Chapter 86

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Just because there was one hidden in the pulse, the child's heartbeat was weaker. Mr. Xu didn't notice it before. This time he gave it a try and pressed his belly again to confirm that there were two heads inside, and then he concluded that Wen Yu was pregnant. Twins.

Not only did Chengen's house explode, but even the palace knew about it. Du Huaizhang immediately sent an old nun who was a midwife in the palace. She had enough experience to take care of many concubines, and he also sent an old nun who was good at taking care of them. Female doctor for pregnant women.

"At the beginning of the founding of the Yong'an Dynasty, the twin heroes were born. This is a good omen. You must take good care of my wife and make sure there are no mistakes."

"I will obey the imperial edict."

Winning the hearts of the people won the world, but there was something missing, that is God's prophecies and destiny.

Although Du Huaizhang did not believe in these, if they had these, it would be more evident that his uprising was supported by God and was destined to rule his world.

Wen Yu was still a little uncomfortable with the sudden addition of two palace attendants to his family. He was afraid that if he didn't pay attention to what he said at home, someone would get into the ears of the Holy Emperor.

On the contrary, Yang Zhao acted calmly, as if he didn't care about them at all, and he really regarded the two palace ladies as servants.

After getting up early and changing clothes before going to the military camp, he came to the bedside to see his husband who was still sleeping soundly. When he came out, he gave instructions to his aunt and the female doctor who was waiting at the door.

"Madam likes to eat milk. She stews it thickly with Tremella fungus and puts it on the stove to warm it. You can eat a bowl whenever you feel hungry. You won't get fat if you eat too much of it."

The female doctor nodded and smiled, "Please keep this in mind, sir . "My uncle is the most considerate gentleman I have ever seen."

It's no wonder that he suffered from morning sickness because his wife was pregnant.

Yang Zhao laughed naively, but he always felt that there was too little he could do. He glanced at the chubby cabbage growing in the yard and hurried to the military camp to go on duty.

When he woke up, Wen Yu washed up under the service of three or four people. He put down his chopsticks after finishing breakfast and was about 70% full.

Although he is now pregnant with twins, after listening to what Aunt Zhang and Zhang's sister-in-law said, he did not dare to be greedy. Although the weather was cold, it was still autumn. In fact, it was the most comfortable day to go out if he wore thicker clothes.

He walked slowly along the small river and watched Song Ma leading Fu Bao to herd the ducks in a decent manner. The originally yellow and fluffy little duck had grown up in the past few months and had changed into feathers. Swimming happily in the stream.

The water was cold in autumn, and Song's mother did not allow Fu Bao to go into the water again, so she moved a small chair for him to sit by the river and watch the ducklings.

Seeing someone approaching from the other side of the river, Fu Bao looked up and saw Wen Yu approaching with a big belly. He immediately ran across the small wooden bridge happily.

"Grandma, Grandma, the chicks have laid eggs!"

Song's mother stood across the creek and saluted Wen Yu, holding a duck-driving pole. "The young master was happy for a while this morning. The little hens we bought earlier laid eggs. Let's catch up." I'll cook it for the young master to eat at noon. "

The seedlings I bought for the little duck were small and yellow-fluffy, but the ones I bought for the little hen were half-grown. Now they are growing up and starting to lay eggs.

"No, give it to grandma. Grandma has two babies in her belly and needs to be replenished."

After listening to Yang Zhao talking about replenishing his body all day long, the little guy also learned the lesson. Wen Yu smiled and touched the little guy's head.

Song's mother smiled and said: "Madam's love for this child is not in vain."

For Xiao Fubao, the chickens he raised personally and the eggs he laid were one of the most precious things for him, but he didn't even think about it. If you want to take it out to honor your grandma, who can help but use it?

Du Huaizhang was reminded by Yang Zhao's words to ask the courtiers to write down a new farming rule every month.

The common people are in dire straits under the power of a faint king. The good fields are occupied by the rich and powerful, and the bad fields cannot grow food. The people are becoming more and more unfavorable about farming. Now that the court has just been established, and the reputation of Yan Zhaojun is spreading, the male Young men all want to serve as soldiers to earn a living, but they pay less and less attention to farming.

"Starting from next year, I will personally go to the fields to sow and harvest in the spring and autumn. If I have a prince in the future, no matter how big or small, we will follow him to sow the spring and autumn crops."

Although it was only for a day or two, a noble man who was above me was willing to do so. Working together with the people, Du Huaizhang's admiration and support for him became even higher once this incident came out.

In these calls, Cheng'en's Mansion once again became a role model, because His Majesty praised Yang Zhao and Wen Yu for their hard work in the palace, and let their adopted sons farm and herd ducks since elementary school.

Adou, who suddenly couldn't afford it, became a celebrity in the capital, and many of his colleagues found various reasons to come to observe and learn. Yang Zhao was so annoyed that he went straight to the imperial court.

Du Huaizhang sneered, "The county prince spent thousands of taels to help you build a farm. You have to help me anyway. I just let those officials go and see and learn, but I didn't let you go to their house to farm. You What else is there to be unhappy about?!"

"The prince bought flowers, and he didn't give me two thousand taels for free. Besides, my wife is pregnant with twins and needs to rest. What should I do if people are making noises all day long?"

"Then you go to the Ministry of Household Affairs to get a job, and tell them about farming. Don't let them just talk on paper every day. Think of some strategies to collect grain."

Yang Zhao finally figured it out, Du Huaizhang He wouldn't be happy if he didn't find something to do for himself. To put it bluntly, Du Huaizhang was busy and didn't want to watch others idle.

After all, he can be regarded as a civil servant, so Yang Zhao reluctantly accepted it with a groan. When he was leaving the palace, Du Huaizhang said again, "I have some blood swallows here. You can take some back to replenish my husband's health." "You won't get fat even if you eat too much."

Under the care of a female doctor and a nanny, Wen Yu spent eight months safely. It was early summer again, and he looked at the newly grown garlic seedlings and sweet potatoes that were about to mature in the yard. , touched his belly and sighed quietly.

Mr. Xu came over to ask for Ping'an's pulse, frowning tightly, "Madam, your twins will probably be born a few days earlier than usual."

"But what impact will it have on the child?" A few days earlier. It doesn't matter if it's a few days late, as long as it doesn't affect the child.

"Judging from the pulse, there is no problem. You have been taking good care of yourself during this period. In addition, the supplements given by the palace are also of the best quality. The child is growing well and his heartbeat is very strong."

Wen Yusong heard that the child is healthy. He took a breath, touched his ridiculously big belly, and began to look forward to the freedom after unloading.

One ordinary evening, the concierge suddenly ran in with a post in his hand.

"Uncle, Madam, there is a letter from the Prince's Palace, saying that the Prince got up early this morning to start the operation, but the baby has not been born yet."

The three members of the family who were eating stopped their chopsticks, and Wen Yu immediately took the letter.

"Why do I remember that Wylan's due date was only half a month away? Why was it so sudden?"

As he spoke, he opened the letter and saw that it was Du Huailan's dictation. The content ghostwritten by someone else was a letter saying goodbye to him. Wen Yu was so angry that he threw the letter in his hand.

"Bah! Why are you saying these unlucky words at this time? Didn't your Majesty send him an imperial doctor?"

Yang Zhao picked up the letter and read it, and frowned, "He is the king of the county and naturally he is from the palace. "I'm taking care of you, but why is he writing this to you?"

"Don't you think he is dying? Everyone in his house is going crazy with him. He still has the heart to write a letter at this time. No, I have to go see him. "

You call me a lunatic, but how can you not worry in your heart? Giving birth is like a journey through hell, and no one can say whether you will survive it safely."

But Yang Zhao quit. His husband was so big that he was frightened to stand up and walk around at home, let alone go out in a carriage.

"I'm not worried about you going out like this. Why don't you wait at home and I'll go take a look."

"What are you going to do? You're a man and you're in the front yard. Besides, what's the matter with the prince giving birth to your outsider? "Wouldn't it be arousing criticism?"

Knowing that his husband was a stubborn man, Yang Zhao could only quickly ask someone to prepare the car, but he was so frightened that he had to be held by Wen Yu all the way.

"You can't go into the delivery room even if you go. It's better to wait for the news at home. Don't get tired."

"Bah, if you don't let me say a few words, I can save some energy."

From the backyard to the front yard, I usually walk It didn't feel far, but for some reason today, Wen Yu was out of breath after walking a few steps, and suddenly felt that the front and back yards were too far away.

After walking around for a quarter of an hour, we finally reached the screen wall. Wen Yu held on to the wall and gasped for breath. Suddenly he felt something sliding down, as if something fell out. He lowered his head and glanced down. , only to see a piece of wet under his feet.

Wen Yu's face turned pale instantly, "Second brother, I seem to be in labor."

The man glanced down, picked up the husband and ran back without saying a word, "Come quickly, Madam is about to give birth, please go and be safe." "Po!"

The delivery room was ready. Yang Zhao trotted all the way to carry her into the delivery room. The brand new bedding was fluffy and soft, and Wen Yu was still a little dazed in it. Wen Po and the female doctor hadn't come yet, and Wen Yu calmed down. After a while, he dragged Yang Zhao.

"Take off your pants, I always feel like something is coming out."

Yang Zhao didn't even shake when he killed the enemy in the previous battle, but at this moment, the hands that were taking off the husband's pants were shaking terribly, and his eye circles were red. The man who was talking like a stormy man was now mute, his face was pale, his teeth were biting the corners of his lips, and blood even oozed out.

With trembling hands, he finally untied his belt, "Shua--" and pulled it down. After the blood flowed out, a small thing waving a small fist came out of his crotch, as small as a kitten. A little face with pink wrinkles all over.

Yang Zhao couldn't take a breath, his vision went dark, and he fell straight to the ground with a "bang-dang--".

When the three stable women and the female doctor came in, they happened to see them and immediately dragged them out in a hurry. Mr. Xu rushed over and stood guard outside the door. He was worried that he could help if someone happened, but he didn't want to just walk there. At the door, they saw two stable women dragging Yang Zhao out and throwing him on the ground outside the door. The delivery room door was closed ruthlessly.

Before the boiling water was ready and delivered, two 5,000-ring firecrackers were set off in Cheng'en's Mansion, and red silk was hung on the door. God seemed to be celebrating, and the sky was filled with flames, lighting up the earth. gold.

The nun sent by the palace ran to the palace with a happy face.

"Uncle Chengen is very happy to have twins, a dragon and a phoenix, a little man and a little brother."

At ten o'clock in the night, the county prince's palace also sent people to the palace to report the news happily, "Replying to your majesty, the prince is happy to have a daughter!"

In the uncle Chengen's palace, Wen Yu took a nap after giving birth. When he woke up, he glanced sideways at the man lying outside. He was awake now, but his face was still a little pale.

Thinking of the crazy scene just now, Wen Yu couldn't help laughing. It was obviously him who got pregnant, but Yang Zhao had morning sickness for him. It was obviously him who gave birth to the baby, but Yang Zhao fainted with fear. past.

"Husband, you're a father, why don't you go and see your son?"

The wet nurse had already taken the baby to breast-feeding. Knowing that the mother-in-law needed a rest, she didn't pick her up immediately after the feeding. Yang Zhao thought of seeing his son for the first time. scene, now I really don't want to see that brat.

"Yu'er, give me some time to calm down. I'm not mentally prepared yet."

"Why didn't I see that you were so timid before?!"

Yang Zhao silently reached out and held her husband's catkins, " Since I had you, I really can't bear the shock you have given me."

"Yu'er, I won't have any more babies, and I won't have any more babies in the future. From now on, you should be safe and healthy, and stay with me and my child. around."

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