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 duckyPopsicle your late 🤣

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duckyPopsicle your late 🤣


" I love this song. " Jasper said as he walked by the speaker and turned it up. He then walked over to the beds where Monty, Miller, Harper, and Freya sat

" We can safely talk. "Miller explained to Harper when she eyed the speaker and Jasper confused

" We bought ourselves some time. But we're gonna need to recruit some of the others only people we trust. " Jasper said when he sat down

" How much time are we thinking about buying here exactly? " Miller asked

" Enough for Clarke to break us out. " Freya jumped in for Monty, seeing his exhausted eyes

" We don't even know if Clarke is still alive." Harper imputed her opinion.

" She has to be. " Jasper said with hope in his voice.

" Then she better hurry the hell up. " Miller scoffed aggravatedly

" I'm tired of puking. " Harper hummed as she fell back on the bed with exhaust

" I'm tired of being a human pincushion. " Miller said, and Freya snorted

" Okay... I know this sucks, but as long as it seems like we're cooperating, we're buying ourselves time. " Jasper looked at his friends, feeling guilty for making them do this

" Time for what? I say if we're going to die in here, we might as well die trying to escape. " Miller scoffed Disbelivingly

" We've been over this. After Clarke left, there was no escape. We just have to...hold on long enough for her to find a way to get us out. " Freya looked to her right, at Miller as she spoke

" What if she doesn't find a way? What if she didn't make it out? What if this...this story they're telling u  to hide the fact that they killed her? Then, no one's coming for us, and we're doing exactly what they want us to do. " Miller questioned everything, making freyas mind swirl again

" Jasper. You know you've thought it too. " Miller looked at Jasper, who rubbed his hands together in thought. Freya narrowed her eyes at him, knowing the wheels in his head were spinning

" Alright, then. We escape — " Harpr started, but Jasper cut her off

"No. We find the truth. " Jasper spoke strongly

" How do we do that? " Miller questioned intrigued

" We're criminals, right? So let's be criminals. " Jasper looked at everyone in their group who also looked at one another.

" I'm staying here, I'm exhausted." Freya rolled onto her back and pulled montys blankets over her body while everyone else stood up

" Sleep tight, Frey," She heard Monty say before a light kiss was placed on her left temple. After that, she fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, Freya sat on the beds running her hands over her hair that Maya had fishtail braided. The style was unusual to Freya, who was used to leaving it down or putting it in a ponytail.

" If Alpha's on the ground, maybe other stations are, too. " Miller stated. He sat next to Monty on the beds, both talking to one another while Freya listened in

" You're from Alpha, right? " Monty questioned

" My dad was Chief Guard. He sure loved having a thief for a kid. " Miller sighed, and Freya could just feel the insecurities seeping from his words.

" Hey. You're a great thief. " Monty defended the boy.

" These are the engineering schematics for this whole place. There's a way out? I'm gonna find out. " Miller looked at the pages he had stolen from Dantes office

" Guys. Harper didn't show for breakfast. Have you guys seen her? " The trio on the beds looked up at Jasper, who sat down beside freya

" Not since Dante's office." Monty shook his head

" So where the hell is she? " Jasper asked. For some reason, Freya felt a need to see Dante at that specific question. She felt as though he knew what happened to Harper, and she was gonna find out.

" I'll be back," She said as she stood up. The three boys watched with confusion as she left the dorm area and into the halls.

The further she got into the hall, she glanced back to make sure no one was looking before rounding the corner that led to Dantes office.

Upon reaching the door, Freya welcomed herself inside and closed the door behind her. Dante, who stood in the corner of the office painting, turned with an eyebrow raised and a questioning smile

" Where is she? " Freya asked instantly.

" Where is who? " Dante questioned right back. His face showcased confusion, but Freya didn't want to believe that he was as clueless as he looked

" Harper," Freya gritted the name through her teeth

" I haven't a clue what you're talking about." Dante turned so he was completely facing Freya, placing his paint brush down

" We haven't seen her in an entire day. " Freya stalked closer to the older wallace. Her was clouded with darkness, and Dante feared that if he said the wrong thing, she'd try to harm him.

" I have no idea where she may be at." Dante let out a low chuckle that was filled with nervousness

" I don't want to know where she may be at, I want to know where she is at." Freya hit her fist on the desk, rattling on the object, sat on top.

" Freya, I can assure you that your friend is perfectly fine." Dante smiled through the fear that was seeping through his veins

" If I don't see her by tomorrow morning, I will destroy everything you've worked so hard for. " Freya warned before she left the office, slamming the door behind her. Dante flinched at the sound as he looked at the painting and sighed.

" Cage," He mumbled to himself before pulling his blazer on and leaving the office.

When Freya reached the bunks again, she didn't speak to anyone. Climbing onto her bunk, she laid down and pulled the pillow over her head. Tears slipped down her cheeks, but she didn't know why.

Just like she didn't know where all the anger had come from. She assumed it was the stress getting to her, but if she's as smart as everyone used to say she was, then she'd know it wasn't stress.

It was the fact that she was missing someone who was so important to her that her hormones were not in line. The feeling that she was feeling was that of losing a battle that you so desperately wanted to win.

The feeling of all hope and faith starting to slip through the cracks of a window. The emptiness she felt had caused her anger. The simmering hope had caused her tears. And the dying faith had caused her numbness.


Poor baby 🥺

Sorry for the kinda late update yall, my mind had been all sorts of wacky this week. One second, I'm thinking of writing another chapter, the next I'm thinkin of writing a whole ass story.

Hope your enjoying

- Jayme

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