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I looked at the watch again and sighed heavily, noticing that Soobin was already half an hour late. I also checked my text messages, but although I had a few, none from him. I could guess that our project wouldn't be as important to him as it was to me. He was probably hanging out with some girls, bombarding them with lame jokes and pick-up lines.

I closed the book and started packing my things. If he didn't give a damn about our meeting, I wasn't going to wait here for him like this complete idiot. I put my backpack on my back and moved towards the appropriate shelf to put the unnecessary book on it. I jumped when someone suddenly covered my eyes.

"It's not funny, Soobin. First you're late, and now instead of apologizing, you're having fun." I muttered, offended.

"Did you have an appointment with Soobin?" I jumped aside, surprised. I turned to Sunwo and he smiled widely, as if he hadn't given me a heart attack.

"Sunwo, you scared me." I said, clutching my heart dramatically. My corners lifted slightly because although he usually got on my nerves, now I began to appreciate his presence. Mainly because over the past week he hasn't been as annoying as he used to be. Instead of stupidly hitting on me, we just talked about various topics. We definitely had more in common than I first thought.

"Sorry." He pursed his lip, and the sincerity in his voice made my stomach tighten. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"I was just joking, relax."

"I'm glad. Since Soobin didn't show up, maybe you could go with me for ice cream?" I bit my lip in thought and finally nodded. I didn't protest when Sunwo grabbed my hand and pulled me along. We ran into the corridor laughing and met Soobin there. The smile automatically left my face. Choi looked at us with an unfriendly look, only to stop it on our joined hands.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Just so you know, I do. After waiting for you for forty minutes, I guess I have the right to finally get tired, right?"

"I have been busy."

"Enough so that you can't write one stupid text explaining it?" I raised an eyebrow, feeling irritated.

"We won't talk about it here. Let's go." He tried to grab me, but I quickly moved away, preventing him from doing so.

"I already have plans, maybe later? If you can find time to squeeze me into your busy schedule." The irony was flowing from my words, and Soobin seemed to be starting to feel angry looking at his expression, but I didn't care. He started it, let him suffer now.

"You seriously would rather go with him than your own boyfriend?"

"As you can see. If you were punctual, I would be spending time with you right now. Now I have other company, sorry. Maybe tomorrow? Or the day after tomorrow?" I smiled insincerely and, without waiting for his words, we passed him and moved on.

"Everything's all right?" Sunwo asked once we were outside the school grounds. Only now did I notice that we were still holding hands, so I slowly took it away from him and he simply allowed it.

"Yes. Let's not talk about it, okay?"

"Mhm." He nodded and smiled, changing the subject. And although I was grateful for it and tried to participate in the discussion, the argument with Soobin was still under my skin. I didn't know why I even cared so much about it. We argued all the time before and I didn't care. Had a two weeks of peace between us really messed with my mind so much?

One thing was certain, I had to stop thinking of him as a friend, it was just a deal that would end soon. After this, we would immediately return to dislike for each other, so there was no point in changing mine attitude towards him. Being enemies was enough for me. Especially since Soobin had already chosen Yuri over me once by stealing my phone. I wouldn't survive such a betrayal again, especially if I liked and knew him more than I did then.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now