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A year before

"How come you weren't late for school today?" I held my finger up to give me a second to take a deeper breath. Running was definitely not my forte, but somehow I never tried to change it.

When I could finally breathe normally, I straightened up and smiled at the patiently waiting man. Beomgyu was handsome. He always styled his longer brown hair carefully. He had a slight amount of makeup on his face, but he definitely didn't need it.

Great-looking cheekbones, wise, doe-like eyes and a beautiful smile. Plus a great figure, not too skinny, not too fat. Yeah, definitely Beomgyu could be anyone's ideal.

"I went to bed earlier and prepared everything I needed yesterday."

"If I didn't know every detail of your day, I would think you had some presentation or morning date today."

"If I had a presentation, you would be involved in it."

"True." He nodded and a wide smile broke out on his face, indicating that he had something important to tell me.

"You can tell me anything, you know that, but I swear if you mention anything about Taehyun again I will..."

"It's not about him, I swear." He interrupted me, rolling his eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him because I should be the one who was irritated. The topic of handsome man came up so often that I could count on one hand the days he didn't mention him.

His love for him came about four years ago. Beomgyu, then thirteen years old, was being bullied by a boy.
He politely told him to stop, but his patience was running out. When he was about to, most likely, hit him, Taehyun stepped in, like a knight defending his princess.

He chased away the torturer, smiled in his deadly way, and the mans legs went weak. And from that fateful day on, I had to endure his obsession with Taehyun, his constant yelping when he found new partners, and his squeals whenever he looked at him. This job wasn't pleasant, but at least I had someone with me who was crazy and faithful.

"So, how long do I have to wait?"

"Fresh meat is supposed to be joining our classroom." He waited for some of my enthusiasm, and when it didn't come, he huffed angrily.

"Don't look at me like I killed your mother. New people come and go all the time, why should I worry about that?"

"Because he's an old friend of Yuri."

"No." I said terrified, and an unpleasant shiver ran down my spine. Yuri Takanawa has been my nightmare for as long as I can remember. As soon as we met when we were kids, she started to hate me.

Why? I had no idea because I did absolutely nothing to her.
I tried to make friends with her or at least get along with her, but when she insulted me every time, I started to ignore her. Unfortunately, when we still went to the same school and had the same friends, it was difficult to do this.

"Unfortunately yes. I heard he's just as damn rich as she is and they met through their parents. She has liked him for a long time, so I already feel sorry for the one who catches his eye."

"So... Yourself? It's no secret that you're the most handsome here." I stated with a shrug.

"When was the last time you looked in the mirror? Should I get you one for your birthday?" No, I didn't think I was ugly, but I didn't think I was beautiful. Just average.

"There's no point in debating. Yeji, Kai, or someone else may as well be his preference. But he can stay away from me. If anyone is friends with Yuri, he's just as spoiled as she is."

"Don't exaggerate. We can't judge him based on who he is friends with. Let's give him a chance."

"Sure, whatever. Let's go to the lockers, huh?" He nodded and followed me, saying something more about this mysterious man. I unloaded my unnecessary books and took my chemistry notebook. Laughing, we finally entered the classroom. Beomgyu stopped in his tracks and opened his eyes wide.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, surprised by his behavior. The man nodded in the direction he was looking, so I followed his gaze there.

Oh fuck.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now