Chapter: 3 {First Period}

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Rowan ran into the girls restroom and got out her paper.

First Period: Mr.Taylor History room 234.

"Room 234" thought Rowan.

Rowan opened the door and just her luck Peyton was in her class. Peyton's eyes shot up as soon as Rowan walked in the classroom.

"Rowan!" He said. He stood up and walked over to Rowan who had choose a seat in the back of the room.

"Peyton stop." Said Rowan.

"What?" He asked.

"Leave me alone, just do us BOTH a favor and not talk to me anymore." Said Rowan upsettingly.

"Okay class take your seats." Said the teacher.

Peyton ran back to his desk and grabbed his stuff. He then made his way to sit next to Rowan in the back of the classroom.

"What are you doing?" Rowan whispered.

"Trying to be your friend." Peyton whispered back.

"Class you MAY keep these seats IF and only IF you are able to behave and act mature, if you keep talking and I've already warned you then I will move you. If you can listen and stop talking when I ask then good! You may stay at your spot. Until further notice these are your seats, there's really nothing planned for the first day just to you know tell you about me and my class, but you know your first period and I don't really have anything planned so chat away." Said the teacher.

"Rowan I'm sorry." Said Peyton.

"Me too! I should've never made eye contact with you!" Said Rowan.

"Rowan look I'm trying to start over-"

"Too late for that!" Rowan said interrupting him.

"Rowan what do you want me to do?!" Asked Peyton.

"I want you to stop talking!" Rowan shot back.

"Please." He said.

"Look I'm better off alone! I've learned to love it, I don't want someone fake ruining it for me! I dont want someone to build me up only so they can crash me down!" Said Rowan. "Your better off being Mr. Perfect and I'm better off being nothing." Rowan continued.

"You think being Mr. Perfect is awesome? You think it's easy? You think my life is easy? Rowan you don't know anything! I have more problems then you know! Like I'm in High School basketball, you know next year I'll be in Varsity! And my father has never even been to one game!" Said Peyton.

"You poor thing! My father shot himself in the head because he only had a month to live and he didn't see the point because he would just get sicker and sicker, at least your farther is alive!" Rowan shot back.

"I.... I am so sorry that happened." Said Peyton.

"Yea well now your problems don't seem so bad hua?" Said Rowan.

"No they do, just not as bad." Said Peyton.

"Get this through your head, my dad is dead because he shot himself. Your father is a wealthy businessman who never has shown up to a basketball game." Said Rowan.

"A problem is a problem Rowan! Wether big or small, I think a problem is a problem nor big or small everyone has different problems." Said Peyton.

Gosh she's cute when she's angry. Thought Peyton.

"Look if you really "care" and want to be my "friend" then why didn't you stick up for me when Olivia came over. Friends don't do that. They don't leave you alone! They help you when you fall! They stick up for you when the facts are false or true!" Said Rowan.

"It's because... Everything was happening so fast! I only..." Said Peyton.

"Peyton." Said Rowan, she lifted her hand and slid it through Peyton's hair. "It's because you like Olivia, that's fine, I would to, she's everything in a girl a guy like you would want, she's skinny, blonde, and she's popular. Men like you don't care about the inside! And that's disgusting." Said Rowan. "I'm going to change seats." She continued as she grabbed her binder and backpack.

"Rowan please stay, I like when you slid your hand through my hair." Said Peyton.

Rowan smiled and kept walking.

"Maybe Olivia can do it better." She finally said.

Peyton stood up and grabbed Rowan by the hand.

"I don't want Olivia to do it." He said. "I like it when you do it." He said.

"Oh that's sweet but cut the act I know once this bell rings what ever we have right now is going to be over." Rowan said.

"Why will it have to be over?! Why can't it stay! I want it to stay." Said Peyton.

"I do to. But I'm a nobody and your Mr. Perfect, this isn't Cinderella, it's real life. You won't spend a minute with me once this bell rings." Said Rowan.

And once again Rowan walked off to ask the teacher if she can have a new seat.

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