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The smell of the forest was gone, replaced with the smell of chemicals. The green trees were replaced with the white tiles floor and walls. The hard tets were replaced with a soft mattress and sheets.

Yet, Freya felt so uncomfortable laying in the room. Her body was curled under the sheet, arms wrapped around her waist. Her eyes were wide open as they stared at the monitoring system beside her bed.

Her heart ached for Bellamy. The feeling only intensified as she thought of him in every way possible. From his stubbornness to his leadership skills and to his loving smile. Then, to the fetus that was growing in her womb that shared the same blood as Bellamy.

She had no clue where she was. Which scared her. She didn't know if the others were okay. Clarke, Monty, jasper, Octavia, Cole, Murphy, Raven, and others. She was terrified.

Pushing the sheets off her, Freya placed her feet on the floor. The cold spreads through her skin and to her bones, spreading up her legs. Her grey eyes scanned the room, stopping on a ball that hung in front of the door.

Pushing off the bed, she walked to the door, trying to see anything other than what was inside the room. Looking out the window, she was surprised to see Jasper standing on the other side of the hall inside another door just like hers

" Jasper! " She called to the boy. His head looked her way confused cause he couldn't hear what she said. " Jasper! " She called again, and this time, he smiled at her

" Freya! Are you okay? " Jasper yelled, but Freya only heard his voice from a distance away. To answer his question, she nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Turning away from the window, she walked to the only color that was in the room. A picture. To be exact, a painting of a couple hugging in the middle of the forest. Their arms wrapped around each other tightly, smiles adoring their faces, and love in every corner of the painting.

Feeling angry, Freya grabbed the painting and tore it off the wall. Turning, she slammed the painting onto the floor, breaking it in half.

Memories of Bellamy and her flooding in and forcing the tears to fall. The more tears that fell, the more she slammed the painting onto the floor. Wood splinters shot across the floor, and the fabric tore in many places.

She sobbed once their was nothing more to break and fell onto the floor. Freya cried and cried until her throat became sore. The chemical smell burning her nostrils and painting a headache.

Suddenly, there was a hiss as the door opened and many hazmat suits entered the room. Freya pushed off the floor and backed away from them until her back was pressed against the wall.

They stood there by the door not moving as Freya began to hyperventilate. Jasper, who could see everything, began to shout and scream through the window of his door.

" Ma'am calm down, " one spoke as they took a step forward. With fear, Freya slid down to a squat with her back pressed against the cold wall.

" Where am I? " Freya sobbed out

" You're in Mount Weather. Now ma'am if you don't calm down, we'll be forced to sedate you. This is not healthy for you or your child. " The same one spoke once again.

Mount Weather, as in the one jaha said they were supposed to land at? Freya didn't think that Mount weather's would look the way it does. She thought it would be a small Bunker that held a lot of food.

" We need you to come with us." A second one spoke authoritatively. Freya glanced at Jasper, who was watching the interaction with wide eyes.

Slowly, Freya stood and walked to the Hazmats. She followed two of them out the door, letting her eyes roam the empty hall. Turning to the right, she followed them as they showed her out of the area.

The smell of chemicals became a distant smell as they entered a dark hallway with piping at the ceiling. A loud whirling sound was echoing off the walls, only making Freyas' head hurt worse.

Turning down another hall, the sound became distant the further they went. Freya glanced back over her shoulder, wondering where they were going.

Soon, they stopped in front of a door and opened it. Walking inside Freya was startled at the man standing behind a desk. His blue eyes already on hers, his grey hair balding out, and his outfit grey with a white undershirt and red scarf.

" It's good to see you doing okay, Freya." The man smiled before he motioned for Freya to sit down. Who did just that.

" How do you know my name? " Freya asked, gripping the chair handles.

" Oh, I know a lot about everyone in this place. Im dante wallace the president of Mount weathers. " Dante smiled

" How many of us did you get? " Freya questioned. Her mind ran as she thought about her people.

" 48, including you," answered Dante. Freya let out a sigh of relief at the news, but weary of the fact there was more of them before.

" There's still some of my people out there. " Freya scooted to the edge of her seat

" The patrol brought in everyone they could find. " Dante responded back

" What about the Ark? It came down last night? " Freya began to shoot questioned at the poor guy

" We saw it. There were multiple crash sites over a hundred square miles. If there were survivors, we would bring them in, too. You have my word. " Dante assured.

" I want to see my people. " Freya spoke strongly

" Of course you do. I would, too. " Dante stood up, motioning for someone to enter the room. Two men pushing a rather large suitcase entered the room.

" Change and meet me in the hall. Come on. Let's go. Let's give Freya some privacy. " With that, Dante left with the two other people.

Freya walked to the suitcase and pulled the latch up, opening the suitcase. Rows of clothes staring back at her with many shoes. Reaching in, she rubbed her hand over a silky shirt, feeling the softness of it.

Grabbing a long sleeved blue shirt, some tan colored cargo pants, and a simple pair of slip-ons. Her feet were sore, and she just wanted to be comfortable.

After she was dressed, she looked down at her belly and pulled her shirt back tightly. Her eyes stared at her fairly flat stomach, wondering how the fetus growing in her was doing.

She didn't know what she saw in the future with the child. Freya was afraid of what her life would turn out to be with a child to take care of.

She was afraid of her own future


I wanted to wait a little longer before publishing but I'm impatient asf and had to publish it.

Now, we get to see Freya struggle to find her balance between pregnancy and Mount weather's secrecy.

Tell me how you like it so I can keep writing for you guys!

- Jayme

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