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🎧 Me Gustas Tu ★ Gfriend

Seungmin didn't understand why his parents wanted him to learn a foreign language. He thought learning English at school would already be enough. But his parents hired a Spanish teacher for him.

Jungsu decided to come over for emotional support.

"The only thing I know how to say in Spanish is Hola" Seungmin muttered, he hated the lessons. Not only because the twache was boring. But also because initially, Hyeongjun had invited him over, so that they could continue working on the project.

So, instead of spending time with Hyeongjun, he was here, waiting for the Spanish teacher to arrive.

"I know Me Gustas Tu" Jungsu said just in time, since the song by gfriend with that name started playing immediately after saying that.

The two boys looked at each other for a couple of seconds before bursting out into laughter.

"So, how did yesterday go?" Jungsu had complained the whole day about Gunil having to come over. Jungsu would come over at 3pm. So, from 7:30am to 2:59pm, Jungsu complained. And it got on Seungmin's nerves.

"Ok, I'll admit it, he's not as annoying as I thought" Seungmin sighed, all of that negative energy for Jungsu to say that he wasn't that bad.

"I told you!" Seungmin said, half mad, half joking.

"Seungmin!" The boy mentioned sighed again, that meant his teacher was here. He went downstairs, Jungsu followed him. "Your Spanish teacher can't come, so you're free to do what you want"

Seungmin's mouth was left open. The two boys exchanged glances. The younger boy had to hide his excitement.

"Oh! Gunil sent me a message" Jungsu checked his phone and noticed the notification. Seungmin found this weird. As based on how clear Jungsu had made it that he wanted absolutely no contact with Gunil, he wouldn't understand why the boy would text him.

"Really?" Jungsu showed him the message, Gunil had asked to meet up at a diner. Just for a drink.

"Can I come? That way you don't verbally assault him?" Seungmin asked, already putting on his shoes, Jungsu playfully rolled his eyes then nodded.

"I wouldn't do that" Jungsu skipped out the house. He grabbed Seungmin by the wrist.

"C'mon, we can't keep Gunil waiting" Seungmin didn't understand his friend's strange behaviour. He would've expected Jungsu to be reluctant to go.

"So, what happened yesterday?" Seungmin wanted to get clarity on Jungsu's behaviour.

"We just talked" Jungsu shrugged, he did miss tons of details. Like how his life was before he moved. And Gunil played the drums for him. And as much as Jungsu wanted to ignore it, he couldn't help but find an attraction to the elder.

He felt a warm feeling in his heart when he saw the boy after that.

And he didn't understand why.

"Hey Seungmin..?" Jungsu stopped in his tracks, it made Seungmin almost fall due to the abrupt break.

Seungmin hummed as an answer. Jungsu could ask him anything at this point, so he made zero assumptions.

"How did you realise that you were... Well, not straight?" Seungmin didn't understand why Jungsu would ask him a question like that. Jungsu already told him that he was practically straight.

"Well, I watch a lot of tv, so when they portrayed love, I just felt that way, but with a guy... Plus, guys are hot" Seungmin explained, maybe Jungsu was asking for a friend? That was the theory Seungmin had in his head.

"But like, I'm not in love with Hyeongjun, it's just a crush, so I dunno" The two boys then started walking again. Seungmin could tell that Jungsu wouldn't be comfortable answering why he asked this question. Which is why Seungmin shut up.


The two boys arrived at the busy Restaurant. Jungsu looked around, at the customers. So did Seungmin.

They wanted to find Gunil who was already sitting somewhere.

The second Jungsu's eyes laid on Gunil, he felt his face heat up.

Gunil's eyes lit up as soon as he saw the two boys. He greeted them, Seungmin sat across from him, Jungsu sat next to the elder.

"I brought Seungmin, if you don't mind" Gunil was glad to see multiple people in one day. His smile gave Jungsu butterflies in his stomach. He had to calm himself. 

"What would you like?" Gunil took out his wallet, he also handed the two boys the menu. While Gunil handed Jungsu the menu, their fingers slightly touched for a couple of seconds. Seungmin noticed Jungsu blushing, he was starting to make a theory in his mind. But he decided to not say anything.

He would be talking about it later.

"I'll pay" Gunil said as he noticed Seungmin taking out the wallet. Both Jungsu and Seungmin thanked him.

"I'll take a coke Zero" Seungmin told the waiter, Gunil and Jungsu decided to share a chocolate milkshake.

Jungsu and Gunil started talking, although Seungmin wanted to concentrate on the conversation. He couldn't, his attention diverted to one boy who had just entered with his parents.

The boy passed their table, Seungmin smiled at him and he smiled back.

The older boy blushed as Hyeongjun sat at the table on his right side.

Suddenly, a huge wave of panic came across Seungmin. He stood up, which reminded Jungsu and Gunil that he was here. "What's wrong Seungmin?" Gunil looked at the boy confused and slightly hurt.

"I forgot, I have..  to clean my house" Jungsu furrowed his eyebrows in all the years he had known Seungmin, he knew the boy had a maid at his house. But simply nodded, he decided to not question it at all.


-Jude out!


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