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The silence stretched on forever, and although it definitely bothered me, I had no idea what I could talk to Soobin about. As far as I knew, we had nothing in common. Even though it was hard to tell when we never spent time alone together, we always had at least one friend with us.

"So... Do you have a boyfriend?" Soobin suddenly asked and I looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world.

"Do you think that if I had, I would agree to this idiotic plan of ours?"

"Who knows, maybe you like this kind of fun."

"Please don't think any more because you're definitely failing at it." I rolled my eyes, catching the straw between my lips. The sweet drink flooded my throat and I wanted to moan with pleasure. I raised an eyebrow at Soobin's gaze, but he quickly looked away. I could have sworn there was even a blush on his cheeks, but I didn't want to be delusional. "I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. You?"

"Wait... You're not gay?"

"I never said I was, did I? I'm bi, with a strong preference for men."

"So we agree on at least one thing." He nodded, also drinking his drink before adding. "I don't have anyone either. Except you, of course."

"Come on, there's no one around, so you can stop pretending we're a couple."

"When I like it."

"Do you like to think of me as your boyfriend?"

"Mhm." He smiled broadly, winking at me. I made a disgusted face and moved back slightly with my chair, even though there was a table between us.

"I hate it when you make stupid jokes like that."

"When I'm not joking. You're the only one who thinks so. Ask our friends, they have been saying for a long time that I pick on you because I like you."

"Because they know everything so well that they are definitely a reliable source. We both know that I'm the last person you could feel anything for. Recently you even said that Sunwo has poor taste."

"I only said that to spite you. Since when do you take what I say so seriously? You always don't believe me in anything, and now suddenly you take everything personally?" I was really fed up with Soobin's words. I never wanted to take it to heart, messing with my head only made her hurt worse.

"You want me to start acting like I'm mentally ill?"


"Then start acting normal." I warned, rolling my eyes upwards.

"I'm sorry for my behavior. I didn't mean anything bad, you just always have such cute reactions to my teasing, so I can't help myself." He smiled and this time I felt he was sincere. This allowed me to relax again and raise the corners of my mouth.

"It's okay. You're not as bad as I thought."

"Are you closer to falling in love with me?"

"I thought we were going to have a serious conversation" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "How long do you think we'll have to pretend?"

"I hope as long, as possible." I couldn't help but roll my eyes again. Has he ever acted normal? "A month? Two? How long can we last?"

"I think three months tops. Do you like anyone?" My sudden question seemed to surprise him because his eyes widened. He looked at me in silence for a moment, thinking. I had the impression that he was about to crack a joke, but fortunately that didn't happen.

"Like someone? I'm crazy about him."

Him? So it's a man?

"And you think being in a relationship with me will in any way help you get with him?"

"Mhm." He muttered, sipping his drink.

"In what way?"

"It will remain my sweet secret. And you? Are you in love?" I looked away out the window for a moment, but then returned it to Soobin, who was watching me carefully.

"No. I haven't met the right one yet." I answered honestly and Soobin let out a loud breath. I raised an eyebrow in silent question, but got no answer.

"I'm sure one day the right man will come your way."

"Or maybe a woman?"

"No, certainly not." Did he really always have to make everything so difficult? Surprisingly, despite myself, I really liked his presence, and although he kept making stupid jokes, sometimes he even made me laugh. Somehow I saw a future for our plan and that the fake relationship wouldn't come to light. Or at least until Sunwo and Yuna finally give up on us and fall in love with someone else.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now