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"Why does this food look like someone already chewed it and spat it out just for us?" Beomgyu asked with disgust, looking at what was in front of him.

"Because that's probably what someone was doing." I laughed, took only two yogurts and with them on the tray, I waited a while until the man made up his mind. Finally he hesitantly helped himself to something that looked like spaghetti. We turned and headed towards our regular table when I noticed movement to our right.

"Don't panic, but Taehyun and Soobin are calling us to their table." I whispered to Beomgyu. Two blushes immediately appeared on his face.

"Are you sure about this? I don't want it to be awkward."

"I'm sure. Are we going or...?" I didn't have time to finish because he had already moved towards them. I shook my head at his stupid behavior, but then I joined him. I smiled at the men and sat down opposite the brunette.

"You look beautiful today." Taehyun said, giving us a wink.

"You mean like every other day, right?" I asked with teasing in my voice, resting my face in my hands.

"Of course." He looked slightly ashamed. I exchanged an amused look with Beomgyu. I unwrapped one of the yogurts and put a spoon in it to scoop some out.

"You are brave." Soobin said suddenly. I frowned, thinking he was talking to me, but he was looking at my friend.

"Why?" He asked, as surprised as I was.

"Because you took something from the cafeteria. I would be afraid it would escape from my tray." All four of us burst out laughing.

"I guess you're right. I wouldn't want to get poisoned." He pushed the food away from him and took the second, unwrapped yogurt from me.

"You could have taken yours." I hit his shoulder and he hissed.

"I'm saving you, stupid. I don't want your ass to grow." I rolled my eyes, finally deciding to leave him alone. He already scooped a large amount onto a spoon and put it in his mouth.

"You've been friends for a long time?" Soobin asked and we nodded practically at the same time.

"We met when we were six years old. We looked at each other and there was a spark almost immediately. We've been inseparable ever since."

"Are you two arguing often?" I frowned, wondering where these questions were going.

"Sometimes, but never for more than a week at most."

"I envy you."

"Why?" Beomgyu asked, placing the now empty package on the tray

"Because I've never had a friendship like that." Something squeezed my heart. Compassion flooded my entire being and there was nothing I could do about it.

"From today you have us." Taehyun suddenly stated, and I found myself nodding my head in agreement with his words. A huge smile appeared on Soobin's face.

"I'm glad." His words were sincere, which made me happy. I had only known him for a few hours, but I could already tell that he was completely different than Yuri.

Fuck, talk about a devil, I thought, noticing how the princess entered the cafeteria.

She immediately ignored the line and took only water and looked around. I literally saw the lightning bolts she threw at us when she noticed me and Beomgyu at the boys' table. For a moment I thought she was going to come up to us and start arguing, but she just said something to her friend and when she nodded, they left.

"That was weird." Beomgyu stated, observing the whole situation as much as I did.

"What?" Taehyun asked. My friend blushed, noticing that he was looking at him with a smile. I exchanged smiles with Soobin, who seemed to also notice how they were acting towards each other.

"Nothing special." Said Choi. Until the end of the break, we got to know each other and joked, ignoring everyone around us. When we finally had to go back to class, we were still talking, and I felt like this could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship between all four of us.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now