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"One more drink?" Kai asked, smiling at me. I nodded and waited for a while, while he opened the bottle and poured vodka into my cup.

"It was supposed to be a drink, not straight vodka." I stated when he didn't even make a move to add the juice to it.

"My mistake." He laughed and pushed my cup. I shrugged, put it to my mouth and tilted it, grimacing.

"Every time it just gets worse."

"You should be happy. If you started to like it, you'd have a problem."

"True." I nodded, smiling broadly.

"Would you like to dance?" Even though it was a question, I wasn't given even a second to answer. Kai grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor, where he immediately spun me around. I leaned back and laughed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started moving, feeling the song. At one point I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, muttering the words to myself.

"Why the fuck do you care?!" A loud, angry scream cut through the music, causing us to stop in our tracks. Most of the people moved towards the exit, so I dragged Kai there as well. There was such a large crowd that we could barely make it to the front. Fortunately, Huening acted like a bulldozer.

I opened my eyes wide, noticing that Soobin and Jaehyun were at the center of all the chaos. While the other one was a bundle of nerves, the blond stood with his arms folded and looked so bored, as if he was listening to a weak joke.

"For the asshole who picks up men he shouldn't." Only after his words did I pay attention to the shaking Beomgyu. Without a second thought, I moved towards him and, ignoring Soobin's gaze, I stood behind him, hugging my friend.

"What happened?" I asked in a whisper as his body began to move with his cries becoming worse and worse.

"He… He tried… And I…" He couldn't finish, and I didn't try to push. From the context alone, I guessed it was about something very serious.

"Can you take it from me?" I asked Taehyun, who finally joined us. Without a word of objection, he took my friend from me and hugged him tightly. My heart broke into a million pieces when I noticed his red, crying face. I squeezed my hands into fists and walked over to Jaehyun. Before I knew what I was doing, I swung and hit him hard. I hissed in pain and started swinging my hand to get rid of the burning sensation.

"You little bitch." The man growled. Blood was flowing from between his hands, but he didn't care. He covered the distance between us in three steps. He squeezed my wrist but didn't have time to do anything else when, this time not mine fist connected with his face. He fell to the ground and I could see that he was barely contact. I wanted to kick him several times, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Everything's all right?" I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the adrenaline, but I heard the worry in Soobin's voice.


"Come on, I'll take care of your hand." Men's arms wrapped around my waist and began to lead me through the crowd. I didn't protest, I buried my face in his chest to hide it from the others. Together we went upstairs to the toilet, passing a large number of people staring at us with curiosity. The man let me through first and then closed the door behind us.

"I'm going to touch your hand now, okay?" I raised an eyebrow at his polite question, but without any stupid taunts, I held it out in front of me, giving him better access. His touch was different than I expected. The hands looked rough, but felt quite pleasant to the touch.

"It hurts." I complained as he turned it to the right to start bandaging it.

"Don't be a pussy." I laughed despite myself and was surprised to find that he had a slight smile on his face as well.

"What Jaehyun did to Beomgyu?"

"He touched him against his will." I gritted my teeth and looked away at the wall.

"I should have done something else to him." I finally growled. Soobin sat in silence for a long moment, looking at me carefully.

"Do you want to go home now?"

"I think it's for the best. I'll call a taxi."

"I'll take you back, I haven't had anything to drink." The blonde said as I reached into my pocket.

"Then I just need to find Beomgyu. I can't believe I left him there."

“Taehyun has already taken care of him, they are on their way to his home.”

"To his?" I frowned.

"Gyu didn't feel safe, so he wanted to stay with someone who he knew would keep him safe."

"I see."

"Shall we go?" Choi extended his hand towards me, and after a moment's hesitation, I grabbed it and let myself be guided again. I don't know how long we sat in the toilet, but there were definitely fewer people. We didn't have to push others, which was a plus because I was tired of all the bodies pushing against me.

"Are you leaving? I thought we'd talk again." A tall, blonde woman wailed, blocking our way. I rolled my eyes at her words.

"And you and Choi didn't hate each other sometimes? Are you a couple?" Riwoon joined. Until recently, I was friends with him. But when Yuri started paying more attention to him, he didn't hesitate for a second to start insulting me just to please her.

"Yeah, sure, we're totally in love. Now, if you'll excuse me." He growled and, without waiting for their words, walked around them. I didn't look back, but I was one hundred procent sure that the couple was staring at us curiously.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now