Chapter 25

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These words were like a drop of cold water falling into a boiling pan of oil, and there was an explosion immediately, "No, if the bandits are allowed to live in the village, wouldn't that be inviting wolves into the house?!"

"That is, when they do evil in the village, I'm afraid the government can't cure them."

But there are also bold people who think this is a mutually beneficial thing, but everyone gets what they need.

"Yang Zhao is also a bandit. If he and his brothers hadn't helped us this time, we would have died without anyone knowing in this snow."

"Yeah, didn't they say they wanted to change their ways? We have to give them a Opportunity, and now that people are willing to give us food, it shows that they don't lack our things. Why are we afraid of bandits when we are so poor?"

Seeing that half of the people objected, Yang Zhao was not in a hurry, and he and Zhang Qiao were standing near the hillside. In this place, a snow-free clearing was cleared, where the mountain collapsed and the soil was exposed.

Yang Zhao used his shovel to shovel the surrounding soil to avoid falling and hitting people. After making sure there was no danger, he found some branches and spread them on the ground to keep out the cold.

Wen Yu, Aunt Zhang and Uncle Zhang were clearing away the snow around their former home, taking out everything that could be used in the house. Zhang Qiao's wife was pregnant, and she had survived this disaster. No one dared to let it go. She was moving, but she sat aside to calm down with lingering fear.

Fortunately, the whole house did not collapse, and there were still two rooms standing, but it looked scary, as if it might collapse at any time. Zhang Qiao was tall and thin, so he could get in through the window.

One of the two rooms was a woodshed, and the other was the bedroom of Aunt Zhang and Uncle Zhang. He handed out all the quilts and thick coats inside. Yang Zhao handed them to Wen Yu and Aunt Zhang outside, and Uncle Zhang hugged them. Place it on the tidy ground.

Seeing that they had moved a lot of things here, the villagers also started to move. The village that was full of mourning just now was now full of busy sounds.

There are only a few lazy men squatting aside and watching, or the house is already bare, and there is nothing worth picking up. They look at the things being moved out one by one by the people around them, with envy in their eyes.

Uncle Zhang opened a few pages and saw where the kitchen used to be, with some sweet potatoes and corn scattered around. He stretched out his hand to pull out the sack. Yang Zhao, who was standing aside, saw it and stepped forward to hold his hand. hand.

"Leave it alone for now. After a disaster, people's hearts are unpredictable." He said and looked at the few men in the village who were eyeing them. They were all from impoverished families. They were usually fine, but now it's in such a mess that you can't say for sure. .

That's how people are, if they don't have any, that's it. If some people have food and some don't, then something will happen.

There is only one person in Yang Zhao. No matter how fierce he is, he can protect his husband, but he can't protect Aunt Zhang's family. What's more, there is a frightened pregnant woman in their family. If they are robbed by the villagers again, they may not be able to hide. Get through this calamity.

There were branches underneath and a mattress on top. The two of them huddled together around the bed to keep warm.

The Zhang family was the first to stop. Seeing the people around them still pulling things away, they felt somewhat happy and a little sad.

We were at home well, and then we were gone just before our eyes.

Wen Yu looked at the eyes of those people looking over and approached Yang Zhao uneasily.

"Is the second brother still in contact with those bandits?"

Yang Zhao turned his head and looked at the young man's eyes, which were full of curiosity and questions, but not fear or contempt. Looking at those dark but clear eyes, he smiled .

"Yes, there is a connection. After all, they were once brothers who died. They also want to settle down now. After all, being bandits is not a long-term solution."

Hearing this, Wen Yu nodded slowly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were full of approval and Agree.

The men who helped rescue people before came back before it was dark. This time they came back not empty-handed, but came back carrying food and dry firewood.

Those people did not look at the villagers. They walked toward Yang Zhao with a smile. They looked at the young man beside him with a vague look. When they looked at Yang Zhao again, there was a teasing smile in their eyes. meaning.

Wen Yu was really stupid and didn't notice, but Yang Zhao saw it but pretended not to see it. Those people had no choice but to start a fire in the open space, took out some sweet potatoes and threw a few into the fire.

Yang Zhao looked through the food they brought over, took out a few taros, picked up a bundle of firewood and gave it to the village chief's family not far away.

The name of a bandit can suppress the thoughts of the villagers to some extent. In addition, if something happens, he will no longer be alone, so Yang Zhao will be more public when sharing food.

This is also his purpose, which is to let people see that they have food and manpower, and they cannot be snatched by the mob. If you want it, you have to pay the price.

The rest of the people looked hot. Although many people dug out the food from their previous homes in the snow, there was snow all around and the firewood was wet. For a while, the fire could not be lit, and the food was in their hands. But I'm not familiar with it.

Some men are not particular about it. They wipe the soil on the sweet potatoes with snow and then open their mouths to nibble on the raw sweet potatoes. Their panicked hearts are relieved a little.

And Wen Dafu's family, who had been watching here silently, couldn't even dig out their own things. Wen Dafu had a disabled foot. This time, he had several injuries on his body after being buried in the snow. Liu Wen's family didn't feel better either. Where to go? When he was dragged out, he was unconscious, still protecting his son in his hands.

At this time, both mother and son woke up, and it was a little difficult to sit up. There was no way they could help dig out the snow.

There was a fire burning in the Zhang family, and the roasted sweet potatoes were not yet ripe, but the aroma had already spread far away. The man who had just eaten the raw sweet potatoes chewed the sweet potatoes in his mouth and smelled the distant aroma, and suddenly felt that the sweet potatoes in his hand were difficult to swallow.

Not to mention the Wen Dafu family who barely survived the disaster. If it weren't for someone's help, they would have been buried in a cave with no way to save themselves and could only wait to die.

It was a cold day, and the scent of roasted sweet potatoes filled their noses. The three of them swallowed silently, and their eyes grew hot when they looked at the branches and quilts where the Zhang family was sitting.

Mrs. Wen Liu heard the sound of her son swallowing. She wiped the dried blood on her face, lightly kicked Wen Dafu with her foot, and angrily raised her chin towards Wen Yu.

Wen Dafu was irritated. What he did to his nephew was too cruel. He was somewhat embarrassed to get close to his nephew again, but he turned to look at his wife's urging and his son's eyes full of expectation.

His sense of shame gradually diminished.

A gust of wind mixed with snow foam blew over and hit Wen Dafu's neck. Although the snow in the sky stopped, the wind around him seemed to be stronger.

Wen Dafu was also cold and hungry at the moment. Looking at his wife's urging eyes and the child's expectant and pleading eyes, he thought that Wen Yu was a good-tempered man. No matter what he said, he was still his biological uncle. If it were anything else, That's all. Now when life and death are at stake, Wen Yu can't just ignore him.

After all, the shame in his heart was no match for his desire. He stood up with difficulty, picked up a wooden stick from the collapsed mountain next to him and used it as a crutch, and limped towards Wen Yu and his group.

"Brother Yu..."

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