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"You can't even imagine how much I missed you!" Beomgyu shouted, hugging me tightly. I could barely catch my breath, but I really missed him, so I didn't even dare to complain. During the holidays, we only saw each other at the beginning. Later he went to live with his aunt in Italy, so we only had contact by phone.

"I miss you too. You have to tell me about this handsome guy in person now, what was his name again?"

"Vincent." He blushed significantly, and I smiled half-heartedly.

"Have you had any contact with others?" He nodded, but didn't answer because we were moving through people and had to be careful not to bump into anyone.

"I writed sometimes with Taehyun and Yeji, but everyone was enjoying their holidays and didn't want to have contact with anyone from school."

"I also texted only with Kai and Jeongin, but almost every day, in the group."

"You and that group of yours." He rolled his eyes.

"You're jealous, bitch. I'll talk to them and add you. No matter what, we're always writing about something you know."

"Just to be clear, I didn't ask you to do this."

"But you don't protest either." I elbowed him in the ribs and he hissed, moving away. We were quiet for a while as each of us busied ourselves with putting books into our lockers.

"Soo... Vincent." I started, and a charming smile immediately appeared on my friend's face.

"I met him on the second day of the vacation, he deals with horses. We immediately found a common language."

"Oh, I already know that." I winked at him and he blushed.

“I gave him my number and social media, but I think it all ended the day I left.”

"There probably won't be any love, there's a lot diferrences between you, cause you don't want to move to Italy permanently, but you always have wonderful memories and a friend."

Beomgyu nodded. There was no sadness on his face, but I squeezed his hand anyway to show some support. When we entered the room, Taehyun, Kai, and Jeongin immediately ran up to us. We took a few seconds for each of us to hug each other, and then we moved further into the corner so as not to disturb others and talk calmly.

Kai was in the middle of telling a joke when I noticed Soobin walk in. I froze, looking at him. Was he always so handsome or did he get more during these holidays? I thought, biting my lip. His hair was shorter than I remembered and blonde.

He was dressed in a plain gray sweater and black pants, but he looked sexy. He must have been exercising, because there was no trace of the slightly skinny man. He had also grown quite a bit, because before Yuri was only a little shorter and now she only reached his chin.

If it weren't for what a damn asshole he was, I might even consider him perfect. I swallowed as his brown, warm eyes looked our way. He smiled broadly, said goodbye to the dissatisfied woman and moved towards us.

My first thought was to turn on my heel and leave, but I quickly shook it off. I wasn't a coward and I had no reason to run away from him. If anything, he should be ashamed of his everyday behavior.

"Hi." I rolled my eyes when he finally stood next to me and greeted the guys. "You didn't miss me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Do I look like I'm happy to see you?" I replied, with a grave look on my face.

"I can see in your eyes that yes, but don't worry, your prince is back and won't leave you anymore."

"How lucky I am." Sarcasm flowed from my words and everyone but him could hear it.

"Before we get into your daily bickering, let's talk about something more enjoyable."

I agreed with a nod and turned sideways to Soobin, letting him know I was done with him. Fortunately, he also joined in the conversation, choosing to ignore me. Maybe this vacation was good for him and he'll finally stop acting like an asshole.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now