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Walking through the woods with Finn was quiet and comfortable. The sun was just starting to come up giving a small glow in the forest. Freya had a pounding headache as she tried to keep her feet steady. 

" I'd love it if you were right about this, but did you ever consider it might be a trap? " Freya broke the silence as she squeezed her eyes shut and tossed her head back. Bellamy who stood a few feet away watched her with concern in his eyes

" Yep, but since it's Unity Day, I decided to have hope instead. " Finn said before he pulled Freya from walking into a tree. She opened her eyes and looked at the tree as she passed it

' what is happening with me ' 

" Oh! Hey. Let me have a look at that. " Freya turned to Finn who stopped and lifted his shirt. With a hum she turned away and started to walk again " Seriously, Finn, you're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in you. " 

She thought it felt wrong to say these things about Lincoln, but she couldn't help it. He was a grounder and after seeing a grounder kill Roma, she lost all her trust with the grounders. All except Delano that is. 

" And you're sounding more and more like Bellamy. " Finn sighed as he plucked a flower for Raven 

" I'm just trying to keep us alive. " Freya snapped at him. She was annoyed with her raging headache and now her sudden stomach cramps 

" So am I. At least they're good for something. " Finn mumbled, earning a look from Freya. She glanced back to see Bellamy giving her a small smile despite the concern in his eyes. 

" That was awkward. " Jasper whispered to Raven who grumbled under her breath 

" Shut up " Raven hissed 

" Both of you shut up. Keep your eyes open. " Bellamy hissed. He didn't want anything happening to Freya with them arguing like children. 

" Finn - " Freya stumbled into a tree and Finn was quick to grab her arm 

" Hey, you okay? " Finn asked as he watched her stare at the ground 

" Ima be sick " She then turned and let the contents in her stomach out on the ground. Finn held her hair back as she heaved on the ground. " Ow " she groaned 

" Do you need to go back? " Finn then asked 

" No. I'm okay " She inhaled before standing up and brushing her hair behind her ear " Its the alcohol " she told him before continuing their walk. 

The rest of the walk was silent as they trekked through the dense forest. Freya every once in a while glanced back at Bellamy who was watching her intently, with Clarke who stood by his side also watching her. 

When they reached the Bridge, Freya sighed when she saw Octavia standing there with Lincoln and Delano. Freya smiled when Octavia and Lincoln hugged before she was picked up in a hug by Delano making her laugh 

Baby - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now