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"W-what?" I asked, stuttering. I watched Soobin carefully, waiting for any sign that he was joking, but I found none.

"I'll help you forget about it." He said seriously. One of his hands grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. Minty breath hit my face and I felt myself starting to blush. "Can I?" My heart tightened and butterflies appeared in my stomach at the fact that he had asked for permission. And even though I knew I should have said no, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Mhm." I muttered. His lips met mine and I immediately gave in, kissing him back with just as much intensity. I tangled my hands in his hair, pulling it hard. The man ran his tongue over my lips, so I immediately gave him access. I didn't even try to fight for dominance, knowing full well that I would lose. I moaned as his leg slipped between mine and his knee pressed against my private area. "S-soobin."

"Yes babe?"

"C-Can we go get something to drink?" What I hated at that moment was that my voice had given up and I had become extremely submissive. After today, I was definitely going to never drink alcohol again.

"Of course." The blonde first kissed me briefly on the lips and then repeated his action on my forehead before he grabbed my hand and led me downstairs. My cheeks were burning with fire and I couldn't put it down to the alcohol flowing in my veins. There were butterflies in my stomach all the time, and I hoped it was just a one-off.

"Juun, are you okay?!" Beomgyu pushed Soobin hard, causing him to stagger and hug me tightly. I laughed because the situation was really comical and all the tension disappeared from my body.

"Yes. Luckily, Bin was on time."

"Bin?" He repeated, smiling charmingly.

"What happened to Sunwo?" I asked, ignoring the question.

"Jay, when he found out, kicked him out of the house. The last time I saw him, his friend was dragging him towards the car. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, you must have been very scared." Tears welled up in Beomgyu's eyes, so I quickly wiped them away with my hands, smiling slightly.

"We have to stop going to parties, we always end up in trouble." I stated and stabbed him in the side. "Now make me our favorite drink or several and let's forget about it!"

"Your wish is my command!" The last thing I remembered was us sitting on the kitchen counter, drinking alcohol straight from the bottle, and then worried Taehyun and Soobin trying to stop us from running and doing stupid things like climbing on the table and undressing.


I groaned in pain as the morning sun shone directly into my eyes. My head was throbbing as if someone had hit it several times with a hammer. I rolled onto my back and covered my face with my hands. When I finally dared to move, my eyes widened because damn it, either I did a quick rearrangement yesterday or I wasn't in my room. I hesitantly lifted the covers and cursed because I was only in my boxers.

Okay, calm down Yeonjun, think.

I looked around and realized that it was definitely a man's room. When I got out of bed, I breathed a sigh of relief because my back and butt didn't hurt, so I didn't do what I was most afraid of. I couldn't find my clothes, so I grabbed a T-shirt I found and put it on. It almost reached my knees, so it must have belonged to some damn giant.

I took a few deep breaths before opening the door and slowly starting going downstairs. I frowned as I heard familiar voices and laughters. Beomgyu, Soobin and Taehyun were sitting at the table, eating breakfast and drinking coffee. I went unnoticed for a moment, but eventually my eyes and Gyu's met, and he stood up, walked over to me, and hugged me tightly.

"Hi, honey. How are you feelings?" He asked, pulling me along. When we sat down, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, kissing my cheek.

"Is it my birthday today or what the fuck? Why are you so nice? And what are we doing here? Whose house is this?"

"You do not remember?" Beomgyu's eyes widened.

"Mine." Soobin suddenly spoke up. I looked at him, pursing my lips in thought. The man's gaze immediately went there.

"We drank too much last night, so Taehyun and Soobin had to drag our asses in here, change our clothes, and make sure we didn't choke on our vomit."

"Why do you seem so proud of yourself?" I asked, embarrassed. "And my God, I'm sorry for all the trouble and that you had to take care of me. I'm ashamed of myself."

"No need. Anyone in your position would drink that much after what you've been through."

"After what I've been through?" I frowned.

"Wait... What's the last thing you remember?" I tried to strain my mind and, surprisingly, as if waiting for the right moment, the shutter moved and I remembered everything I had missed before.

"Oh fuck. No, no, no..." I stood up abruptly, scaring Gyu in the process.

"Wait... What are you wearing?"

"Is that my shirt?" Soobin asked. I looked at him and immediately felt myself blush as the clear image of his warm lips on mine appeared before my eyes.

"Uuuu. You said you slept on the couch, but here you go, you did some work!" Taehyun spoke for the first time, smiling stupidly.

"I didn't know you liked having fun when you were drunk, Yeonjun. And you, Soobin, it's almost like having sex with a dead person, I should report you to the police." Added Beomgyu. "You look beautiful in that dress."

"I'll give you a dress in a moment." I threatened. Without thinking, I reached for the bottom of my shirt and started to lift it to take it off as quickly as possible when large, strong hands stopped me.

"Leave it. You look cute. You need to borrow my things more often, they suit you better than me." Soobin smiled broadly and sincerely. I jumped back like a scared cat and quickly ran back upstairs, deciding to gather my things and get out of there as fast as I could.

I definitely had a lot to think about, and if the shame and remorse don't consume me by the end of the weekend, it will be a miracles. Of course, I didn't find my clothes from yesterday, so I pulled Soobin's sweatpants over my butt, grabbed my phone, and headed back down the stairs. There I met three men who looked at me in surprise.

"Why are you so panicked? Did something happen yesterday that we don't know about?"

"W-what? N-no!" I denied it right away, but due to my stuttering, no one believed me. "I forgot that I promised my Mother that today we would go to grandma's. I'm already late, so forgive me, but I have to go. I'm sorry again for yesterday, and I promise to return the clothes on monday. If that's all, I'll go. Bye!" I put my shoes on halfway, deciding that I would fix them later, I opened the door and, without even checking if it closed properly behind me, I started running towards the house, glad that no one stopped me.

Damn you, you moron, do you always have to cause problems when you drink?! You'll never touch alcohol again!

The real action starts now🤭
I hope you're having a good day 💙

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