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Freya laid on her bed, a pillow under her chest, and legs kicking in the air. In front of her laid a piece of paper and a pen in her hand that she had placed the end in between her teeth.

On the paper wrote,

Dear Bellamy,

I have a small update to give you. Even if you can't read this, I just think I'll feel better if I believe I'm actually telling you. Which to me, I am. It hurts to know you're not here, my Bells. But you're forever in my mind.

Anyways, I got an ultrasound of our little munchkin. She's doing great. And yes, I said she because I think it's going to be a girl. The doctor said she was the size of a pea right now, growing at a normal rate. She was healthy as ever.

Wish you were here to find out on your own, though. I really miss you

Love, Freya

Folding the paper, Freya stuck it under her pillow along with the pen. A frown pulled on her lips as she smoothed the pillow sheets to keep herself distracted.

" Miller! " Freya turned at the happy shouts of her friends. Moving so she was sitting at the end of her bed, she smiled at seeing Miller once again.

" Look who finally got released. " Jasper jumped to see Miller, who smiled as they hugged.

" Miller. I'm glad you're ok. " Clarke walked up to the two boys

" Yeah. Only took, what, 3 surgeries? I hear you're fitting right in. " Miller smiled just as Clarke and Maya looked at each other.

" Twice a day. Don't forget. You'll be ok in a few days. Here. " Maya handed the small bottle of meds to Miller.

" Thanks. " Miller smiled. Maya turned to leave, and Jasper turned to look at Freya, who motioned with her eyes for Jasper to make a move.

" Maya, top of the morning... is a very dumb thing to say that I saw in an old movie once. Hey. Are you going to breakfast? " Jasper stuttered as Maya stopped in the doorway.

" Yeah. Do you want to go together? " Maya asked. Freya smiled as she watched the two of them interact.

" Sure, yeah. I... I'd love to... " Jasper was interrupted as an alarm blared through the building. Freya quickly jumped off her bed and looked at maya

" Um, save me a seat, ok? Sorry. " Maya said to Jasper before she began to walk away. Clarke rushed to follow her with Jasper and Freya on her tail.

" Hey. What's going on? " Freya asked Maya when she caught up to her past pace

Baby - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now