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S/A warning

Laughter filled the large room of the dormitories. Monty and Jasper tried to keep Freyas' spirit up even though she was constantly stuck in her mindset. Every night, one of them would go the pshyc ward to try and see Clarke.

Always being turned down, though.

When it was Freyas, turn to try and get to see Clarke, she nervously walked down the hall. Pulling her sleeves over her hands, she fidgited with the loose strings that hung from her sleeve.

When she turned the corner to the pshyc ward, she inhaled deeply as the guard in front of the door. His black suit hanging heavily on his body as his hands clutched the gun in his hands.

His eyes snapped on hers the second she turned the corner, watching tenderly as she walked towards him. Her heart pounded at his intimidating look she could see between the gaps of his helmet and mask. His eyes were cold as they stared at her frightened frame getting closer.

" Am I able to get inside, please? " Freya asked strongly despite her shaking frame.

" No," the guard said flatly, earning irritation to bloom in freyas chest.

" Why not! She's my friend, " Freya snapped angrily. Her intimidation turned to anger at being turned down from seeing her friend.

" Dante has declined all visitors," the guard said roughly. To Freya, the situation didn't make sense. Why would Dante decline all visitors knowing how much Clarke meant to everyone.

With rage, Freya reached for the door handle to try and enter forcefully. The guard was quick to react, though. He tossed the bunt end of his gun up, hitting Freya in the face. She stumbled back a step before being roughly grabbed and slammed into the wall.

She cried in pain from her cheek and her back. The guard held the gun just below her chin and pressed down tightly. " You're one stubborn woman, aren't you? " The guard taunted

As Freya tried to look strong as she held onto the gun trying to push it away, she couldn't help but feel her bottom lip wobble

" Awe, is she scared?" the guard cooed. He shifted so one hand was holding the gun tightly to her throat while her other hand went to her exposed thigh. Her eyes widened as she began to trash around

" Let me go! I just wanted to see my friend, " Freya cried out while trying to push the gun from her throat.

His hand slid up her thigh, further causing panic to rush through Freya. Her breathing became labored, and her chest restricted. The further his hand slid, the more it became a chore to breathe.

It wast until his hand slid into her shorts, did she scream for help. The guard dropped the gun and replaced his hand over her mouth. Tears were beginning to stream down her face as she tried to pry him off, but he pressed himself onto her, holding her still.

His fingers traced her panties before moving them aside and assaulting her. She screamed and cried as he continued to toy with her like nothing. Her eyes were squeezed shut as the tears fell like a waterfall.

When he pushed two fingers in, Freya accepted her fate. She let the tears fall, feeling hopeless. She wanted to do something to defend herself but couldn't. Her vision blurred from the tears and lack of oxygen. Her mind became fuzzy as everything began to close in on her.

" Useless," She heard the guard say before he released her mouth and removed her hand. She fell to the floor with sobs as her vision became clear again.

She turned to look at the guard, who was back to standing at his post, staring ahead again. Standing, Freya stumbled to find her balance, but when she did, she bit the inside of her lip and turned to the guard.

" What are you looking at? " The guard sneered before taking a step closer to her once again." Want something more than my fingers? Huh? Cause I'd be more than wi- "

He was cut off when her fist slammed into his face. He cried out as he stumbled back, clutching his cheek and dropping the gun to the floor again. In anger, he charged at her, but she raised her foot quickly and hit him in his pride.

Walking away, Freya let her bottom lip wobble again as the man lay on the floor behind her beaten and bloody. She wrapped her arms around herself as she sobbed all the way to her bed.

Once in her bed, she curled under the blanket and cried, wishing that Bellamy was there to hold her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.


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" I'm almost there! Once I have her, pull us up! " Sterling called up as he lowered to Mel. Behind the four others, the rope pulled and loosened around the stump.

" Well, I'd say he's heard one too many of your motivational speeches. " Murphy sarcastically said, earning a glare from Bellamy

" Shut up, Murphy. " Bellamy grumbled before turning his attention back to Sterling. Suddenly, the rope losened completely and snapped. The group tried to grab the rope, but it was too late, letting Sterling fall to the rocks below.

" Sterling! Sterling! Mel! Mel, hold on. Focus on me. You can do this. " Bellamy called down to Mel as she sobbed

" Oh no," Mel disagreed with Bellamy

" Yes, you can. You're strong. " Bellamy agreed

" I'm not strong! Stubborn, maybe. " Mel said, making Bellamy think of Freya.

" So be stubborn a little longer. I'm not gonna let you die, you hear me? Ok. " Bellamy called, earning a small nod from mel

" Ok. "

" We're out of rope. " Murphy said when Bellamy turned to them.

" So we make a new one. " Bellamy said. Murphy and Monroe went to find things to make a rope.

" If anything happens to our friends when we could... " Finn started, but Bellamy cut him off

" We don't know if we could save our friends. For all we know, they may be dead already. We've all thought it. But what we do know is we could save this one girl. "

" Sterling was one of us. She was his friend. I'm in. " Monroe stepped in hearing Finn and Bellamys conversation

" How do we do it? " Murphy asked

" We make new rope from the wreckage. Go find wires, seatbelts, anything. Come on. Come on. " Bellamy answered as he glanced down at Mel, who was sobbing.

" I hope you're right about this." Finn said harshly

" So do I, " Bellamy mumbled. His mind is going to Freya as he hoped she was okay.


Sorry for the small triggering scene! Like, I regret writing it, but I needed something to happen that isn't in the show, ya know?

- Jayme

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