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A girl rushed down the hall with rapid breaths and panicked grey eyes. Her hands shoved anyone in her way without realizing she was doing so. Her feet every once in a while tripping over one another in a show of her rush. Her brown hair tangled in knots and twisted around her shoulders.

" Dad! " She yelled at the man walking ahead of her with Marcus Kane. His Hawaii shirt is just barely buttoned halfway, his hair a short heap, and his brown eyes soft as silk

" Freya. What are you doing out of your room? Does your mother know you left? " Tony Winchester asked frantically while grabbing her shoulders in his tight grip. The girl was quick to shrug off her father's grip and take a strong step back

" Let me be in Johnathans place," She requested. Her uneven breaths strike a concern in Tony, who instantly jumped to calm his asthmatic daughter as best as he could

" Okay, Freya, breath for me. Okay, " Tony demonstrated his breathing for Freya, who instantly followed her father's breaths. Once her breath gained and back to normal, Tony continued, " Now, what are you talking about?" Tony questioned

" I know you're sending one hundred kids to the earth. I also know you want to send Johnathan. You can't do that, though! " Freya rushed out in one breath, ignoring the look she received from Marcus and Tony

" No," Tony denied sternly.

" You don't understand, dad. It has to be me! " Freya argued even further with her father.

" You're not going. It's not safe for you, Freya. " Marcus chipped in softly. Freya was like a niece to him. He cared for her more than he did about becoming chancellor. He had helped the Winchester hide Freya from the other council members, and with that, he became Freya's uncle by her choice.

" Why? Because I have asthma? " Freya asked Marcus, who shrugged in a ' yeah ' kind of way. With a scoff, she turned back to Tony. " Dad, you know I can handle myself,"

" I know, Freya." Tony sighed before he dropped his head in between his shoulders. " Why can't I send Johnathan? "

" Because he's next in line for your place, dad. He knows more about being a counselor than I do. Heck, he's ready to take your spot. Plus, you know how I am dad. You can never keep me in one spot at a time. " She laughed gently while giving Tony's shoulder a small punch.

" Yea. I know. " Tony sighed out. He knew his daughter like the back of his mind. She was a replica of himself. Knowing that she was determined to take Johnathan's place strikes him with fear. As Tony thought of his answer, Marcus was silently hoping that tony would deny her request.

Marcus was the first counsel man to help Tony and Nancy keep Freya out of solitary. Jaha had originally wanted to float Nancy for keeping Freya. The Ark didn't like the fact that they were practically wasting more oxygen on Freya. Marcus had fought day in and day out for Nancy to not be floated, and Freya to be able to walk freely. Although, Freya's freedom came with a hefty price.

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