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"Are you sure this is a good idea? Don't get me wrong, but you and Soobin don't get along and if this fake relationship of yours gets out, you two might have problems."

"Problems? What kind of problems?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. The sun was shining directly into my eyes, so I closed them and looked up to get a little tan. A week had passed since our agreement and the entire school seemed to know that two greatest enemies had somehow ended up in a relationship together. Surprisingly, people didn't take it as badly as I thought, although Sunwo and Yuri turned red every time they saw us.

"You don't know Soobin's parents, what if they are against it? Yuri said they want Soobin to end up with her. If they are as rich as everyone says, they might start some rumors about you and not only that, they won't hire you to work anywhere. Then your parents may be kicked out and you will be forced to move out."

"You watch too many dramas." I shook my head, placing a reassuring hand on my friend's shoulder. "I'm sure there are a lot of bad things to say about Soobin, but he would never let someone else's life be ruined because of him. Besides, it's just an innocent relationship, not an engagement or wedding. His parents will think that we will break up sooner or later anyway and they will be right. I don't know if I can live with him for more than a month."

“And…” Beomgyu paused, as if wondering if it was a good idea to continue. Finally, he swallowed and opened his mouth. "Have you thought about the fact that you'll probably have to kiss eventually?"

"Kiss? Why?"

"Have you seen at least one couple who don't show each other affection in public? Some people don't believe you, I even heard Sunwo recently telling his friends that something doesn't feel right here and he'll look into it."

"He can find out first why he's such a damn idiot." I rolled my eyes. "And yes, I know couples who prefer to do such things in private and we will be one of them."

"You? Everyone knows that Soobin shows love through touch. Just like you, every time you were in a relationship you couldn't separate yourself from that person. And suddenly it changed? You definitely didn't think this whole pretending thing through."

"And why you're so opposite? Just yesterday you told me I was doing the right thing."

"Because I still think it will give you a lot of advantages, but we just haven't thought through all the negative things about this situation. I want you to be ready for anything and I really don't want you to suffer, and we both know that you get attached easily." I frowned and Gyu looked worried.

"You're thinking too much. I'm not going to fall in love with Soobin, and I'm one hundred percent sure he'd rather swallow a living animal than feel something for me, too." I shuddered in exaggerated disgust. "As for kisses... If the need arises, we'll just do it and that's it. I've done it without feeling many times at a party, how is it different from those times?"

"I hope everything really turns out to be as simple as you make it out to be."

"Because it will be. Stop thinking so much about me and start worrying about your situation with Taehyun. Maybe it's time to confess your feelings to him?" I asked, straightening up more. Just then I felt that someone was right behind me. From Beomgyu's expression, I could already guess who it was before I turned around.

"Oh, Yeonjun. It's so nice to see you." Sunwo's saccharine voice was grating on my nerves, but when I turned to face him, I put on an insincere smile.

"Hi." I just said as I got to my feet. Beomgyu immediately did the same, grabbing both of our bags. He gave mine back to me, so I thanked him briefly.

"Are you leaving already? Can I walk you to your next class?" His eyes lit up with excitement. His love for me was obvious at first glance, and that's why I couldn't be mean to him. I felt sorry for him.

"I don't think it will be necessary. We can get to the right room ourselves." Gyu spoke up.

"I didn't ask you." Sunwo just said, not even looking at him. I bit my lip as I considered my options when arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a strong chest. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. I would recognize his characteristic citrus and wood scent anywhere.

"Hi baby." Warm lips landed on my cheek, making me blush. I'm definitely not used to this side of Soobin yet.

"Hello. Have you decided not to be late today?" I asked sarcastically, moving away so I could look at him more comfortably.

"It only happened once."

"This week? Yes, because it's only Tuesday."

"You love me anyway." I rolled my eyes, but put on a gentle smile on my face so as not to give other people a reason to talk. "Shall we go to class together?"

"Of course." I grabbed Soobin's outstretched hand and we started walking towards the entrance when a strong hand grabbed my wrist, holding me in place.

"Sunwo?" I asked, turning to face him. The man didn't speak for a long time, just looking at me. Eventually, however, he smiled and his facial expression softened.

"Can we talk later? Maybe we should go for coffee? I recently discovered a nice coffee shop."

"I..." I started but was interrupted by Soobin, who first pushed the man's hand off of me and then pulled me closer to him in a possessive manner.

"Yeonjun is busy, he's going on a date with me. Today, tomorrow and every other day. I'd rather you didn't ask him about it again because the answer will always be negative."


"Let's go." Soobin pulled me along, not letting Sunwo say anything else. And damn, I definitely need to take some lessons by him because the way Soobin plays his love for me is really convincing. If I didn't know him better, I would have thought he was seriously jealous.

"Well... I'm sure Soobin would rather eat a living creature than feel something for you." Beomgyu muttered more to himself than to me, and I decided not to think about his words for long, focusing more on the warmth radiating from Soobin's hands.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now