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Each of us had our own ideal. For some it was a tall brunette, to others it was a short blond. Some people love green eyes, others blue, and others brown. However, it is rare that we meet a person in whom we can notice all our preferences. I never expected this, dating people who simply suited me both in terms of appearance and, above all, character.

But now that I saw a new man in our class that had all the features I was looking for, I couldn't help but admire him. His brown hair fell over his forehead. Brown eyes had a mischievous sparkle in them along with amusement. Surrounded by a large number of women who drank from him as if he were some goddamn Messiah proclaiming the future, he showed real confidence.

"Close your mouth, it's watering." I said mockingly, poking Beomgyu in the shoulder as soon as I recovered from my momentary suspension.

"Forget what I said before. He will be mine."

“And Taehyun?”

"Threesome." He shrugged and I laughed.

"Come on, my threesome." I grabbed his hand and pulled him along. I pushed past these crazy girls and narrowed my eyes at the brunette. When his gaze met mine, it took my breath away for just a few moments.

"Hi. I'm Soobin." He stated cheerfully, and I certainly looked very stupid. Why is he so nice? Is he planning something? I tentatively shook his hand and felt involuntarily embarrassed when our skin touched.

"Yeonjun. I didn't want to disturb you, but you're taking my place." The man's eyes opened wider. He stood up abruptly from his seat.


"No need. You're new, you might not have known that." I smiled, deciding not to make a bad first impression. If he was nice for now, I could be nice too. And maybe, by some miracle, we will be able to become friends. The sound of the bell echoed throughout the school, finally breaking his stare at me.

"It was nice meeting you. I hope we will have the opportunity to talk to each other again."

"Surely." I nodded. The man smiled before he passed me and went to take a seat next to Taehyun. The rest of girls followed him, so I could finally sit in my seat without being murdered by all those damn idiots.

"He liked you." Beomgyu laughed, elbowing me in the side. I hissed, moving away from him slightly.

"Can you tell that from a five-second conversation?"

"I can feel it." He touched his nose and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, idiot." I took out a book and a notebook with a pencil case from my backpack. Out of some instinct, I turned around and the brunette man sitting two seats behind me waved at me happily, not even trying to hide the fact that he was looking at me. I waved back and returned to my previous position when I noticed the teacher had come inside.

I could feel the angry eyes on me, burning a hole into my back, but I tried to ignore them. Of course, Yuri must have noticed my exchange with Soobin and now she won't let me live. Just a few years ago, I would have cared about this. But now I didn't. After all, what could this crazy woman possibly do to me? Call me names? I had a sharp tongue myself, so I'm sure I can handle it.

"Take notes and don't be thinking about a certain handsome guy who seems to be currently trying his mystical abilities to make you turn around."

"Shut up." Choi laughed, noticing that my cheeks were blushing. I grabbed a pen in my hands, opened my notebook and started writing, trying to ignore what my friend said.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now