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Freya was like a walking dead person. She had dark circles under her eyes, her hair barely brushed, and her body moving like a slug all the time. Monty and Jasper have begun to worry about her as they watch her grow worse each passing day.

At night, she'd hum to herself as she rubbed a hand over her belly, hoping that Bellamy would step into the room and hold her tightly. She'd sometimes find herself staring at the wall blankly as she thought of him. Hoping that one day he's showing up and saying it was all a joke.

During the day, she'd sit on her bed and pick at her nails. Or she'd sit in the mess hall staring at the food in front of her but not eating it. Monty would constantly try and get her to eat something, but she'd always smile and say she wasn't hungry.

Dante had even grown concern for the girl as she grew weaker each day. She was a shell of the person she used to be.

" How some of this....whatever it's called." Monty tried to hand Freya a dish with some tuna casserole on it. Freya stared at it before she held her hand over her mouth to hold back the bile that rose

" Please get that away from me," Freya begged.

" Come on, freya, you got to eat something," Monty sighed as he placed the plate down. Freya sighed as she dropped her head onto her arms. She was grateful for Monty, but any food just made her sick, and she didn't like it.

" I'm sorry Mont, I'm trying," Freya sighed, picking at the food in front of her. Monty looked away with a sigh, catching sight of jasper and maya. He stood rushing out to them, with Freya behind him.

" Jasper. Have you seen Clarke? Nobody has. " Monty asked Jasper, who looked at maya." Hey. " Monty addressed maya

" Hey. You guys should uh- " Maya started but got cut off by Jasper

" No, no, we're gonna have breakfast. I'll meet you in line. " Jasper disagreed quickly before maya left to the mess hall

" I've got a bad feeling. " Monty mumbled to Jasper, who sighed

" Look, I'd love to talk to you about Clarke any time in my entire life except right now." Jasper said before moving to go meet maya in the mess hall

" Hey, what is she's in trouble? " Freya asked, causing Jasper to stop in his tracks.

" Trouble? She's Clarke. Whatever she's up to, I'm sure she can handle it. " Jasper said before he disappeared into the mess hall. Monty sighed before he and Freya moved back into the mess hall and sat down.

" Do you really think Clarke's in trouble? " Freya asked Monty when they sat down.

" I don't know, Freya." Monty sighed tired tiredly. His eyes then looked up, then widened for a moment, but narrowed after a second. Freya turned to see Jasper walking up behind her.

" Hey. Nice to see you too. " Jasper sarcastically said as he sat down beside freya, offering her a smile, which she returned gladly.

" Sorry, I was hoping you were Clarke. " Monty sighed, dropping his head a little

" Have you seen her? " Freya hopefully asked Jasper, who shook his head

" I don't think she slept in her bed last night. " Monty added on, causing worry to sprouts through the trio.

" What do we do? " freya mumbled, her voice filled with concern

" Maya has access to everything through her job. Maybe she can snoop around. If Clarke's in trouble, she can find out. " Jasper offered his two friends

" I don't know, but Clarke doesn't trust them. What if she's right? " Monty said, looking at Freya, who nodded along

" We can trust Maya. Do you still think we can't? Besides, what choice do we have. " Jasper looked at Monty, then at Freya, who sucked in her bottom lip and nodded in agreement.

After they left the mess hall, Freya walked down the halls, wanting to stretch her legs a little. Her arms were crossed, her mind going back to Bellamy as his face ran through her mind.

In the midst of walking, Freya stopped and squatted down as a sob left her throat. All her memories with Bellamy pusing at the edge of her mind demanding her attention. Her tears fell freely as she planted her palms on the cold floor, and her knees digging in the hard concrete.

Sobs filled the halls as Freya broke down. She felt in a sticky trap with everything. Trying to believe what Clarke had been so persistent on as well as thinking of a safe place for her child and herself. Her need for Bellamy is growing, each passing second of the day.

Turning her body, Freya leaned against the cold wall as she began to hyperventilate. Her air became thick, and her vision blurred from the tears. Her breathing felt limited as the seconds ticked with her sitting on the floor.

" Freya! " A distant voice shouted but came out muffled to Freya, who closed her eyes closed. By now, she was gasping for air when it had completely come to a stop.

" Help me get her to medical! " Another muffled voice entered her brain, but Freya didn't comprehend it. She felt herself being lifted but found it hard to open her eyes.

She felt herself being held as the person ran, but her brain felt fuzzy. She could feel the movement but didn't comprehend it completely. She could hear the voices shouting but didn't comprehend them completely either.

Soon, her mind went blank, and her eyes stayed closed as everything filled with darkness.

Jasper and Maya stood outside the medical room as they stared at Freya, laying on the bed with the doctor tending to her. Jasper stared with wide eyes as a gas mask was placed over her face to help the oxygen flow through her airway.

" She's going to be okay, Jasper," Maya said to Jasper, who turned to look at her

" Can you do us a favor, please? " Jasper asked Maya, whose eyes glimmered with surprise

" Anything."

" Can you find out where Clarke is at. Monty and Freya haven't seen her for a few hours, and their concerned " Jasper started," I also think some closure with knowing Clarke is safe would help Freya a little more "

Maya smiled at the care Jasper had for his friends. " Of course Jasper," Maya agreed.

" Thank you." Jasper smiled before he watched as Maya walked away.

From that night on, Freya had to stay in medical to keep a close eye on. Jasper and Monty constantly visited her to try to get her to eat something.

Doctor Tsing had said Freya had been diagnosed with intermittent asthma once again. Freya was broken by the news, feeling as though her asthma was going to slow her down once again. Doctor Tsing also said her grade two heart murmur was now at a grade three and growing worse by the weeks.


Ooooooh, her asthma is back. What do we think so far???

Also a life update, my mom got my brother arrested and kicked me out ✌️✌️

- Jayme

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