Chapter: 2 {The First Day}

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Rowan got dressed and went down stairs.

"Hey honey, I can't drive you, dad's car broke down again so I have to take him." Said her mom.

"Oh does that mean Jonathan will be taking me?" Asked Rowan.

"Yes." Said Isabella.

"Ugh." Said Rowan as she sat at the table.

"What you don't want me to?" Asked Jonathan as he came out of the bathroom.

"No, I just...." Said Rowan.
She looked around the room.
"Nice shirt mom!" Rowan continued changing the subject.

"Rowan be ready by 7:30 will ya?" Asked Jonathan.

"Whatever." Said Rowan as she grabbed her breakfast and went to her room.

"Rowan dear no eating in your room." Said Isabella, but Rowan kept walking.

While Rowan was getting ready for school so was Peyton.

"Dad the big basketball tryouts are this week! You coming?" Asked Peyton excitedly.

"Ahhh bud, I wish I could! But you know how busy Friday's are for me!" Said his dad. (Chad Meyer)

"Mom?" Asked Peyton.

"I'll try but with Angie, (Peyton's cousin) visiting I don't think she will behave and the last thing I want to do is embarrass you." Said his mom (Jean Meyer) as she shook a bottle filled with warm milk.

"Well okay then, dad can you drive me?" Asked Peyton.

"Kid, your 17 you can drive yourself." Said his father.

"But dad it's kinda a tradition you know having you or mom drive me to school." Said Peyton.

"Sorry but I'm busy and actually I'm leaving right now. Do good in tryouts! Love you buddy." Said his father.

"Bye babe." Said Peyton's mother.

"Bye." Said his father.

"Come on! Come on!" Said Rowan as she walked down the stairs.

"I'm up." Said Jonathan.

"Bye mommy." Said Rowan as she slammed the door behind her.

"Bye honey." Said Isabella peaking her head through the bedroom curtains.

"You ready to be an Eleventh grader?" Asked Jonathan.

"I guess, just a few more years and I'll be in New York University!" Said Rowan as she opened the car door.

"NEW YORK UNIVERSITY!? That's a though school to get into." Said Jonathan.

"I know, but I have a high GPA check it out... Said Rowan sliding over her honor roll paper which read:

Rowan Blanchard-Niles
Has received this Honor Roll for having a high Grade Point Average at Ocean Breeze Academy. Where we push the limits®

GPA: 4.7

Period: 1 = A+
Period: 2 = A+
Period: 3 = A-
Period: 4 = A+
Period: 5 = A+
Period: 6 = A-

We are more than happy to have
Rowan Blanchard-Niles at
Ocean Breeze Academy!

"Wow, better grades then I ever got." Said Jonathan starting the car.

"Yep." Said Rowan as she slid the paper back into her binder.

"Thinking about joining any sports?" Asked Jonathan.

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