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"Why are we avoiding Soobin again like we're some criminals and he's a cop?" Beomgyu asked as I pressed him against the wall behind the cabinets and leaned out to make sure the tall rabbit was gone. Damn, why did we have to go to the same school? Avoiding him in class was difficult, let alone the whole school, which was big but too small for the two of us.

"You would be a policeman faster than him." I pulled away, breathing a sigh of relief. I've made it again, but how long will I be lucky?


"You chase the same red flags as them. You would have be paid for it and not like now, you're doing it for free. You have to seriously consider it, it's a good direction for the future." I snorted, adjusting my falling bag. I grabbed Beomgyu's hand and pulled him along. As Soobin went outside, I decided to hide in the classroom where we had our next class.

"There is something true about it." Gyu laughed, which surprised me.

"Who are you and what have you done with my best friend? My Beomgyu would kill me for that comment."

"Your Beomgyu?" The man blinked several times as he moved closer. I decided to play his game, so I leaned in too, placing my hand on his cheek.

"Mine, because who else?" I raised an eyebrow, pouting my lip. I thought my friend would pull away and start laughing, but he suddenly became serious, looking down at my lips. I leaned back sharply and punched him in the shoulder. "Stop playing with me, you idiot! This is not the time for jokes!"

"You never have time for jokes." Gyu folded his arms across his chest, and I thought the previous tension between us had just been imaginable. "So... You and Soobin, what's going on?"

"You won't give up, will you?" I sighed heavily, biting my lip. There was silence for a while, but I finally gathered myself to tell him what had been weighing on my heart for two days. "When Soobin saved me from Sunwo and the others dragged him downstairs leaving us alone, Soobin..."

"Soobin, what?!" My friend shouted when I got stuck for a long moment.

"He asked what Sunwo had allowed himself to do and that if I wanted, he would help me forget. I honestly don't know what came over my head, but I was drunk and I just couldn't think straight after everything, so I agreed. Then... We kissed." I admitted quietly, feeling myself start to blush. I covered my face with my hands and Gyu opened his eyes wide and choked on his own saliva.

"Didn't I tell you that it would eventually come to this and you wouldn't feel ready?! You have to start listening to me!"

"Once a year, even you finally manage to say something sensible, it doesn't mean anything! Better tell me what to do now. Act normally? Or maybe it's better not to talk to him about it?"

"And how do you feel? Would you like this kiss to mean something? Do you want to be in a real relationship with him?"

"What? Of course not!" I screamed immediately, grimacing. Just the thought of me in a real relationship with Soobin sent shivers down my spine. "I just don't want it to get awkward in our group again. We've only just started getting together without any arguments or no going out because I didn't want to meet Soobin and he didn't want to meet me."

"Then it's best if you talk to him. Explain to him that it didn't mean anything and move on with your lives. I think you're exaggerating it too much. As I know life, once you finally meet up with Soobin, he'll act normal."

"Maybe you're right." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"As always, sweetheart." He flicked his invisible hair and I rolled my eyes.

"Gyu!" Taehyun intruded gently into the conversation and rushed at my friend, hugging him tightly. Beomgyu blushed so hard that even his ears turned red. "I need him for a moment, can I?"

"Take him for how much you want." I waved my hand, smiling. Even if I didn't want to be left alone, I couldn't do that to a friend. He rarely spent time alone with Taehyun, so I had to allow him in every opportunity. The mens waved cheerfully at me before disappearing out the door. I sank further into the chair and closed my eyes, massaging my temples.

I spent the whole weekend worrying about the whole situation, which caused me to sleep poorly. Now all this was taking its toll on me through a headache. I really wanted to throw it all away, go home and go to sleep, but I didn't study for so many hours so I wouldn't have to write this math test now. The door opened, making a quiet sound.

"Did you forget something?" I asked without opening my eyes. But when I didn't get an answer and I felt someone get really close to me, I lifted my eyelids.

"Did you missed me, babe?" Soobin smiled widely and before I could react in any way, his soft lips were already connecting with mine in a gentle kiss.

(Don't) say you love me - yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now