Chapter 1

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"Look what you've done you stupid, stupid child!"

Harry awoke by the sound of his Aunt Petunia yelling and screaming. He pulled his glasses on and looked around the small cupboard that he his seven year old little sister Alison were forced to live in.

He panicked when he found that she wasn't snuggled up against him like she normally would be in the mornings.

"You stupid, worthless child!" Petunia screamed and he heard her slap someone.

He immediately climbed out of the cupboard and ran into the kitchen where he saw Alison holding a hand to her cheek, cowering away from a very angry looking Petunia with tears streaming down her face.

When Ali saw him, she ran into his arms and burrowed her head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and noticed a burnt piece of toast in Petunia's hand.

"Get that stupid girl out of here!" She yelled at no one but still made the siblings jump. "And you," She pointed at Harry. "Make breakfast and clean up this mess!"

Harry wrapped an arm around his sister's shoulders and lead he out of the kitchen and to their 'room.'

"You okay?" He asked her as he sat her down on the thin, dirty mattress they called a bed.

She nodded feebly. "Yeah I'm okay." She whispered in a small, mousy voice and wiped the tears off her cheeks with the backs of her hands.

He gives her a small smile and kisses her forehead. "Just stay in here okay? I'll try to get you an ice pack." He whispered, noticing the large bruise that was forming on her cheek.

She nodded and gave him a tiny smile when he kissed her forehead and walked back into the kitchen.

Most people would find it utterly ridiculous to try to force a seven year old to cook toast, eggs, and bacon for breakfast, but Vernon and Petunia weren't like most people.

Most people, when finding out that their niece and nephew had become orphans and they were their only living relatives, would take in the children and give them a room with an actual bed, feed them well, buy them good clothing to wear, and give them hugs and kisses like any good people would.

But the Dursley's had done anything but that. They had shoved the little three year old boy with his three month old baby sister into their supply closet under the stairs, almost never let them eat, gave both children Dudley's old clothes to wear, and the only time the Durselys touched the Potters, it was to hit, kick, or punch then. Usually, for no reason at all.

Saying that Harry had stepped up to the role as a responsible older brother was defiantly an under statement.

He taught his sister how to talk and walk. He was the one who had to potty train her. He had to make sure she had something to eat at least everyday so she wouldn't starve to death. He was the one who got her dressed, cut her hair when it grew too long, or comforted her when she was sad or scared or upset. He had been the one that took care of her as a baby when he had just grown out of diapers himself.

Needless to say, the only things the Dursleys provided for the young children were Dudley's ginormous clothes, and a roof over their heads.

On most days, Vernon and Petunia would pound on the cupboard door to wake Harry and Ali up and order them to make breakfast.

Harry would do most of the cooking and would occasionally let Ali do the little things like buttering the toast or getting out ingredients he needed.

Then they would clean every room in the house, even though it was nearly spotless from when they had cleaned it the day before.

On weekdays during the school year, Harry and Dudley would have to leave for school once breakfast was cleaned up so Alison was left to do the cleaning herself.

Harry had heavily objected to leaving Ali alone with their aunt and uncle when it was time for him to start Kindergarten, but Venon and Petunia had forced him to go anyway.

The only thing that comforted him knowing that Vernon would be at away work all day and Petunia would either be in her garden or in someone else's garden having a tea party with some the 'ladies' in the neighborhood who loved to gossip about other people. Which meant that Ali was usually home alone.

When it had come time for Alison to go to school, the Durleys were a lot more hesitant than they had been with Harry.

"She needs to be home to keep the house in order."

"She needs to be able to call the police if someone breaks in."

"She needs to be here to water my plants."

The Dursleys had come up with every stupid excuse they could come up with to try to keep her at home.

They hadn't even changed their minds when one of their neighbors had come over to help Petunia with her garden and noticed Alison through the window.

"Isn't that girl old enough to be in school?" The woman asked Petunia but kept her eyes locked on the small, skinny girl in the house.

Petunia followed her gaze before swallowing nervously. She hadn't thought about having to explain to the people why she wasn't in school.

"Yes she is. But she's awfully shy for her age and cried for hours about not wanting to go. We decided to keep her another year so she can get comfortable with the idea. And if she doesn't, we'll just homeschool her."

So Harry ended up being Ali's teacher too.

Alison sat in the cupboard hugging her little Porcelain doll to her chest. Harry had told her that he very, very vaguely remembers their parents giving it her her when she was born.

It was the only thing close to a toy that she owned and it was one of the very few things the Dursleys let her have.

"But they can't come! They'll just ruin everything!" She heard her cousin, Dudley, whine and she knew a big fit was coming very soon.

She poked her head around the door and saw him flopping around in his chair kicking and whining.

"I know you don't like them tagging along pumpkin, but we have no other choice." Petunia told him softly in an attempt to calm him down.

The Potters shared a smile. While he poured Vernon some coffee. They have had many hilarious conversations about their cousin. Ali had taken a liking into calling him a baby hippo while Harry would call him a giant pumpkin boy.

They, of course, would never dare call him that I'm front of anyone but each other in fear of a beating from both Vernon and Dudley.

Vernon looked up from the paper he was reading and glanced over at his son. "Don't worry Dudley. We can drop the girl off at the Day Care just down the street from the zoo. And the boy will just have to tag along."

Harry's smile faded and he began to protest. If he was allowed to come then why not Ali? And if she could go to Day Care then why not him?

Vernon grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt. "One less nuisance to take care of. And besides, she's still young enough to get in free. You aren't. You got that boy?"

Harry bit his lip and nodded. "Yes Uncle Vernon."

Vernon released the small boy and went back to reading the paper while Harry retreated back to his and Ali's 'room'.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't get you any ice." He whispered as he shut the small door then turned to his sister. "Let me see it."

He gently put one of his hand under her jaw and turned her head so he could fully see the red, but turning purple, bruise on her cheek. She winced but he didn't let go.

"Does it hurt?" He asked after a minute then finally let go.

"No but it stings." She said quietly.

He nodded and kissed her forehead before pulling her into a tight hug. "One day, we'll get out of here. You'll see." He whispered.

Authors note:

Well there's the first chapter. I promise there will be a lot more action and sorry if it seemed a little slow, I will start getting into the story as soon as we get all the into stuff out of the way.

Anyway, I hoped you liked it and thanks for reading 😘

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