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"Have you seen my phone?" I asked Taehyun, but he shook his head, immediately going back to talking to Kai. I bit my lip, going back to rummaging in my bag. I threw all the stuff out, but unfortunately I didn't find what I was looking for.

"What happened?" Beomgyu asked, walking towards me. We just broke apart because he wanted to go to the bathroom and I had to text my mom.

"I lost my phone."

"Did you even take it from home?"

"Oh yes, I showed you our photos this morning." He nodded, clearly remembering the incident.

"Take it slow, don't panic. When was the last time you had it in your hand?" I took a few deep breaths, trying to remember everything I had done today.

"I still had it in the cafeteria. Then we went to the lockers, I put it in my bag and it disappeared."

"Did you search your bag thoroughly?"

"Yes." Tears gathered in my eyes. I hated being away from my phone. It wasn't that I was addicted, but I had things in it that I didn't want to share with anyone, such as my books on Wattpad.

"We will find him, honey, don't be afraid." Beomgyu assured, hugging me.

"What happened?" We heard Soobin's voice. I pulled away from my friend and wiped my eyes. Luckily I didn't wear make-up today.

"Yeonjun lost his phone." Soobin's face showed sympathy.

"Maybe I will help you look?" He quickly offered. Despite my anxiety, I smiled softly and nodded. We grabbed Taehyun, Kai and Jeongin and went to walk around the school. Me and Beomgyu went to the toilets, Kai and Jeongin went to the lockers, and Soobin and Beomgyu went to the cafeteria. I was still hopeful, but when we met in front of the classroom after ten minutes, we all had dull faces.

"I'm sorry, Jun, but he's nowhere to be found."

"Someone must have stolen it from you." Kai stated and I mentally cursed myself for not thinking of it sooner.

"It's possible. I left my bag for a while to go ask Yeji something."

"Who could do that?" Soobin asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm not going to point fingers at anyone without evidence, but I have my suspicions." I exchanged a look with Beomgyu and I already knew that he suspected the same person.

"So what do we do now?" Kai was shifting from one foot to the other, obviously excited that something was finally happening.

"Nothing for now. I'll keep an eye on my suspect and if it turns out to be her, I'll go to the teacher." I shrugged. I had a lock on my phone, but it was easy to break for people who even knew me a little. Will Yuri be able to break it? I was not sure. After all, she wasn't very bright, but she wasn't the stupidest person I knew either.

All six of us returned to the classroom, and I narrowed my eyes at the very happy dark-haired girl. Even though she wasn't looking at me, I could see on her face that she was behind it. She was never good at lying or hiding the fact that she had done something wrong. I wanted to go up to her and do something to her, but Beomgyu's strong grip on my shoulder prevented me from doing so.

"We will take revenge on her, but only after we have proven her guilty. Now sit down and try not to think about it." He whispered, pulling me towards our bench. As soon as the bell rang, I got up and left, not wanting to look at that damn idiot. Beomgyu and I sat outside until the bell rang, ignoring everyone and everything.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I nodded and went to the same classroom as before. There weren't many people, Kai and Jeongin were sitting in the back, but they were too busy with some comic book to notice me.

I shook my head at that and moved towards my desk. I froze in place when I noticed Soobin walk up to my desk and place my cell phone on the notebook. Then, as if nothing had happened, he walked away and sat in his seat, pretending to write something in a notebook.

Damn thief.

Anger boiled inside me, but I didn't want to make a fuss in front of everyone. That's why I bit my tongue to prevent any curses from coming out. I ignored the waving brunette and took the phone in my hands. I unblocked it and was happy to discover that no one had sent any messages to anyone.

"I see you got your property back. Where was it?"

"I'll tell you later." I promised with a forced smile. Fortunately, the lesson had started, so no one could bother me anymore.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now