Chapter 51

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Smut Warning

Melanie and the twins spent the next few days messing around more. With Mrs Weasley gone Fred and George were definitely more mischievous than usual playing more ruthless pranks on Ron and Percy, even getting Melanie a couple of times.

Melanie helped Charlie in the kitchen during dinner times and she really grew to like the older Weasley. He was easy to talk to and she loved watching him tease his younger brothers. He would spend most of his time talking about dragons but Melanie didn't mind.

The next time the Weasley siblings and Melanie sat down to read, Charlie took the book. It was safe to say no one fell asleep that time. Melanie and Fred were sitting on the sofa in each others embrace with George leaning his head on Melanie's legs.

"So I was thinking of going down to the lake tomorrow so I can get some of my scales for you guys." Melanie started. "Since it's going to be my last day."

Fred groaned at that comment. "Don't remind me."

"But yeah Mel that's cool we can go."

"Er correction Melanie can go. The rest of you have some de-gnoming to do." Charlie said from the other couch.

"Just because mum isn't here doesn't mean you have to act like her." George commented.

"No guys it's okay I'll stay and help you." She said.

"No you won't." Fred said calmly. "They bite."

Melanie just rolled her eyes as there was no use arguing with Fred.

"Hey Charlie how about we have a little barbecue tomorrow out front?" George suggested.

"Yeah sure that sounds like a good idea." Charlie said. "Alright I'm sorry Melanie but could you please finish off the story?" He asked pleadingly and passed her the book.

"Haha of course." She opened up the page and after two words the twins let out exaggerated snores.

She nudged her shoulder into Fred's chest and slapped George on the top of his head lightly. "Oh come off it."

They chuckled and Melanie continued until it was time to go to sleep.

The one positive to Mr and Mrs Weasley being gone is that Fred stayed in Melanie's bed all night, not really caring what Charlie has to say.

She put on her lace shorts and matching top and then tied her hair into a messy bun.

She was stood by Charlie's desk that had two candles on it, laying out her clothes for tomorrow and packing everything else into the duffel bag. She was looking through the small pockets when she noticed something.

She heard the door creak open and then close. Not even a second had passed when she felt Fred standing behind her.

He traced his fingers along her arm and up her shoulder and then wrapped his arms around her stomach.

"Fuck, you really do look sexy in this tank top." He murmured into her neck as he placed soft kisses on it.

Melanie leaned back into his bare chest and rested her head against him letting out a soft moan. "Well considering you refused to give me a shirt I had no other option than wear it."

Fred grinned to himself knowing that was exactly his intention when she came to ask him for a fresh shirt earlier.

He spun her around and Melanie placed her hands on his chest as he continued to kiss her softly.

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