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"Choi Soobin!" I screamed loudly, and several pairs of people looked my way, surprised or terrified because they hadn't expected it in the previously quiet, calm corridor. Soobin looked towards me with a stupid smile on his face and raised eyebrows. He said something to the woman with him and walked over to me.

"Is something wrong, Choi Yeonjun?" I pouted, folding my arms across my chest. Even though it wasn't possible, I literally felt steam coming out of my ears and I was turning into a damn kettle. For the sake of our agreement, I took a deep breath and lowered my voice so that only he could hear me.

"Can you tell me what you think you're doing? We agreed that our parents would meet for lunch on Saturday, and you're going on a date with some idiot who doesn't know that she shouldn't date guys that are taken?"

"First of all, I'll be on dinner, I made an appointment with Yunjin in the evening. Secondly, it's not a date, just a meeting. I guess I can have friends, right? Thirdly, you said yourself that we're not a real couple, so in theory, she don't take on a taken guy."

"She doesn't know that what's between us isn't real, so she keeps taking on someone who, in theory, is already taken. You don't have to defend her." I snorted, rolling my eyes. "I know you may be itching for something after being sentenced to abstinence, but that doesn't mean you should jump on the first person you see who shows interest in you. I won't let you make a mockery of me if it turns out that you started cheating on me, so keep your friend in your pants until we decide to break our deal. Unless you want to break up right now, hmm?"

"I have no intention of cheating on you, Jun. If I've told others that I only love you, then that's it." My eyes widened because I wasn't expecting this. I opened my mouth to respond, but the man interrupted me by grabbing my hands and stroking the backs of them with his thumbs. "I don't miss sex, and even if I did, of course I would wait until you fell in love with me and were ready for it."

"Oh my God, Soobin! Can you be serious for a moment?!" I yanked my hands away from him and punched him hard in the shoulder. "Does this mean you'll cancel your date?"

"No." I raised an eyebrow, disappointed. "I promised Yunjin that I would meet her, so I will."

"Okay then but if you can date other's, I can do the same."

"It's not a date, Jun. Yunjinnie is just my friend."

"Yunjinnie? Seriously?" I gritted my teeth and the nerves began to overwhelm me again like a wave of heat.

"Stop being so jealous. I told you that I'm only focused on you. It's just a regular meeting, nothing more. You also go out with Beomgyu and other friends, and somehow you don't see me complaining." This time it was Soobin who looked annoyed.

"That's something completely different. When I wanted to meet Sunwo for coffee, you didn't agree to it."

"And I was right, wasn't I? Sunwo is the psycho I saved you from, so you're welcome." Soobin rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Stop over-interpreting everything. If I wanted to create something with Yunjin, I would break up with you. I'm not a traitor."

"You may think so, but people say otherwise. I heard several times today that you finally got tired of me and found someone who is more on your level. If only you could see that satisfied face of Yuri..." I shuddered at the memory.

"Why do you care what others say when we both know that the truth is completely different? I'll go to meet my FRIEND..." He emphasized the last word and then continued. "Whether you like it or not. And I don't advise you to spite me and date some idiot."

"Or what?" I asked aggressively and then smiled insincerely. "We can both have fun. After all, we're not a real couple, and that means we can go on dates as long as others thinks it's just us hanging out with a friend, right? Thank you, Soobin, you've cleared my mind a bit. Now I won't disturb you. I'm sure you want to meet Yunjin and discuss the details of your 'meeting'." I put quotation marks around the last word, and then, without looking at him as he started saying something else, I turned on my heel and walked away.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now