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"How the fuck do people think me and Choi are a couple?" I asked as soon as we were outside the classroom door.

"Aren't you one?" Kai's eyes widened, and Taehyun and Jeongin frowned.

"Do we look like we are?" I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists tighter so as not to start screaming at them. The fact that it was Monday pissed me off enough, their avoidance of an answer was just like a red rag to a bull.

"Riwoo and Jihyo say you told them that at the party." I blinked. Once, twice, three times and then I cursed loudly, throwing my hands up. Everyone stepped back, surprise written on their faces. Soobin was the only one smiling stupidly, he definitely remembered the exact same thing as me.

"It's all your fault!" I shouted, jabbing the blonde in the chest with my finger.

"I'm as guilty as you."

"How the fuck is it possible? You decided to be a sarcastic asshole who admits to something that isn't true."

"And you didn't deny it!" He finally blurted out, folding his arms across his chest.

"What are you guys so upset about? Let Soobin tell Riwoo that you broke up and it will spread throughout the school. No problem." Taehyun shrugged and Beomgyu nodded.

"You're right. Tell the others that I broke up with you and we won't have to go on with this nonsense any longer."

"You broke up with me? I think there's something wrong with you. I'm the one who broke up with you."

"There's no way. It's your fault, so it's only fair if I'm the one to end it all. Tell him." I turned towards my friends and they avoided my eyes, looking at the ceiling, wall or floor. "Choi Beomgyu, you're failing me right now!"

"Sorry, honey." He said, but I felt no remorse in his words at all. On the contrary, I had the impression that he was enjoying it all. "However, I think it would be best if you refrain from clarifying this misunderstanding."

"Are you serious right now? This isn't funny." I narrowed my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"When I'm not joking. Soobin will get rid of his psycho fangirls and Sunwo will finally leave you alone. You said yourself that you had to find a better way to deal with him because he doesn't understand the word no."

"Yes, but I'd rather worry about him than be with Soobin."

"Why do you sound like it's the end of the world?" Kai asked.

"Because it is for me! We're going to kill each other, do you seriously think we'll be able to convince someone that we love each other when we're constantly at each other's throats?"

"As they say, there's one step from hate to love..." Taehyun smiled stupidly. I rolled my eyes at his words.

"We'll just break up, without saying exactly whose fault it is. My fans will say it's because of you, your fans will say it's because of me and everyone will be happy." Soobin finally said, and I was glad he was thinking logically, because our friends had definitely lost their minds and they only shared one brain cell anyway.

"Agree." I nodded and was about to go to the biggest gossip girl when Yuri joined us. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her lips were slightly pursed, and you could tell at a glance that she was furious.

"Soobin, are you serious?! How could you give up on me to get involved with this thing?!" She screamed loudly and my blood pressure went up. I clenched my fists, trying to calm myself so as not to hit her.

"With that thing?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow. The woman didn't even look at me, glaring accusingly at the man.

"Since when is it any of your business who I date?" The blonde asked calmly.

"Since our parents want you to spend your future with me. We are perfect for each other and I won't let anyone come between us."

"And I'm supposed to be a terrorist? You should start taking pills for your delusions, it's not too late to cure it." I stated and she finally looked at me.

"Don't interfere, idiot. This is between me and my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend?" I asked in disbelief. Against my better judgment, I snuggled into the man's side, smiling innocently. "Last time I checked, he was spending the nights with me, not you. I'm asking you politely, get the fuck away from my man or we'll have a problem. Soobin will always choose me, right?"

"True." Choi replied without a moment's hesitation, pulling me closer. "We will never be together, Yuri. I love Yeonjun and nothing will change that." I was surprised when my cheeks burned and my stomach tightened dangerously.

"We'll see!" The woman snorted, turning on her heel and walking away. I stood there for a moment, making sure she wouldn't come back, and finally I pulled away from the blonde, grimacing.

"Weren't you guys supposed to break up?" Jeongin asked with a stupid face.

"We did and we will break up! This idiot just pisses me off so much that I couldn't help myself! Who does she think she is, calling me out" this thing"? Let her have Soobin, I don't care, but don't insult me! "

"Last I checked, I wasn't something you could pass around." Soobin's voice sounded hurt, but one look at his face told me I must have been wrong. "And forget about the whole breakup. Yuri will definitely inform my parents that I have a boyfriend. How will I explain it to them in a normal way? Not to mention that if we play our game well, I will get rid of Yuri once and for all. "

"And what do I get out of it?"

"What do you want?" I stepped back, not expecting this question. I thought Soobin would never accept any offers in his life, he would just blackmail me into doing so. I guess he really cared, so I had to make good use of it.

"I'll think about it and let you know. For now, it's enough for me to spite Yuri and Sunwo will finally understand that he has no chance." I smiled broadly. "Just one request. I know I'm fabulous and it's going to be really hard for you, but don't fall in love with me. I will never, ever be your real boyfriend."

"I could say the same to you, princess." Soobin winked at me and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed the unsuspecting Beomgyu's hand and pulled him along, saying goodbye to the rest of the team. We definitely had to come up with an action plan that was effective and good for me.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now