Chapter 55

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With this incident alone, Yang Zhao's reputation among the Yanzhao Army has risen even higher.

On the one hand, he won a great victory and brought back a lot of military supplies for the Yanzhao army. On the other hand, the hero in their hearts was actually afraid of his husband.

Now even Wen Yu had made a name for himself in the Yanzhao Army. Many people who didn't know him would take the opportunity to pass by him and take a sneak peek at the man who could train their general from a tiger to a cat.

The company stayed in Cheng'an City for half a month. Early that morning, the west gate opened, and Yan Zhaojun set off in a mighty manner before the people got up to move around.

Compared with the first expedition, the logistics team this time was also more proficient, and the arrangements were orderly and no longer appeared to be in a hurry.

And when they were halfway there, the people who Yang Zhao had arranged to buy food and grass gradually returned to the team.

Now that we have money, weapons, and enough food and grass, we can say that everything is ready and all that remains is to start fighting.

After two days of walking out of Cheng'an City, the surrounding environment made people frown more and more. Originally, there were few pedestrians on the official road, but now that Wen Yu was sitting in the carriage, he saw people picking up food in the wilderness from time to time.

"It doesn't look like a grain field. Why are they here?"

"Yes, there shouldn't be any village chiefs around here. Are these people also going to the next city?"

"Probably not. Look, there are people going there. If you go south, you will be farther and farther away from others. "

There seems to be someone on the road ahead. Let's ask about it later," Du Huailan said with a frown.

On the side of the road, a woman was holding a shriveled child. When she saw the carriage approaching, she hugged the child with a panic look on her face and prepared to get up and leave. Her hair was messy and the chapped lips were still bleeding.

"Sister-in-law, wait a moment, wait a moment."

Wen Yu called out to the other party through the car window. Seeing the panic in the woman's eyes, he thought to himself that it was lucky that a large force was behind him, otherwise he would have run faster.

The carriage stopped, and Wen Yu and Du Huailan got out of the car to ask.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here? We didn't see any villages along the way."

The woman looked at the people in front of her with vigilance, then glanced sideways at the motorcade behind her, and several women's faces were poked out of the car windows. Their heads were all looking here curiously.

"We are fleeing from famine."

The woman's voice was small, her eyes full of vigilance.

"We are all villagers in Guozhuang. There are no crops growing in the fields. We survived the winter with great difficulty. We have to find a way to survive when the weather gets warm."

After saying that, he turned around and left. Wen Yu and others knew , it turns out that these are all refugees, but they don't understand why there are no crops growing in the fields. However, the sister-in-law was very alert and ran away with the child in her arms.

Looking at the backs of those who were picking up cannibals and walking away, the people in the convoy couldn't help but become silent, and they became more and more curious about the situation ahead.

In a season like spring, it stands to reason that there is no threat from wind and rain, but why are there no crops growing in the fields?

Time waits for no one, they are marching, so everyone got in the car and started to continue on their way. It was not until they stopped to eat at noon that Wen Yu talked about this matter with Yang Zhao.

"No crops grow in the fields?" Yang Zhao muttered while eating his rice.

Wen Yu drank a bowl of ginseng soup specially cooked for him by Yang Zhao and nodded.

"After dinner later, I'll take you to change clothes and go to the front to explore first."

"Okay." Wen Yu smiled and his eyes curled up, making everyone who looked at him feel better.

After dinner, under Du Huailan's envious eyes, Wen Yu was carried on horseback by Yang Zhao, and then he turned over and sat behind Wen Yu, hugging him in his arms.


The black horse rushed out like an arrow from a bow. "Whoosh". After the others ran away, Du Huailan looked at his brother with resentment.

Du Huaizhang also looked away, pretending not to notice his brother's dissatisfaction, turned back to the team, and continued his lunch break.

It was the first time he sat on a horse and ran like this. Wen Yu's heart was so frightened that he stopped beating, but gradually he discovered the fun of horse racing.

While he was enjoying this process, he clearly felt that the horse's pace was gradually slowing down. The picture that was too fast just now was now

becoming clearer.

The wind whistling in his ears seemed to have stopped, and he looked at his surroundings in confusion.

"Is this Guozhuang?"

Yang Zhao nodded slightly, holding a riding whip and pointing to a boundary monument "Guozhuang" on the side of the road.

But this place doesn't look like a Zhuangzi. Even though Huailiu Village is very poor, it can still feel popular, but there is no popularity at all here. Everything that comes into view is covered with a layer of decadence.

"Why does it look like there is no one living there anymore."

But think about it, those old men and women had fled with their children, so how could there be anyone in this village?

Earthen huts stand one after another, and you can see the liveliness and "brilliance" of the past, but now they are empty.

"Look at those fields."

Not far away, crops should be sprouting, but now there is only a piece of loess left.

Yang Zhao turned over and dismounted, and hugged Wen Yu down casually. He had never been riding a horse for so long. Only then did he realize that his legs were a little soft now, and his thighs were a little burning, but it was not painful at all.

After he calmed down for a moment, the two of them walked into the village and came to the edge of a piece of land. Yang Zhao squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil, but when he opened his hand, he realized that it was not soil, but sand.

"Why is this land made of sand?"

The two of them took another look around. Most of the roads in the village were made of stones. Zhuangzi here was built on the mountain. The land was not thick to begin with, but the fields were full of sand. How could it be possible? Grow food.

"Let's walk further inside."

Generally, there are gardens around the houses, where people usually grow vegetables for their own consumption. There should be large fertile fields in the distance, mostly used for growing grain.

After walking around most of the village, they still found nothing, but Wen Yu and Yang Zhao both noticed one thing. It was not that there was no fertile farmland in the village, but those fertile fields were all covered with small flags, marking the better ones. It was sold and marked with the owner's emblem.

"There are swallows painted on this little flag. What does it mean?"

Huailiu Village has never sold any land to the outside world, so he doesn't know the reason behind it. Yang Zhao glanced at the little flag.

"Either the other person's surname is Yan, or he is a well-known family in the local area. This kind of emblem is known to everyone here."

It is understandable to say that the villagers sell their land for money, but so many fertile fields are now green and green. There is no reason for people to sell all their crops. For villagers, land is the life of the family. If one household sells it, that's it. The whole village cannot sell its land.

The two of them had some speculations in their minds, and their expressions were not very good when they straightened up.

"I have long heard that the ignorant king oppresses the people without moral principles, and many officials wantonly rob people of their fertile land, wives and children. It seems that there is not a single good official in Tianfeng City."

Yang Zhao actually had inquired about Tianfeng City before he came, but Seeing is worse than hearing. Now that I see the empty houses in the village and the desolate sand fields, I feel even more murderous.

"I heard that there are two villagers ahead. Why don't we go take a look? Maybe there are villagers over there. Then we can find someone to ask about it."

Seeing that the man was getting angry this time, Wen Yu quickly calmed down and Cheng We can only find out what is going on here now. There are no acquaintances of Xu Wentian here.

Even Wen Yu, who doesn't understand military affairs, feels that it is not easy to attack this city now. It is definitely not as easy as before to pick up a city for nothing. I am afraid that once this battle begins, what they will face next will not be a single city, but the entire city. imperial court.

The two mounted their horses again and noticed that the person in their arms was a little uneasy. Yang Zhao did not drive the horse as fast as before. So the second village was not far away. They walked for a stick of incense and saw another village. village.

This village is closer to the city, but like Guozhuang before, there seems to be no people here.

Yang Zhao took the man off the horse and found that Wen Yu was walking a little strangely when he landed.

"What's wrong with you?"

Wen Yu spread his legs and his cheeks were red. How could he have the nerve to tell Yang Zhao that he was not used to riding a horse for the first time, and his thighs were so worn that they started to hurt, as if they had broken the skin. Like a sting.

She shyly looked at the man and shook her head, "It's okay, my legs are a little numb, and they'll be fine in a while."

Yang Zhao looked down at his legs and asked suspiciously, "Are you sure? If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me.

" The young man of the family has always been frail, so being able to go so far with the army and do so many things this time is already like a miracle in his eyes.

"It's really okay, let's go."

They walked along the path at the end of the village. They didn't see anyone along the way. Wen Yu saw a garden and bent over to take a look. The ground was also There is more sand and less soil, but it is much better than Guozhuang. At least the leeks here grow well.

"It looks like there should be someone there. The soil here is still wet, and the vegetables are growing well. It doesn't look like no one has been paying attention to it for a long time."

When he stood up, he saw Yang Zhao looking steadily in one direction, Wen Yu followed When he looked around, he happened to see a new-looking house with some white smoke coming out of the chimney.

"Come on, let's go over and ask."

The house looked quite new, as if it had been renovated not long ago, but the door was in tatters. When Yang Zhao knocked on the door, he couldn't help but move his hands much more lightly.

"Is anyone here? Asking for a drink of water."

Hearing the movement outside the door, the person in the house poked his head out and said, "Who is it?" "Fellow, we were passing by and were going to the city

. We were really thirsty, so we went around to the village to ask for a drink of water."

The man inside was an elderly man. His turbid eyes swept across Yang Zhao's face, past him and landed on Wen Yu's face. As if he didn't see clearly, he stared at the person a few times longer and stretched his arms. Neck looked behind the two of them.

Seeing that there were only two of them, the old man seemed to be relieved.

"Come in."

The two sat down. The old man gave them two bowls of water. He squatted by the door and puffed on his pipe without saying anything. Wen Yu and Yang Zhao looked at each other.

"We walked all the way, but we didn't see anyone else in the village. There were many houses, but there weren't many people there."

The old man glanced at Yang Zhao, looked at Wen Yu again, then lowered his head and sighed.

"Things are hard these days. All the younger people have left, some have gone to other places, and some have gone to the city. Only me, an old man whom no one wants, stays in the village to look after their houses and homes."

Wen Yuduan He took a sip of water and asked, "How are the crops growing in your fields here?"

"It's not good, but it won't be a loss. As long as you spare no effort, the whole family won't starve to death."

He rambled on like this . After talking for a while, the two of them roughly figured out the situation in the village, but they had more doubts in their hearts. From what the old man said, it seemed that the people here were not oppressed by corrupt officials to the point of having no way out.

Is there another hidden secret here?

After coming out of the old man's house, the two of them walked towards the village. It was getting late and they had to hurry back to the military camp.

As soon as he reached the exit, Wen Yu looked at the tall horse and sighed in his heart. He didn't know if it was because of nervousness, but now his stomach began to hurt.

"Second brother, please wait for me. It's convenient for me to go there."

Although it is the village head, there are many empty houses here. Wen Yu didn't wait for Yang Zhao to say anything, turned around and ran into an empty house to find the latrine.

Yang Zhao remembered his blushing face and anxious back just now, and smiled softly.

It's just that I waited for two sticks of incense.

Yang Zhao followed Wen Yu's path and came to the dilapidated and unoccupied house.

"Yu'er, are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?"

He said as he walked in. His ears were raised but he couldn't hear anyone's breathing at all. Yang Zhao immediately became alert.

"Yu'er? Wen Yu! Are you there?"

He pushed open the door of the latrine. There was no one there, only a white handkerchief fell to the ground.

He picked up the handkerchief and inspected it closely, "Drug?!"

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