, it's just..."

"I love you John." Said Rowan placing a hand on his chest.

"I love you to Rowan." Said John as he pulled Rowan close.

-Later That Night-


"What the?" Said John as he looked around his room. He then jumped out of bed "is that the fire alarm!?" He continued. He then opened his door and black smoke blowed into his tired face. John then ran down the stairs as the smoke blew into his face.

"Ian?!" He yelled. (House Keeper)

Finally John had made it down to the living room when...


The kitchen blew up. Knocking John to the floor.

(A/N: Not literally blew up you get me.)

-Rowan's House-


Rowan's window opened knocking her photo of her dad to the floor.

"What the?" Said Rowan as she walked to her window.

Is that fire? She thought.

"OH MY GOSH!"Said Rowan as she looked out the window. There were two fire trucks and at least 4 police men trying to keep back the crowds.

"JONATHAN!" Yelled Rowan as she opened her door.

John was already downstairs looking from the porch.

"That's JOHN'S HOUSE!" She yelled.

"What!" Said Jonathan as he chased after her.

"ROWAN!" He yelled hoping she'd come back.

"Excuse me miss you can't pass!" Said a police man.

"THATS MY BEST FRIEND!" Yelled Rowan as she tried to get passed.

Finally Jonathan grabbed her tiny waist and held her back.

Rowan turned around and cried into his chest.


"That's him!" Said Rowan turning her head.

She looked at John's lifeless body, he had a clear thing wrapped around his mouth.

"Is he o-"

"Is he okay?" Asked Jonathan.

"Yes, he breathing just a bit injured."

"Would it be okay if we tagged along?" Asked Jonathan.

"Are you family?"

"I'm dating him!" Said Rowan immediately.

"Ohhh we're not aloud to do this but hop in."

"Thank you!" Said Rowan as she hoped into the ambulance car.

"Did you lock the door?" Asked Rowan.

"Hahah, no." Said Jonathan.

"Oh look at him." Said Rowan.

"He'll be fine." Said Jonathan.

"Will he?" Said Rowan.

"Yes." Said Jonathan.

(A/N: Will update again soon! Bye guys!)


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