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"I hate Mondays." I sighed, lunging at Beomgyu. I was with him all Sunday to make sure everything was alright.
Although he still had moments when everything came back, he felt much better and safer. Mainly probably thanks to the fact that Taehyun rose to the challenge and tried to cheer him up at every step.

We were laughing practically the entire last day of freedom at what he was sending him in private messages. No wonder he was our second topic. Right behind that damn Soobin. I didn't talk to him on the way home or reply to his messages. I don't know what he was thinking, but if he thought things would be great between us after that one nice thing, he was wrong.

I knew from the beginning that he was a good man, so the fact that he defended Beomgyu didn't impress me. Regardless, he was friends with him and treated him like a brother, so it was obvious to me that he would never leave him in need. But why should that mean I could trust him again? My friendship was not easy, once it was lost there was often no return.

"Tell me about it. We have a presentation and a test today and we haven't prepared anything."

"We can do it, who if not us?" I elbowed him in the side and he hissed, giving me a disgruntled look.

"It's good that we at least glued a few photos with descriptions. It's always better than nothing."

"Right? And look, we're already seeing only positives." I laughed and he shook his head, although there was also a smile at the corners of his lips.

"It's so nice to see my two favorite people in such good spirits." The blonde's arms landed on our shoulders and I rolled my eyes.

"You say that to everyone?" I moved a considerable distance away from him.

"Did you have to see through me so easily?" Regardless of my strong gaze, he winked at me.

"You are irreformable." I shook my head, making a disgusted face. Inside me, however, I was happy. I was really afraid that Soobin would become convinced that things could get better between us. However, it turned out that he decided to behave exactly the same as before. For once he did the right thing.

"Oh, there they are!" Kai shouted loudly, looking at us with an accusing look. I raised an eyebrow and glanced at Beomgyu and Soobin, but they also had expressions of incomprehension.

"Here we are. As always when Monday rolls around." I said foolishly. I felt in my bones that something unpleasant had happened, so my first instinct was to simply run away.
However, I wouldn't have time to do it, because right behind Kai was Jeongin and Taehyun, and when the three of them joined forces, they became unpredictable and no one was safe.

"Why didn't you tell us anything? I understand if it was about what you ate for breakfast, but such a serious matter and we have to find out from people we don't even know well?!"

What the fuck are they on about?

When Kai's complaints only began to intensify and he began to raise his voice so that others began to pay attention to us, I began to seriously worry.

"First of all, don't yell at us, because last time I checked, you had no rights to do so." The blonde finally interjected in a calm tone, crossing his arms over his chest. For the first time, I was grateful to him for always keeping his cool. "Second of all, we really have no idea what you're talking about, so why don't you start from the beginning, huh?"

Huening looked like he had been punched in the face, and nothing even happened. I watched with even more incomprehension as he exchanged glances with the other two, and then all three of them smiled broadly.

"Well, this will be very interesting."

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now