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I thought, gritting my teeth hard so as not to speak something that I would regret later. Soobin, not caring about my deadly look, still invited himself for my, Kai, Jeongin, Taehyun and Beomgyu meeting like nothing happened.

"I don't want to sound like a child, but if he goes, you can forget about me."

"You don't trust yourself around me when you're drunk? Don't be afraid, baby, I wouldn't lay a finger on you."

"Who said I don't trust myself? You're the one who has a mania for sticking to everything that moves."

"It reminded me of him kissing a chick who died and vomited an hour before. Disgusting." Taehyun said and I smiled because like it or not, he confirmed my words. Disgust appeared on Soobin's face, which made me feel even more satisfied.

"We've spent time together many times before, so will something happen if we do it again?" Beomgyu interrupted and I gave him the most hurt look I could muster. Whoever, but my own best friend, should support me.

"Come on, Jun, I'll buy you some alcohol." Jeongin nudged my shoulder and I laughed involuntarily.

"Okay, but keep him away from me."

"For sure." Kai put his arm around me. I saw Soobin's damn smug smirk, but I looked away, choosing to ignore it. I was fed up with arguing with him. I hated him and he hated me, but that didn't mean we had to fight each other at every turn. "Do you have homework?" Huening asked me quietly. I laughed, expecting it. I nodded and he smiled. Kai was never a good student. It's not like he glided from class to class, but if it weren't for our help, his grades would certainly have been much lower.

"And from what?" I asked after a long moment of silence in which he listened to the others conversation.


"Yesterday I suggested you to do our homework together." I narrowed my eyes at him and he pursed his lip.

"I know, but there was a match on." He stated with a groan and I rolled my eyes.

"Next time I don't want to hear any stupid excuses. If you don't let me help you, you won't get your homework done."

"But, Jun..." He started, but stopped when he noticed my gaze.

"Terrorist." Taehyun spoke up, and it was only now that I realized that the others had been listening to what we were saying for some time.

"I just care about him." I smiled and patted the brunette on the cheek, to which he moved away indignantly. I wrinkled my nose and made a stupid face at Soobin who was looking at me. The man rolled his eyes, muttering to himself something that sounded like "immature."

I opened my mouth to tell him that if he had something to tell me, he should do it now, but I was interrupted by the bell ringing.
Each of us picked up our bags from the ground and together we headed to the next class.


"Mooom!" I groaned, pushing her hands away from me.

"Don't be like that, I'll just fix it for you." She assured, still trying to reach me.

"When everything is as it should be. Don't act like this." I growled and she finally gave up.

"I just wanted to help you..." She looked sad and I rolled my eyes.

"I've known you too long to fall for that. Every time I go out you try to interfere with how I dress and do my makeup."

"Because I want you to look your best. You could find the love of your life at any time, so you have to be prepared."

"Just not this again." I stated. I covered my ears with my hands, but her loud tone reached me anyway.

"I was your age when I met your dad. You would have seen me then. I looked so good, oh, if only I could go back to those times..." I felt like jumping into the sky when I heard a loud horn.

"I have to go, I love you, bye!" I grabbed the phone, kissed her quickly on the cheek and ran out into the hall and down the stairs from there. Hearing my mother start to say something, I grabbed my shoes and run towards the car. "Let's go, please!" I said to Beomgyu and his older cousin Jisoo and they laughed. They waved to my mother and luckily the car started moving. I leaned back in the seat, breathing a sigh of relief. It's all downhill from here.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now