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"What do you think you're doing, huh?" I asked Soobin as his hand suddenly grabbed mine, preventing me from continuing on my way. We had just finished our last class and all I really wanted to do was get home, eat something, then hide under the cover and start another series that I probably won't finish.

"I'm taking you on a date." He said simply, smiling. I raised an eyebrow and tried to move away from him, but of course he wouldn't let me. I took a deep breath so as not to hit him in front of all those people who now pretended not to be looking at us.

"Why?" I tried to soften my facial expression and act happy, but anyone who knew me closely would discover that it wasn't sincere. Fortunately, all of these people were not here, and even if they were, they certainly would not have betrayed us.

"Have you seen even one couple who wouldn't date?"

“Then just take someone else, take a photo and tag me.”

"And then I will look like a fool when this all comes out? No, thank you."

"Don't worry about that. Even without it, everyone thinks you're an idiot." I lifted the corners of my mouth, giving him a wink. If he was somehow affected by this, he didn't show it. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Don't make me carry you there." Soobin suddenly pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed my hands on his chest and my cheeks flushed uncontrollably. I raised my head a little higher due to our slight height difference and locked eyes. I saw contentment in him. Why was he so happy about the current situation? I guess I preferred not to know.

"Why did you do that?"

"You're asking a lot of questions today." Soobin moved closer and I inhaled sharply. For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me and I was surprised when my first instinct was not to push him away but to tighten my grip on his blouse. I narrowed my eyes slightly, but I didn't close them, and luckily, because the man did kiss me, but only on the forehead. "Isn't that what it was all about? To make them jealous?"

"Huh?" I looked around discreetly and was not surprised to see Sunwo standing nearby, glaring at us furiously. His hands were clenched into fists and he looked ready to intervene. "I didn't want to make anyone jealous. On the contrary, I hope it will discourage Sunwo."

"Do you think he'll be able to fall out of love?"

"Why not? Do you think it's so hard to stop loving me?" I wiggled my eyebrows. Soobin stared at me in silence for a long moment, and I began to fear that he had actually been thinking about his answer for so long, but then he finally snorted, rolling his eyes.

"It's hard to like you, there's no way I can feel anything more. Sunwo has really poor taste."

"Asshole!" I pulled away from him and punched him hard in the shoulder. "You know what, we're breaking up and I'm going to Sunwo. I'm starting to really appreciate his persistence and compliments. Sun...!" I started in a loud voice, but Soobin rushed forward and covered my mouth with his big hand. I grunted in protest and then licked the man's hand. Surprisingly, it didn't make him stop what he was doing.

"Can you finally shut up? You're insufferable." I heard the irritation in Soobin's voice. I raised my eyebrows, surprised. Did I say something wrong? We've always been calling each other names like that, and I didn't think I'd say anything so mean. When Choi finally removed his hand, I opened my mouth to ask what exactly he meant, but he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Are you crazy?! Let me go right now!"

"I gave you a chance and you decided not to take it. Now shut your pretty face and let me take you to the coffee shop."

"To the coffee shop? You can't even think of a place for our first date, you just borrow ideas from others?" I ignored the second part of his statement because it embarrassed me too much and decided to put another pin in his ribs.

"I hate you." These words were accompanied by a hard slap on the ass. I squealed in surprise.

"Just wait until you put me down. I swear I'll kill you!"

"You'd have to reach your hands around my neck first!"

"The fucking giant spoke up. You're only a little taller than me!" Soobin ignored my words, and I decided to make myself more comfortable since I had no way to go down yet.

Damn idiot.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now