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No matter how much we talked, all three of them, as one, insisted that they would not tell us anything more and that we would find out everything ourselves over time. And I had no doubt that this would be the case, considering that every person passing us was whispering something to others, pointing fingers at us, but why?

Kai, Jeongin and Taehyun as our friends should have prepared us for what was coming so that we would know how to deal with it when it all finally explodes. Unfortunately, they were so ignorant that no good arguments reached them.

When we entered the classroom, Taehyun immediately dragged Beomgyu to his desk at the back. I narrowed my eyes at this and he just whispered a quiet apology, not looking the least bit like he was sorry.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior and having no other choice, I allowed Soobin to sit next to me. However, I moved the chair so as not to accidentally touch him sometimes.

"Are you that afraid of me?" He asked mockingly. He rested his hand on the table and his head on it. I found him quite cute in this position.

Damn idiot, what are you thinking?

"I'm more disgusted." I smiled sweetly and very insincerely.

"You hurt my fragile, delicate heart." He glared at me, moving closer.

"You like teasing me, don't you? Do you get some sick satisfaction from it?"

"Something like that." He replied mysteriously, winking at me. I felt several pairs of eyes on us, followed by loud whispers, the meaning of which I couldn't make out.

"Okay, honestly, do you know what this is all about?" The man looked for a moment as if he didn't understand what I had just asked him. He blinked once, twice, and only then did realization appear on his handsome face.

"Don't change topics so abruptly."

"What, your little brain gets lost then?" I asked defiantly, unable to help myself.

"I don't know what this is all about, I'm as confused as you are. Apparently there have been some rumors about us after all."

"Something to do with the party, we finally spent some time together, went to the bathroom... Do you think they think we slept together there?" I asked, terrified. Soobin wasn't the worst person to suspect me of having sex with, but I wouldn't want to become his next conquest that others would write down on a piece of paper.

"Very likely."

"Could you at least pretend that you're not happy that they think that?" I growled, noticing a stupid smirk appear on his face.

"Stop panicking, I'll straighten it out. I wouldn't dare ruin your opinion." Although I detected a hint of mockery in his voice, I knew he was serious. Soobin and all my friends knew how much I cared about not having any problems. My parents were such lovely people and had already been through so much in their lives that I wouldn't want to add to their worries about me. That didn't mean I didn't go crazy sometimes. I didn't go from one extreme to another.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, and for a moment he looked as if he had been struck by lightning. Finally, however, he replied in the same way and turned his eyes towards the board when we heard a loud and cheerful good morning. Mrs. Kim was a lovely and understanding woman. She never shouted at us and always tried to understand us. We treated her like our aunt.

"How's your day going, darlings?" She asked, looking at everyone. We agreed that everything was fine and she then moved on to checking attendance.

"What does she do that she's always in such a good mood, even on Mondays?" I snorted, but then gave the blonde an unpleasant look.

"Don't talk to me." He grunted something in response that was probably supposed to be agreement, although we both knew he wouldn't hold back on stupid comments. More than once, I heard him laughing at something with Taehyun, even in classes with teachers who were mean and unfair.

"I decided not to bother you with tests, to pass my subject it is enough to complete a project. The pairs will not be drawn, they are the same as you are sitting at the desks now, there are no changes."

What the fuck?

"I will give you all the information you need tomorrow. However, I am glad that you are so well matched." Her eyes moved first to Taehyun and Beomgyu, then to me and Soobin. "I'm always pleased when people in love create something together. Something beautiful comes out of it."

Once again, what the fuck?

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now