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" Don't kill her like the others. Take a dose each time and keep her alive. When the baby's born, we'd use it instead, "

Freya laid on the bed behind Monty, her hair knotted as it sprawled behind her, and her hands caressing her abdomen. The pregnancy was starting to show with her stomach being swollen in her lower abdomen. The stares she got from others always made her feel uncomfortable.

" You okay? " Monty asked, turning his body and running his hand over freyas' bare arm. Goosebumps rose on her skin as she shivered from the small brush of his fi gers.

" Just have a headache," Freya mumbled, shifting her body away from montys' touch. Monty removed his hand from hers quickly, watching as her eyes squeezed shut as if in pain. In reality, she was fighting off tears.

Cage's words once again clouded her mind with its poison. The fear of his words coming true forming an uneasy feeling in her gut. The thought of her child getting hurt brings more pain than manageable.

" Hey guys, " Jaspers voice reaches Freyas' ears as he sits down with Maya. Miller turned the music up, making Freya groan a little. " Whatever happened to Harper, someone must have seen something, " Jasper started

" Where could she be? Is this place a sealed bunker? " Miller snapped aggravatedly

" There have to be rooms we don't know about that aren't mapped. " Freya rolled over and joined her conversation surrounding her.

" Well, is it possible? " Miller asked, looking at maya who looked deep in thought

" I doubt it, but maybe. " Maya answered, sharing a queasy look with Freya, who offered her a smile

" Thanks, you are a big help. " Miller rolled his eyes. Freya looked at Miller, sending him daggers with her eyes that made him go pale.

" Easy. Maya's on our side. " Jasper defended Maya, taking Miller's attention away from Freya and onto the conversation again

" Are you sure about that? " Miller snapped, giving judging eyes to maya

" Yes, I'm sure. She's risked more than any of us. " Jasper continued to defend maya while Freya continued to glare at Miller

" Really? Is she gonna end up the kennel, too, if she gets caught? " Miller snapped sarcastically.

" Stop it. " Freya gritted out at Miller, whose eyes snapped at her in an instant.

" I found something." Monty cut in, pulling something out from behind him. " That leads to an antenna on the ground. If we can access the radio, we can send a message over the Ark wide channel. Tell them we're here. "

Everyone looked at the map in montys' hand as he spoke. " The only radio is in the command center on level 7. Highly restricted. " Maya shook her head at the idea

Baby - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now