Chapter 75

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Flowers are easy to sell, but stones are too expensive. Even Du Huailan was not fooled into it, so he could only wait and see.

It took Mohua two days to look at the originally colorful yard, which now became tattered, and both Wen Yu and Yang Zhao had big smiles on their faces.

"This season should be perfect for planting wheat, but we only have so much land in our house, and we won't be able to produce many wheat grains, so why not just plant vegetables."

Wen Yu also thought the same, and he had started to plan to plant it in the past few days . what.

"I'm afraid it's too late to plant anything else at this time. It's better to plant a few leeks next to the peonies, so you don't have to plant them again in the future. After cutting one crop, it will grow again, once and for all, and plant eggplant next to it."

Yang Zhao nodded, "I I passed by Yizhuangzi before I went to the barracks and saw that they were growing a new vegetable, which they said was similar to the way to eat it. It was called cabbage and it was growing very well. I asked them to buy some seeds and let's try it too. "

"In such a big yard, pumpkins, winter melons, and melons are planted at the base of the walls. There are a few shelves next to the eggplants. Beans, lentils, cucumbers, and some peppers are also planted. These can be eaten at any time when they are dried."

"Let's plant radishes in the patch of roses. There happens to be a cellar in the house. If you put them in the cellar, you won't have to go out to buy them in winter."

As her husband arranged each sentence, Yang Zhao seemed to see the yard full of vegetables and fruits ripening. He rolled up his sleeves and called someone to start plowing.

Because the land in the yard is irregular and growing vegetables does not require acres of arable land, Yang Zhao directly started the operation with a hoe.

In order to have a better experience, the two of them were having a family dinner. Wen Yu went back to find out the clothes he wore when entering the capital and put them on for Yang Zhao. He also took off the white jade hairpin, tied up his hair with a cloth ribbon, and put it on I asked Song Ma to find some baskets and bring them over.

Fu Bao looked at the two people curiously throughout the whole process, but couldn't participate in it. He groaned anxiously for a while.

On a hot day, Wen Yu had just prepared things. When he turned around, he saw that Yang Zhao was already sweating from exhaustion. The sweat beads rolled from his dark skin to the tip of his chin, and then fell into the soil.

Wen Yu held the handkerchief and held a basket in one hand. In the basket was the sour plum soup just prepared in the kitchen. He held Fubao, who had not been able to participate, in the other hand and walked towards Yang Zhao.

"Second brother, have a rest. My son and I are here to bring you water." He said with a smile, stepped forward and let go of Fu Bao's hand, wiped Yang Zhao's sweat with a handkerchief, and put the basket aside. On the Taihu stone, a bowl of sour plum soup that had been prepared in the well was poured out. It was particularly cold.

"Drink a bowl of sour plum soup to relieve the heat."

Seeing the fun in the young man's eyes, Yang Zhao couldn't help but smile, and in line with his acting skills, he took the sour plum soup.

"Just wait at home in this hot day. Be careful when it gets too hot out. I still have two acres of land to finish plowing."

Wen Yu bit his lip to hold back his laughter. Originally, he just wanted to tease Yang Zhao on a whim, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually He really acted with himself.

"Well, then I'll go back and prepare lunch, and I'll come over to deliver it to you at noon."

Yang Zhao suppressed a smile and nodded, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Little Fubao on the side didn't understand what they were talking about, and was just curious. Playing with the earthworms that came out of the soil, Song Ma and Cui Yun, who were standing not far away, both suppressed laughter until their bodies trembled, but they did not dare to disappoint their masters, so they could only endure it, which made their faces turn red.

Wen Yu was having fun, pretending not to see the two of them, and walked back with as sullen a face as possible. Yang Zhao looked at Wen Yu's little peacock-like back, smiled and shook his head, feeling too soft-hearted. .

How could his husband be so cute!

It was still early before noon. Wen Yu walked around the backyard with a basket and saw that there was a lot of empty space under the grape trellis. It was inconvenient to grow vegetables and most of the sunlight was blocked by the grapevines.

He turned around and took a look around. Most of the garden had an unobstructed view. It could be said to be a good place for viewing, although all he could see at the moment was the tattered land.

But Wen Yu knew very well that in a few days, this place would become a smaller version of the village, with a river, a vegetable garden, geese and ducks swimming in the water, and clucking chickens, and a harvest scene everywhere.

"Mother Song, go tell Zhao Dong and ask him to arrange for two people to set up a stove for me here."

Although she didn't understand why Wen Yu did this, Mother Song never asked much about what the master arranged. She went to do something, and soon she led a company of craftsmen over.

After all, he was someone who was in the capital. He looked at the surrounding environment and listened to Wen Yu's thoughts. The craftsman actually helped with ideas.

"Madam, I think it's better to dig a cage under the grape trellis. This principle is like the fire kang in the village. In the summer, close the valve behind the stove and let the smoke escape from the chimney. The soles of your feet will be cool and not hot. In winter, block the chimney, open the valve, put a fire on the stove, and the grape trellis will be warm. Then make a round table, hollow out the middle and put a clay stove, and enjoy the snow while making tea around the stove. It'll be cold but it won't delay Madam and Uncle's viewing."

Wen Yu slowly thought about the scene as he said it, his eyes widened little by little, and the corners of his mouth curved beautifully.

"Then I'll do as you say, but will the cage hurt the vine?"

"Madam, don't worry, I've seen this vine and its roots are in the distance. There won't be any roots under the shelf here. So even if you light a fire to heat it, it won't hurt the vines and trees."

But Wen Yu was still a little worried. In the end, the two of them discussed it and made the bottom of the grapevine trellis too high, so that even if it was heated, it would not be damaged. It will damage the underground rhizomes, so at first glance it looks like a short fire pit has been built.

After making arrangements for the stove, Wen Yu actually carried the basket to the kitchen. When he saw Mrs. Uncle coming in, the cooks became nervous and restrained.

It's not that they did anything wrong, it's just that the master of the family rarely comes to this place, so they are used to it. Naturally, they will be a lot nervous when they meet the master's house.

"Madam, come here at this time, but what are your orders?"

Wen Yu looked at the ingredients being prepared on the chopping board, as well as the unprocessed vegetables and fruits piled on the table and on the floor.

"I want to cook today. You just need to tell me where to put the things."

"This..." Several cooks hesitated and turned to look at Song Ma. They relaxed when they saw the other party smiling and nodding. tone, otherwise I would think that they did not do well and were disliked by their master.

"Madam, let's start with you."

Wen Yu washed his hands, wiped them dry, and prepared to cook a bowl of clear soup noodles for Yang Zhao. This is a good meal for farmers. Most men who have worked in the fields like to eat these. , the dry food became increasingly dry and they still couldn't swallow it.

He led the people to dig up all the unused land in the house. It was almost lunch time. When Yang Zhao turned around, he saw that Fu Bao had rolled into a ball of mud in the soil.

Wen Yu didn't know where he went, so he reluctantly picked up the little guy and shook the dirt off him.

"Where's your grandma?" Yang Zhao said while still looking around in the yard. Before Fu Bao could say anything, he saw Wen Yu hurriedly walking towards this side again carrying a basket.

Yang Zhao patted the dirt on his son's body and put him down. He smiled helplessly and shook his head. He didn't expect that the young husband would have such a fun-loving temperament.

"Second brother, are you done? I'm here to bring you food."

Yang Zhao smiled and took his husband's hand, helping him to a secluded place. There happened to be a landscape stone on the ground, which was warmed by the sun. , and sat the person down on it.

"The land has been plowed. We will fertilize it in the afternoon and start planting vegetables in two days."

"Then drink some water and have a rest. I made your favorite clear soup noodles."

If in the previous village, clear soup noodles were still available. It was really clear soup noodles, but at least the two of them were living a better life now, and they were not too restless after drinking wine, so Wen Yu changed the soup to a broth made from chicken stock.

It looks clear and bright, but in fact it is so delicious that it can swallow your tongue. It is added with scallops and green vegetables, and finally a poached egg is nestled on top.

As soon as the aroma came out, it hit everyone around. Zhao Dong and the men who were working were all hungry, and they swallowed hard looking at the clear soup noodles brought out by Wen Yu.

Song's mother was a little amused when she saw it, and made a gesture to Zhao Dong, telling them not to disturb the two masters, and to go to the back to have a meal and rest.

As the saying goes, they put on a show, and Yang Zhao and Wen Yu were not mean hosts. After dinner, they did not rush to let people come over to work. Like ordinary farm families, they went home to rest after dinner and waited. At noon, when the sun is not so hot, come out to work again.

But Yang Zhao was restless. After eating, he started to mix farmyard manure on the land. This must be raised before planting. Fu Bao, who was sitting holding Xia in his arms, covered his nose and refused the meat porridge that Song Ma fed to his mouth. .

"Don't eat it, it stinks!"

Can fertilizing in the yard on a hot day not stink? When the sun shines at noon, the smell becomes more and more pungent, and even Wen Yu, who is mentally prepared, can't stand it.

Yang Zhao seemed to be okay, scooping up water from the water tank in the yard and flushing himself. He walked over with his bare arms dripping with water and pinched Fu Bao's little face.

"You think it smells bad now. When the vegetables grow, they will only taste better and better."

Fubao was so young and was born in the capital. He had never seen farming before. He shook his head half-understanding and said, "Don't eat shit. Smells!"

After saying that, he jumped into Wen Yu's arms, as if he was afraid that Yang Zhao would catch him and feed him some farmyard fertilizer.

While laughing and joking, Uncle Cheng'en's house was booming. You can't buy seeds for leeks and plant them now. It will take several years to grow them into piles of good leeks. You have to go to the village to buy the seedlings grown, pile by pile. If planted in the ground, leeks can be harvested in ten and a half months.

As the cultivation time gets longer, more leeks will grow. When they grow to a certain level, they have to be dug out and divided into two before planting. Otherwise, they will grow too tight and become thinner.

Wen Yu felt a little itchy when he saw Yang Zhao busy in the fields. He went back to the house, changed into cotton clothes, and took Little Fubao to a small area he had reclaimed in the yard.

"Fubao, grandma will take you to grow chili peppers. When they are dried in the winter, we can eat hot pots."

Fu Bao didn't know what chili peppers were or what hot pots were. He only knew how to play with his father and grandma. It was very interesting. happy.

Wen Yu dug out a piece of land and drew a shallow ditch. He and Fu Bao each carried a small basket that Song's mother had made for them early in the morning.

"Sprinkle the seeds evenly here, and then cover them with soil. They will sprout in a few days. Wait for them to grow bigger, select a few strong ones and transplant them, and we will just wait for them to bear fruit."

Xiao Fubao's hand The little one felt very happy as he stepped on the soft and moist soil with his feet, but nodded solemnly on his face.

"Waiting for the results."

One big and one small sowed seeds to fill the soil. After finishing his work, Yang Zhao held on to the hoe for a while and watched them busy sprinkling water. Fu Bao stepped on the soil for the first time in his life. He was happy to see the seeds that had not yet been planted. I was running around on the vegetable land, as if I had forgotten that farmyard manure had just been mixed with it a few days ago.

Under the bright sun, Yang Zhao had tanned in a few days. He bared his big white teeth and watched his silly son rolling and playing in the soil. He "kindly" did not remind him that this land had been mixed with farmyard manure before.

Gudan pre-released the article "The Little Mermaid Eunuch". If he runs, he chases, he can't fly, and the paranoid prince eventually becomes a fisherman!


The Lanhai Kingdom paid tribute to the Qing Kingdom and its relatives, the fish... eggs, and escaped alone under heavy guard.

The size of the palace made Mu Xiaoxiao lose his bearings. In order to protect himself, he mingled with a group of young eunuchs who had just entered the palace.

All he wanted was to leave the palace as soon as possible, and his nature told him that he should return to the deep sea...

He was overjoyed to learn that he could follow the deposed prince out of the palace with him.

Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and took all her savings to find the chief manager.

A few days later, Mu Xiaoxiao stood in the East Palace of the Prince, feeling as if something was not right...

The new prince Zhao Mingchen was moody. Although he smiled all day long and gave people a feeling of spring breeze, his blood was cold to the bones.

The man below did things too suitably and was killed by him.

The people below him were killed by him even if they didn't do things to their liking.

For a time, all the people serving in the East Palace were walking on thin ice every day. They all knew that the prince hated aliens the most, and no one in the East Palace dared to mention the mermaid marriage.

After Mu Xiaoxiao learned about it, he even tightened his grip, fearing that Prince Zhao Mingchen would one day discover his identity.

But not long after, Mu Xiaoxiao discovered that there was either some extra kelp or sea earthworms that looked like buckwheat noodles in his meals.

Mu Xiaoxiao was furious and threw the chopsticks in his hand, "Who! Who is playing a prank?!"

Zhao Mingchen, who was sitting on the beam, touched the tip of his nose guiltily, "I thought you would like it."

Zhao Mingchen jumped off the beam, He grasped Mu Xiaoxiao's slender waist with one hand.

"Don't all fish like to eat these?"

Mu Xiaoxiao: !

Mu Xiaoxiao carried the small baggage on his back overnight and escaped from the palace without looking back...

Arriving at the shore of the East China Sea, looking at the turbulent waves, he plunged into... Zhao Mingchen's arms.

Zhao Mingchen's face was pale, his eyes were red, and he had a slightly crazy smile on his lips, "Little one, are you still running?"

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