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" So, how exactly did you get the bow?" Wells asked from his spot perched on the tree beside Freya. His arms over his chest as he watched her pull back the string on her bow that nested the arrow in its place.

" Told you - " Freya grunted as she let go of the string, allowing the arrow to soar through the air and into the tree beside wells . - Found it in the woods. " She smiled at him before going to retrieve the arrow.

" That looks like something a grounder would use, " Wells hummed. Freya's eyes glanced over to Murphy, who was poorly throwing his knife at the tree he and Bellamy both used.

" I don't know, wells, I just found it." Freya sighed out tiredness dripping in her words. Wells nodded when her eyes met his from over her shoulder, showing her profound tiredness.

" How did you learn to use a bow, anyways? " Wells went on to ask. Sighing, Freya pulled the string back once again, and this time aiming at something entirely different

" Just basic instincts, I guess," Freya shrugged as she let go of the arrow just as Bellamy let go of the Axe he was throwing. The arrow whizzing between the two boys' heads, finding its home in the bark where the Axe landed at beside it.

Both boys spun around while Freya lowered the bow from her face view. " You could have hit us! " Murphy yelled, clearly angry.

" Did I? " She asked when she passed the two boys to retrieve her arrow. Her eyes locked with Murphy with smugness clouding her greye eyes. Turning to her arrow, she pulled it from the bark with a harsh tug. " If I wanted to, I would have," Freya mumbled to him with her arms crossed

Before any of the two boys could respond to her words, atom and his friends walked up, interrupting the trio. " We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal." Atom said, his eyes dancing over the bow in Freya's grip.

" Visit your special tree when you were out there? " Murphy teased while eyeing Atom with smugness clear in his words and eyes.

" Atom took his punishment. Let it go. " Bellamy hissed at Murphy, who held his hands up, but his eyes didn't leave Atoms

" Could be Grounders," Freya chimed, bringing the attention to the situation at hand again

" Look, Bellamy, people are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here." Atom sighed, forcing his eyes away from Murphy and back to Bellamy. Although the brown eyes of bellamys were directed on Freya, who was looking down at her bow

" Yeah, or they could be in pound town. Lot of that going around recently, " Murphy teased with his arms crossed

" Respectfully shut the fuck up, John. You're just jealous that you haven't got none yet. " Freya said, earning a few chuckles from arund, while Murphy stared at her in annoyance and anger

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