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Freya sat on her bed, knees pulled to her chest, and her hands wrapped around them to hold them against her. Her mind was traveling at a high velocity that sent her into overdrive. Everything that she heard from the three high status people moving on a repeating loop.

Mr. President, why bring them here if not to use them?....

Doctor Tsing wanted to use the forty kids that they brought in. But for what? That's where it all got clogged in Freyas' mind. She knew they wanted to use them but didn't know what for.

Shouldn’t you be in the dungeon with your monsters?....

What was in the dungeon? That's the second question that gets caught in the pipes of knowledge to Freya. They were keeping things in the dungeon that were referred to as ' Monsters '. So what was in the dungeons?

Me? I’d use them....

The cage was so quick to answer Dante. It was as if he had thought about it before and already had the answer. As if he was waiting to be asked the question.

When Freya was called to Medical, she never let her eyes waver off of Doctor Tsing's. Not even when she laid on the bed and rolled her shirt up to just below her breast. Not when Doctoe Tsing placed the gel on her warm skin, sending goosebumps up her body.

The one thing, though, that pulled her from Doctor Tsing was the heartbeat that filled the room. Freyas' eyes had attacked the screen with such intensity that it felt unreal. As her ears listened to the heartbeat, her eyes watched the little grape move around in its spot.

Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the small fetus. Everything suddenly felt so real. It didn't just hit her suddenly. It all fell onto her like a crash. Being on earth, falling in love with Bellamy, grounders attacking, Mount weathers, maya and Jasper, the news, and the pregnancy.

" Are you okay, Ms. Winchester? " Doctor Tsing asked as she stared at Freya. That was when Freya realized she was crying.

" I'm okay." Freya sat up and removed the gel from her stomach with the wipe that was given to her. Pulling her shirt down, Freya moved from the bed and out the room, where she made her way to the mess hall.

" Freya! Wait, " Doctor Tsing called as she followed after the young girl who now stood motionless in the hall." Heres a picture of your ultrasound. Figured you might want one. "

Grabbing the sonogram, Freya stared down at it with a small smile; tears welding in her eyes once again. " There are a few complications that I've found during the ultrasound."

Freya looked up at her with her brows furrowed. " What?! "

" There seems to be a complication in your sugar levels. I highly believe that through the course of your pregnancy, you have developed gestational diabetes. " Doctor Tsing said, and Freya scoffed

Baby - Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now