
112 11 14

Three days have passed since our unpleasant exchange, in which neither Soobin nor I have tried to explain anything or reconcile. My pride wouldn't allow it, especially since it was entirely his fault for exposing me. In his case? I couldn't know.

"Juuun! Are you ready yet?!" Beomgyu shouted and I jumped, not expecting it. Luckily, I had already finished my makeup, otherwise I would have been all smeared and had to start over.

"Do you have to scream like that? We're in the same room!" I gave him a meaningful look, which he ignored. Today he tried to look even better than usual. The black, tight-fitting shirt perfectly hugged his muscles, and the dark pants highlighted his ass and massive thighs. If I didn't know him so well and this was the first time I saw him, I would definitely try to approach him. If Taehyun wasn't constantly next to him today, I really didn't know what was wrong with him.

"And?" He raised an eyebrow and looked me over from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. "Did you go so crazy for your boyfriend?"

"For my boyfriend? I don't remember having one." I said, putting the things I no longer needed into the drawer. When I stood up, I looked at myself critically in the mirror. Low-waist denim pants and a short mesh blouse, slightly revealing the lower belly and boxer shorts. Yeah, I didn't normally dress like that, but today I felt extra brave.

"Be careful not to let Soobin hear it. You'll hurt his fragile heart even more than before."

"Can we not talk about him? We're going to a party where you're going to finally snatch the boy of your dreams, so let's focus on that, shall we?"

"Since when is this our plan for tonight?" Beomgyu asked, surprised.

"Since I ordered it. And no, you have no say in the matter, live with it." I smiled broadly and put my phone in my pocket, grabbing my keys as well. "Shall we go?"

"Mhm." The man muttered, also taking the necessary things. We went downstairs and put our shoes on. Luckily, my mother wasn't there, because she would have probably bombarded us with information and compliments. She would certainly also try to give us lessons in safe sex along with condoms because prudent is always insured.

It was close to Jay's house, so we didn't even try to find someone to give us a ride. Besides, I doubted anyone had any intention of not drinking. Jay's parties were always highly anticipated because there was so much going on. Those who weren't invited had to spend the next few weeks listening to what happened and what they missed. Fortunately, I had known him for several years and could always drop by, taking a few people with me.

When we entered, I was immediately struck by the smell of alcohol, cigarettes and sweat. I grimaced, because although I could stand the former and the latter, I hated it when someone smoked in front of me. And although we were only an hour late, some were already making out on the couch or against the wall. I didn't want to find out, but I was willing to bet that several couples were definitely taking advantage of Jay's numerous open rooms.

"...drinking?" I couldn't quite hear Beomgyu's question over the loud music, but the last word helped me figure out the rest. I nodded, grabbed his outstretched hand, and let him lead me into the kitchen. My eyes widened when my eyes immediately met Soobin's. I bit my lip, discreetly looking at him. He looked really appetizing in loose pants and a black T-shirt with a large cut-out revealing his collarbones and a piece of his developed chest. "What do you want to drink?"

"Vodka with cola." I said, standing with my back to Soobin so that I wouldn't be tempted to look at him again. Of course, as always, we drank the first two cups in one go to give ourselves some practice. We decided to enjoy the third one, at least not for long, because we heard a song we knew well. We squealed, looking at each other with wide eyes. We put down the drinks, deciding that we would make new ones later so that no one would add anything to us, and ran to the living room.

I wrapped my hands around Beomgyu's neck and he placed his on my hips. We started moving sexy, shaking our butts, singing the lyrics loudly and jumping. A few people approached us, but we quickly dismissed them, wanting to be alone with each other. However, when Taehyun stood next to us and I noticed his glance at mine friend, I raised the corners of my mouth and quickly made some excuse, retreating to the kitchen. I had two drinks there and my bladder kicked in.

I staggered up the stairs. Most people were crowded around the toilet in the main corridor, so I took permission from Jay and went to his room. I knocked first, but when I didn't hear any footsteps, I opened the door with the spare key and slipped inside. It took me a while to get used to the darkness. Once I had taken care of all my needs, I went back outside and that's where I came across Sunwo.

"Jun! I was looking for you!" He lunged violently at me, almost knocking me down. My eyes widened, holding him to keep him from falling. He smelled terribly of alcohol, so he had definitely drank too much.

"Are you okay, Sun?" I asked worriedly, pushing him away from me a little. The man smiled broadly, nodding his head. I tried to back away completely, but the man's hands tightened painfully. I hissed, frowning. "What are you doing? It hurts."

"Sorry." He said, but didn't loosen his grip. He started getting closer, so I started backing up. I wasn't surprised when my back finally hit the wall, making any further escape impossible. "You look really sexy today. Is Soobin the reason you dressed like that?" He asked seriously. I've never heard Sunwo use that tone, which freaked me out a little. I hadn't seen him drunk yet and it seemed like he was getting a little aggressive.

"I was dressing for myself today." I tried to calm down the situation. Surprisingly, there was no one around us, everyone had gone to the rooms, and although I heard someone laughing somewhere nearby, I knew that if I started screaming, they would not come to my rescue. I was on my own, and with the alcohol in my blood, I wasn't thinking or reacting as quickly as I normally would. I cursed myself and my weak head.

"Is it?" Warm breath hit my neck as the man buried his face in it. I flinched as a warm tongue slid across my skin, followed by lips.

"Sunwo, stop, please..."

"Why? I promise you'll be fine. I can be a much better boyfriend than him. Give me one chance and I'll use it well." His teeth clenched violently and hard just above my collarbone, and I jumped and moaned. I tried to move my head away, but the man held me very tightly. I was sure there would be bruises on my hips.

"I don't want to. I already have a boyfriend that I want to be with, I don't need another one. I thought you already understood that and we could be friends..."

"Friends?" Sunwo snorted, backed away and looked me straight in the eyes. In his I saw madness, love, but also hatred. To me? Soobin? Or maybe to himself? "We will never be them. I know what I want and I will get it." His lips pressed against mine. I pursed my lips tightly and froze. “I love you, Yeonjun.” He whispered, biting my lower lip. I winced as I felt a burning sensation, followed by blood.

Tears welled in my eyes and, just as it felt like it would never end, Sunwo was abruptly pulled away from me. I took a deep breath as I slid to the floor. I heard screams, screeches, and the sound of bones breaking, but I couldn't focus enough to make out faces or voices. I shuddered as warm arms wrapped around me, lifting me up.

"It's okay, honey. You're safe." Soobin's tender voice finally broke through the blockage. Our eyes met, and I was surprised at how worried he seemed. I tightened my grip on his shirt, pulling him closer.

"Thank you." I whispered. Soobin nodded and looked at me carefully. His jaw tightened as he looked down at my neck and mouth.

"How much did he touch you?"

"He... He only kissed me." I admitted confused. I looked down at the floor, but Soobin put his finger under my chin and forced me to look up at him.

"Well, I will make you forget about it."

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Also, thank you very much for your support 💙

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now