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Really, world? Can't I just have a moment of peace?

"Sunwo." I replied dryly, stopping. I thought about ignoring him, but I'd seen him looking at me for four days trying to gather his courage, so I wanted to at least give him a chance to explain himself. I had a good heart, which my parents and Beomgyu often reminded me of, but I didn't want to change that about myself.

"I know you probably don't want to talk to me ever again, but I would like to apologize to you in person before I disappear from your sight forever. I have no explanation for my behavior. Of course, I could blame it all on the alcohol, but obviously it was inside me somewhere, since it came to light at the most inopportune moment and in front of someone I cared about very much. I hope you will be able to forgive me someday." Tears welled in the man's eyes, and I knew he was completely serious. He truly regretted what he had done, and I had had too much going on today to hold a grudge.

"Wait... How will you disappear from my sight forever? After all, we will see each other every day at school or on the street, that can't be changed, even if I decide not to forgive you." I said when the meaning of his words hit me completely and I didn't just focus on the very end. The man visibly tensed, clasped his hands together and began to look around nervously.

"So you don't know anything? Soobin didn't tell you?" He asked suddenly and I frowned. My stomach tightened dangerously as I realized that it must have been something more serious.

"No, so I would like you to explain everything to me slowly and calmly."

"I don't know if I should... Soobin..."

"You're talking to me now, not him. Sunwo, please. No secrets, okay?" He hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

"My parents worked at Soobin's, but after the whole situation with... You know..." I didn't want to bother him, so I just waved my hand to let him know that he could continue without explaining the party any further. "They fired them and assured them that they would never find a job in this city again. They said that if we didn't move out and leave you alone, they would take the case to court and we would go to jail." My eyes opened wide and a short scream escaped my throat. I covered my mouth with my hand and felt myself start to shake involuntarily. Out of anger? Sadness? Regret? I wasn't sure.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I never wanted them to react this way and for your parents to be fired. I'll talk to Soobin's parents and tell them to take it all back."

"Don't worry. We've already made the decision, we're selling the house and moving in with grandma and grandpa. I've lived there before, I have friends there, and I think it's right time to go back. Maybe this will help me finally let go and move on?" He smiled, and I sensed sincerity in it. He had come to terms with the situation, and I couldn't be selfish and beg him to stay.

"I know we have our history and after this whole thing we definitely wouldn't go back to the way it was, but I'll miss you. Write to me sometime, okay? And maybe we can visit each other from time to time?"

"Sure! I'd love to introduce you to my future boyfriend someday. If I find one, that's it. Just, Jun... Don't take Soobin with you, okay?" He lowered his head and a blush crept onto his cheeks. He was certainly ashamed that he was afraid of my boyfriend, but he shouldn't have been, because I understood him. Although the nose was upright, it was still slightly crooked and burgundy. The arm was placed in plaster and would never regain its function before the fracture.

"Of course. Can I hug you goodbye?" Sunwo smiled charmingly and was the first to cuddle up to me. I hugged him tightly, stroking his back. That's when I saw Soobin come out of school. He looked around and his eyes landed on me and Sunwo. Even from this distance I could see his fists clenched. "Come on, I'll walk you home. After all, this is the last time I can do it."

"Thanks, Yeonjun. I always knew you were a wonderful person, but only now did I realize how much the world doesn't deserve you." I felt embarrassed after his words and to hide it, I grabbed his good hand and dragged him along. A few people looked at us with surprise, and there would definitely be rumors about it, but I really didn't care. The only thing I wanted to focus on now was to undo this whole situation on Saturday at dinner. It may not help Sunwo's situation, but it will at least clear my conscience a little.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now