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I opened my eyes wide and even though my mind was screaming at me to stop it, my stupid heart really didn't want to listen. I moved my mouth hesitantly, my hands gripping the front of Soobin's blouse. For a moment I wanted to forget where we were and what the situation between us really was, but reality came back when I heard a loud noise in the corridor. I jumped back, almost falling out of my chair. The man's hands tightened on my hips, holding me in place.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, heat engulfing me all over. I really hoped that the earth would open up to swallow me, but unfortunately it didn't happened.

"Greating my boyfriend, so what? Is this some kind of crime? Will I go to jail for this?" Soobin raised an eyebrow, and it pissed me off that he was so nonchalant about it all. How was it that I became such a nervous wreck whenever we were close and he could stay so calm?

"Stop pretending like what happened between us was real. We're only doing this to get Yuri and Sunwo off of us, and from what I can see, they're not here, nor is anyone else who could tell anybody about this situation. So why are you doing this? Why do you have to make everything so difficult?" I pushed him away violently and stood up, walking away. I slung my bag over my shoulder from the chair and crossed my arms across my chest. I wanted to be ready for the possible need to escape this conversation.

"I kissed you because I wanted to. I've been thinking about your sweet lips all weekend and I had to find out if they actually taste that good or if it's just a figment of my imagination. By the way, my imagination doesn't work as well as I thought." He shrugged, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "What did I make so difficult again, huh? A few kisses and you'll fall at my feet?"

"You wish." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "So far, it looks like you're the one who's addicted to my kisses. One was enough for you to fall in love with me?" I raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Or maybe I was in love with you from the beginning and my dream was to finally taste your lips and when I did, that's all I can think about?" Damn, he was good. Soobin spoke with so much conviction in his voice that it was really easy to believe his words.

"Do you ever take anything seriously? I don't want you to kiss me or touch me when it's not necessary, okay? If we start blurring the boundaries, it will mess up our lives and feelings. And why do it when we don't trust each other and don't want to at least be friends?"

"It's you who doesn't want it. I tried to make friends with you many times, but you always rejected me. Why? I thought we were getting along, and day by day you started avoiding me and then insulting me. Have I done something to you?" Soobin's face softened and he looked truly worried and hurt. My heart squeezed miserably. I bit my lip and although I wanted to finally explain it to him, I didn't want to relive that day. What if it all turned out to be a misunderstanding and all this not liking him was in vain?

"Forget it, Soobin." I waved my hand and tried to get past him, but I was stopped by his hand grabbing mine. A blush crept onto my cheeks, which irritated me. Why did I suddenly start reacting to him this way? What happened to my calmness and sharp tongue?

"No, Yeonjun. I'm tired of you running away. If you want me to forget about it, give me one more chance. I really want to be friends with you. Not for our group, not to please others, for myself. Because I think you're a brilliant guy and I know my life will be better because of you. Please, Jun..."

"Soobin..." I started, but stopped. His eyes were gentle and full of hope. How could I turn him off when he looked at me like that? "Agree. I don't promise that I will suddenly trust you and everything will be great between us, but I will try to give you a chance. A real one, and not just so you would leave me alone. Just... Baby steps, okay?"

"Of course." Choi smiled broadly and I smiled back. And although I tried never to think about it, I felt a huge boulder fall from my heart and a weight lifted from my shoulders, allowing me to finally fully straighten up.

"In general, maybe it's a bad moment, but my parents want to meet you."

"Very good timing, because my parents also found out about you and are inviting you to dinner with us on Sunday." I snorted because it really turned out that we were in sync. Even though at first I thought we would never get along, it turned out to be easier than it seemed.

"So maybe let's have a meeting together, huh? We'll catch two magpies with one fire." I thought for a moment, but finally nodded.

"Great idea. After all, what could go wrong, right?"

"Don't say that! Something always goes wrong after words like that." Soobin punched my shoulder and I rolled my eyes then laughed. I grabbed Soobin's arm and pulled him along, deciding that I needed to eat something sweet to regain my strength before the next class.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now